
This is STAppClient.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* 	STAppClient.m written by Robert Vasvari 1/95
	This class connects to the remote server, and implements
	basic error handling (if the server goes down it will
	automatically reconnect.


#import "STDefines.h"
#import "STAppClient.h"
#import "STAppServer.h"

@implementation STAppClient

/* this is a sample method to connect to a fictitious server app. 
	servernameProxy is an instance variable that represents
	a connection to a server. You app accesses the server
	like this:
	[[STAppClient servername] remoteMessage:arg];
+ servername 
	 {	servernameProxy=[self connectToApp:
	 	[NSString stringWithCString:servername]
	return [servernameProxy remoteServer];


+ connectToApp:(NSString *)anAppName usingProtocol:(Protocol *)aProtocol
id newClient=[[self alloc] init];
	[newClient setProtocol:aProtocol];
	[newClient setServerName:anAppName];
	if([newClient getRemoteServer])
		return newClient;
	else return nil;

- setProtocol:aProtocol
{	proto=aProtocol;
	return self;

- setServerName:(NSString *)anAppName
{	if(serverName) [serverName autorelease];
	serverName=[anAppName retain];
	return self;

- getRemoteServer
char buf[1024];
NSString *s;

	 { 	NXRunAlertPanel("Alert","Do not know who to connect to!",
	 	return self;
	s=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", serverName];

	/* this will start it if it isn't running */
	if(NXPortFromName([serverName cString], NULL)!=PORT_NULL)
		/* get the proxy (times out after a minute) */
		remoteServer=[NXConnection connectToName:
					[s cString] onHost:buf];
		/* To make sure the app is fully initialized
		   you should send a message to the server
		   that returns a value. That will block your
		   app until the server is fully initialized:
		   [(STAppServer *)remoteServer appName];
	 { 	NXRunAlertPanel("Alert","Cannot find %s",
	    NULL,NULL,NULL, [serverName cString]);
		return nil;

    [[remoteServer connectionForProxy]

	[remoteServer setProtocolForProxy:proto];
	return self;

- senderIsInvalid:sender
	//printf("in senderIsValid\n");
	/* if the server quits, the system frees the proxy */
    return self;

- remoteServer
	/* make sure we have a connection */
	if(!remoteServer) [self getRemoteServer];
	return remoteServer;


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