
This is Calculator.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

**	 Solution to Calculator exercise, lab #1.
**	 Authors: Bruce Blumberg and Doug Keislar, NeXT Technical Support

#import "Calculator.h"
#import <string.h>
#import <math.h>	/* for extensions to existing functionality */	
#import <appkit/Application.h>
#import <appkit/TextField.h>

@implementation Calculator

	self = [super new];	    /* create new instance of calculator */
	strcpy(viewerStr,"");	    /* initialize string for viewer */
	topOfStack = -1;	    /* initialize stack */
	frozen = NO;
	return self;

	else {
		[self stackError:"stack underflow"];

		stack[++topOfStack] = aNum;
	else [self stackError:"stack overflow"];
	return self;

	if (frozen)
		return (0.0);
        if (viewerStr[0]) 
		[self enter:self];	/* push displayed value to stack,
					if it hasn't already been done */
	return ([self pop]);

	if (frozen)
		return self;
	[viewer setFloatValue:aNum]; 	/* display current value */
	strcpy(viewerStr,"");		/* and empty out string for next */
	return self;

	if (frozen)
		return self;
	[self push:aNum];
	[self displayValue:aNum];
	return self;

	if (frozen)
		return self;
	[self push:[viewer floatValue]];
	return self;

	if (frozen)  
		frozen = NO;	     
	[self displayValue:0.0];
	return self;

	char	digitBuf[2];
	if (frozen)
		return self;
			/* get the new digit from the  button's tag and 
			  append it to the displayed string */
	sprintf(digitBuf,"%d",[sender selectedTag]);  
			/* we use selectedTag instead of tag, in case the
			button is part of a matrix */	
	[viewer setStringValue:viewerStr];
	return self;
	if (!frozen)	{	
		[viewer setStringValue:viewerStr];
	return self;

	if (!frozen) 
		[self pushAndDisplay:[self getOperand] + [self getOperand]];
	return self;

	if (!frozen)		
		[self pushAndDisplay:-[self getOperand] + [self getOperand]];
	return self;

	if (!frozen)		
		[self pushAndDisplay:[self getOperand] * [self getOperand]];
	return self;

	double firstOp;
	if (!frozen)
		firstOp = [self getOperand];
		[self pushAndDisplay:[self getOperand]/firstOp];
	return self;

-changeSign:(id)sender		/* we don't  push to stack here, so digits
				 can be appended after sign is changed */
	if (!frozen)
		[viewer setFloatValue:(-[viewer floatValue])];
		strcpy (viewerStr,[viewer stringValue]);
	return self;

	[viewer setStringValue:errorMsg];
	frozen = YES;
	topOfStack = -1;  	   /* stack errors re-initialize stack */
	return self;

- setAWindow:anObject		/* associate the outlet "aWindow" with
				   the user-interface window, "anObject"  */
 	 aWindow = anObject;
  	 [aWindow setDelegate:self];	  /* needed for windowWillClose: */
  	 return self;

- setViewer:anObject		/*  initialize the other outlet, viewer  */
	  viewer = anObject;
	  return self;

- windowWillClose:sender 	/* needed only if calculator has a close
		       button that will be used for quitting the application,
		       as a supplement to the "Quit" menu item. This is
		       not recommended; normally only the "Quit" menu
		       item should cause an application to quit. */
	[NXApp terminate:self];
	return self;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.