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Object Category:  Information Display Object/UI Object

Product Name:  ImageScrollView/MiniView

Product Description:
ImageScrollView is a subclass of ScrollView designed specifically for
viewing very large images such as digitized X-rays.  It features intuitive
scrolling of the image as well as a pop-up menu for scaling the image.

MiniView displays a minaturized version of the image displayed in the
ImageScrollView.  The portion of the image currently displayed in the
scrollview is highlighted and is constantly updated as the image is scrolled
or scaled.  Through two-way connections, dragging the highlighted portion of
the MiniView also scrolls the ImageScrollView.

When used together, these two objects, ImageScrollView and MiniView, become
a powerful paradigm for easily examining large images.

University		Department of Radiology
Address:		Ohio State University Hospital
				110 West 10th Avenue
				Columbus, OH  43210

Phone:  (614) 447-9194

E-Mail address:  mitroo@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu

Pricing Information:  $45.00 - no royalties

Source code available:  Included

Support available:  Via e-mail

On-line Help:  none

Documentation Availability:  Included

Localization Support:  none

Availability:  Now

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