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Release 1.0 (Developed under NeXTStep 3.0 Pre-release 2) Copyright 1992 by Georges CHAN. GifDecode INHERITS FROM Object DECLARED IN GifDecode.h CLASS DESCRIPTION GifDecode is an abstract class for reading a GIF˛ (version 87a or 89a) file. By incorporating the GifDecode class to an application, it will enable such application to read a GIF˛ file without requiring any prior conversion of the input GIF˛ file.The image(s) decoded from the GIF˛ file are stored into either an array of NXBitmapImageRep or an array of NXImage. METHOD TYPES Initializing a new GifDecode instance - initFromFile: INSTANCE METHODS initFromFile: - initFromFile:(const char *)filename bitList: (id *) mapList maxiNo: (int) maxi noOfFrame: (int *) noImage winSize: (NXSize *) screenSize useOrCoord: (int) useOr Initializes the receiver, an array of NXBitmapImageRep (i.e. mapList) of size maxi, with the image specified in filename, which can be a full or relative pathname. The file should be a GIF˛ file of version 87a or 89a. The total number of images decoded from the GIF˛ is stored in noImage. If maxi is set to 1, then only the first image of a multiple images GIF˛ file is fetched otherwise the decoder will fetch up to maxi numbers of image from a GIF˛ file (if exist). The size of each NXBitmapImageRep is set as the same as the one found in the GIF˛ file. The size of the screen, as found in the GIF˛ file, is returned through screenSize. By setting useOr to YES (or 1), the decoder will use the starting point (i.e. upper left corner) of the image as it is described in the GIF˛ file. On the other hand, if useOr is set to NO (or 0) then the starting point of the image will be forced to be at the upper left corner of the window. After finishing the initialization, this method returns self. However, if the new instance can't be initialized or an error occurred during the decoding process, and nil is returned. - initFromFile:(const char *)filename imageList: (id *) imList maxiNo: (int) maxi noOfFrame: (int *) noImage winSize: (NXSize *) screenSize useOrCoord: (int) useOr Does the same thing as the previous initFromFile method except that the receiver is an array of NXImage (i.e. imList) and of size maxi. Note: For GIF˛ file of version 89a, only the images are processed, i.e. all extension blocks are skipped. ˛GIF is the copyright property of CompuServe Inc., GIF (sm) is a service mark property of CompuServe Inc.
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