
This is ErgoApp.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/Application.h>

#define	BOARD_FILLED   0
#define	NO_OPPONENTS   1
#define	TIMER_RAN_OUT  2

#define	WHITE_WINS  1
#define	GAME_TIED   0
#define	BLACK_WINS  -1

@interface ErgoApp : Application {
    id     boardWindow;
    id     highlightedSquare;
    BOOL   isSomeoneSelected;
    BOOL   isWhiteMove;
    short  numberThatAllowed;

- allowOtherColorMove;
- gameOverDueTo: (short) type winner: (short) winType;
- highlightedSquare;
- (BOOL) isSomeoneSelected;
- (BOOL) isWhiteMove;
- letOtherColorMove;
- makeSquaresPerform: (SEL) aMessage;
- makeSquaresPerform: (SEL) aMessage with: sender;
- setHighlightedSquare: aSquare;
- setIsSomeoneSelected: (BOOL) state;
- setIsWhiteMove: (BOOL) state;

/* Private methods: */

- appDidInit: sender;
- viewList;


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