
This is TestManager.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//  TestManager.m
//  You may freely copy, distribute, and reuse the code in this example.
//  NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or  implied, as to its
//  fitness for any particular use.

#import "TestManager.h"
#import "EmbeddedGraphic.h"

@implementation TestManager
- init
	self = [super init];
	[EmbeddedGraphic class];//hack to insure text knows right rtf directives
	return self;
- addGraphic:sender
	id theEG;
    int successful;
    static const char *const types[] = {"eps","tiff", NULL};
    successful = [[OpenPanel new] runModalForTypes:types];
    if (!successful) return self;
	theEG = [[EmbeddedGraphic alloc] init];
	[theEG setFile:[[OpenPanel new] filename]];
	[theText replaceSelWithCell:theEG];
    return self;

- open:sender
    int successful;
    NXRTFDError openResult;
    static const char *const types[] = {"rtfd", NULL};
    successful = [[OpenPanel new] runModalForTypes:types];
    if (!successful) return self;
    openResult = [theText openRTFDFrom:[[OpenPanel new] filename]];
    if (openResult != NX_RTFDErrorNone) {
	NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName],
		"Problems opening the file %s. Error %d.",
		[[OpenPanel new] filename], openResult);
	return self;
    [[theText window] setTitleAsFilename:[[OpenPanel new] filename]];
	return self;
- save:sender
    int successful;
    NXRTFDError saveResult;
    [[SavePanel new] setRequiredFileType:"rtfd"];
    successful = [[SavePanel new] runModal];
    if (!successful) return self;
    saveResult = [theText saveRTFDTo:[[SavePanel new] filename]
    if (saveResult != NX_RTFDErrorNone) {
	NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName],
		"Problems saving the file %s. Error %d.",
		[[SavePanel new] filename], saveResult);
	return self;
    [[theText window] setTitleAsFilename:[[SavePanel new] filename]];
    return self;

//Finally, the error handler's method:

- (BOOL)attemptOverwrite:(const char *)filename
	    NXRunAlertPanel([NXApp appName], "Permissions problem: unable to save 	file %s", NULL, NULL, NULL, filename);
	    return NO;

- awakeFromNib
    [theText setSel:0 :0];
    [[theText window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
    return self;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.