
This is DemoDiagram.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "DemoDiagram.h"
#import "DiagramCell.h"

@implementation DemoDiagram

- initFrame:(NXRect *)r
	[super initFrame:r];
	/* Compute view limits for later use. */
	itemList=[[List alloc] initCount:10];  //List of graphic items in the diagram
	[self setClipping:NO];			//Faster, and we'll be careful
	return self;

- setBackground:(NXImage *)anImage
	return self;

/* Drawing the view consists simply of compositing the background, then compositing
each of the graphic items. */

- drawSelf:(NXRect *)rect :(int)c
	int i;
	[bgImage composite:NX_COPY toPoint:&bounds.origin];
	for (i=0; i<[itemList count]; i++){
		[[itemList objectAt:i] drawSelf];
	return self;

- addItem:item
	[itemList addObject:item];
	[self display];
	return self;

/* When the mouse goes down, search the item list, from top to bottom, for the first
object answering self to the mouseHit request.  That becomes the moused object. */

- mouseDownAction:(NXPoint *)location
	id item;
	int i;
	for (i=[itemList count]-1; i>=0; i--){
		item=[itemList objectAt:i];
		if([item mouseHit:location]){
			oldMouse=*location;		//save first mouse location
	[self lockFocus];			//prepare to draw while dragging
	return self;

/* When dragging, ask each item to draw its intersection with the dirty rectangle. */

- mouseDraggedAction:(NXPoint *)newMouse
	int i;
	NXPoint mouseLoc;		//location of the mouse cursor;
	float dx,dy;			//relative x and y changes;
	NXRect dirtyRect,newRect;
	if(!mousedObject)return self;	// If no mousehit in mouseDown
	/* Save rectangle before moving as initial dirty rect */
	[mousedObject getFrame:&dirtyRect];

	/* This is the new location of the mouse */
	/* First, constrain mouse point to appear to be in the view */
	if(mouseLoc.x > maxX)mouseLoc.x = maxX;
	if(mouseLoc.x < minX)mouseLoc.x = minX;
	if(mouseLoc.y > maxY)mouseLoc.y = maxY;
	if(mouseLoc.y < minY)mouseLoc.y = minY;
	/* Now, find effective change in x and y */
	/* Save mouse location for next time around */
	/* Finally, ask item to move as far as it can within the bounds of the view. */
	[mousedObject moveBy:dx :dy inViewRect:&bounds];
	/* Find out where it ended up */
	[mousedObject getFrame:&newRect];
	/* Compute dirty rectangle that needs redrawing */
	NXUnionRect(&newRect,&dirtyRect);  //replaces second rect with union
	/* Now time to draw in the view */
		/* Erase dirty rectangle in the view*/
		[bgImage composite:NX_COPY fromRect:&dirtyRect toPoint:&dirtyRect.origin];
		/* For each object, redraw the portion that intersects the dirty rect. */
		for (i=0; i<[itemList count]; i++)
			[[itemList objectAt:i] drawInDirtyRect:&dirtyRect];

	[window flushWindow];
	return self;

- mouseUpAction:(NXPoint *)location
	[self unlockFocus];
	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.