
This is Random.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	Version 0.0		8/21/90		Ernest N. Prabhakar

#import <objc/Object.h>

@interface Random : Object
  * Random is an OOPS interface to the Unix psuedo-random number generator.
  * It can output flat, gaussian, or exponential statistics.
  * You can set limits for the various ranges.
  * Default type is float, though you can get flat ints.
    float low;			/* Limits on number returned */
    float range;		/* high - low of number returned */
    int type;			/* Type of value returned  */
  * Creating and freeing a Random object
  * Archiving
  * Giving random position in Random before marker.

+ initialize;
 * Seed the Random number generator

+ new;
 * New generator with 16 bytes of data

+ newCount:(unsigned)numSlots;
 * New generator with n (8 or more) bytes of data

- seed;
 * Random seed.  Generates a new Random sequence

- seedFixed;
 * Generates a fixed sequence, for testing. 

- (int)integer;
 * Returns an 31-bit integer less than LONG_MAX

- (float) unit;
 * Returns the appropriate type of random number, of unit 'size'.

- (float)number;
 * Returns a scaled random number of the current type

- (int)whole;
 * Returns a whole  number of the current type

- (float)flat;
- (float)exp;
- (float)gauss;
 * Sets the default type of random number
 * Returns the desired value, scaled as needed.

- (float)scaleFrom:(float)nLow to:(float)nHigh;
 * Set the range of values to return, especially for flat.

- (float)scaleMean:(float)nMean stdDev:(float)nDev;
 * Set the range of values to return, especially for gaussian.

- (int)partition:(int)numTotal part:(int)num of:(int)denom;
 * Return a random number in a given interval, as in
 * parition:12 part:2 of:3 giving 4,5,6, or 7.


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