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/* File States/Plain.m The state object keeps track of information specific to the current state of the puzzle. Different types of search need different types of information. The basic state object is intended for plain depth first search. It keeps track of squares, words, and a cache for letter counts. */ #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import <stdlib.h> #import "Plain.h" #import "Puzzle.h" #import "FunctionCache.h" #import "Crossword.h" #import "CrosswordSquare.h" /* 行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行 */ #define CACHESIZE 3000 /* 行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行 */ @implementation PlainState - squareClass { return [PlainSquare class]; } - wordClass { return [PlainWord class]; } - getPuzzle { return puzzle; } - getWords { return words; } - getSquares { return squares; } - (FunctionCache *) getCountCache { return countCache; } /* 行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行 */ - initPuzzle: (id) thePuzzle { [super init]; puzzle = thePuzzle; countCache = [[FunctionCache alloc] initKey: "*" value: "!" capacity: CACHESIZE freeKey: free freeValue: free ]; [self makeSquares]; [self makeWords]; return self; } - free { [[squares freeObjects] free]; [[words freeObjects] free]; [countCache free]; return [super free]; } - makeSquares { int i, j; int rows, cols; id crossword, cell; id square; id squareClass; [crossword = [puzzle getCrossword] getNumRows: &rows numCols: &cols]; squareClass = [self squareClass]; for (squares = [[List alloc] init], i = 0; i < rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) if ([cell = [crossword cellAt: i: j] isOpaque]) { square = [[squareClass alloc] initPuzzle: puzzle cell: cell]; [squares addObject: square]; [cell setData: square]; } return self; } - makeWords { int i, j; id wordSquares; id wordList, squareList; id word, square; id wordClass; wordList = [[puzzle getCrossword] getWords]; wordClass = [self wordClass]; i = [wordList count]; while (i--) if ([[wordList objectAt: i] count] >= MINLETTERS) { word = [[wordClass alloc] initPuzzle: puzzle]; wordSquares = [[List alloc] init]; squareList = [wordList objectAt: i]; j = [squareList count]; while (j--) { square = [[squareList objectAt: j] getData]; [wordSquares addObject: square]; [square addToWord: word at: j]; } [word setSquares: wordSquares]; } return self; } @end
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