
This is CrosswordSquare.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]


File CrosswordSquare.h

Crossword squares are the elements of a crossword matrix.  Each square is either transparent, in which case it appears as black, or contains a letter.  A square with a letter may be drawn using any color combination.  A square can also display a clue number in its upper left hand corner.


#import <appkit/Cell.h>
#import <appkit/color.h>

/* 行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行  */

#define	EMPTY	-1

typedef struct {
					NXColor		background;
					NXColor		text;
	} squareColor;

/* 行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行行  */

@interface CrosswordSquare:Cell
	BOOL			opaque;
	char			letter;
	int				number;
	squareColor		color;
	id				data;

- (BOOL) isOpaque;
- (char) getLetter;
- (int) getNumber;
- (squareColor) getColor;
- (id) getData;
- setLetter: (char) theLetter;
- setNumber: (int) theNumber;
- setColor: (squareColor) theColor;
- setData: (id) theData;
- init;
- write: (NXTypedStream *) stream;
- read: (NXTypedStream *) stream;
- (BOOL) startTrackingAt: (NXPoint *) point  inView: (id) matrix;
- paint: (id) matrix;
- drawInside: (const NXRect *) frame  inView: (id) matrix;


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