
This is ContourView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* ContourView.h -- header file for ContourView class
 * Start 92-05-18  -- See ContourView.m for version and history information.
 * Izumi Ohzawa

#import <objc/objc.h>		/* for BOOL values YES, NO */
#import <appkit/View.h>
#import <appkit/color.h>
#import <dpsclient/dpsfriends.h>
#import "contour.h"

@interface ContourView:View
    NXImage  *imageCache;	// NXImage bitmap cache (NOT outlet)
    int	  cacheOK;		// non-zero if something has been written to imageCache
    // storage for moused GUI elements in this view.
    float pX_Vline;		// X position of movable vertical line in points
    float pY_Hline;		// Y position of movable horizontal line in points
    float lastx, lasty;
    BOOL   printCrossHair;	// flag to indicate that crosshair should be printed/copied.
    BOOL   continuousNotify;	// if yes, drag will continuously generate delegate messages
    id	   delegate;
    int    tag;

    // storage for scaling factors
    float pXmin, pXmax;	// X bounds of view in points
    float pYmin, pYmax; // Y bounds of view in points
    float ppxu;		// pixels(points) per unit of X
    float ppyu;		// pixels(points) per unit of Y
    float smallx, smally;	// for deciding contour closure
    float xdmin, xdmax;	// min, max values of X data
    float ydmin, ydmax; // min, max values of Y data
    float fdmin, fdmax;	// min, max values of Value

    int   nclevels;			// # of contour levels
    CntrAttribute *cA;			// Array of Contour attribute structures
    int numContours;			/* number of contours in contourList */
    ContourPath *contourList;		/* contour path list */
    ContourPath **SortedCntrPtr;	/* sorted index: array of pointers to contourList */

    // grid and value data storage
    int   ndata;	// total number of data points = jdim*kdim
    int   nx;		// expanded  (nx1+N6) (possibly interpolated grid size)
    int   ny;		//	     (ny1+N6)
    int   nx1;		// non-expanded (but possibly interpolated grid size)
    int   ny1;
    int   nxraw;	// non interpolated (raw grid size)
    int   nyraw;
    float *xd;		// x coordinate array for grid points
    float *yd;		// y coordinate array for gird points
    float *fd;		// value at grid point (x[i], y[i]), i=(0 .. ndata-1)
    float *xt, *yt;		/* temporary input arrays for interpolation */
    float **f2;
    float **fd2a;	// used for 2-d interpolation of RF map.
    int   bipolar;	// =1 if data are pos/neg, =0 if monopolar
    float basevalue;	// value to set to margin regions of expanded array for contour closure
    char *comment, *comment012;	// comment storage

    // Flags
//    int   ClearFlag;
    BOOL  enabled;
    BOOL  invertY;
    BOOL  debug;
    BOOL  doFill;
    BOOL  doContourStroke;
    BOOL  frameON;	// Draw bounds frame
    BOOL  axisON;	// Draw axis
    BOOL  gridON;	// Draw grid
    BOOL  ticksON;	// Draw ticks
    float frameLineWidth;
    float axisLineWidth;
    float gridLineWidth;
    float tickLineWidth, tickLength;
    float axisX, axisY;		// where to draw axis
    float gridXstep, gridYstep;	// spacing of grid
    int   minNumPoints;	// minimum mumber of points for a contour
    float griddash[2];		// for allocated array of grid

    // Attributes of contour lines and fills
    NXColor  positiveColor;	// color of maximum positive (or max monopolar)
    NXColor  negativeColor;	// color of extreme negative
    NXColor  backgroundColor;   // color of background
    NXColor  contourLineColor;  // color of contour lines
    NXColor  frameColor;	// color of frame rectangle (when enabled)
    NXColor  axisColor;
    NXColor  gridColor;
    NXColor  tickColor;
    float    minorContourLineWidth;	// linewidth of contour lines
    float    majorContourLineWidth;	// major contour's line width
    float    *ncontdash;		// for allocated array of negative contour dash
    int      Nncdash;		// array size specifying neg contour dash

- initFrame:(NXRect *)nf;
- free;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder;

// Mouse/Hit detection/dragging related methods.
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)event;
- (int) isHit:(const NXPoint *) p;
- dragMarker:(int)mk :(NXEvent *)event;
- enablePrintCrossHair:(BOOL)yn;
- enableContinuousNotify:(BOOL)yn;
- fakeMakerMovedFor:(int)mk;
- setMarkerPositionFor:(int)mk to:(float)pos;

- setScaleXY;
- setEnabled:(BOOL)yn;
- setComment:(char *)cstr :(int)len;
- setBipolar:(BOOL)yn;
- findMinMax:(float *)x :(int)npts :(float *)vmin :(float *)vmax;
- setInvertY:(BOOL)invy;
- setDebugEnable:(BOOL)de;
- setFillEnable:(BOOL)fe;
- setContourStrokeEnable:(BOOL)fe;

- setNumberOfContourLevels:(int)nl;
- setMinMaxOfContourLevels:(float)min :(float)max;
- setContourAttributeArray:(CntrAttribute *)caa :(int)nl;
- setDefaultContourAttributes;
- setContourLineColor:(NXColor)clc;
- setFrameColor:(NXColor)fc;
- setTickColor:(NXColor)fc;
- setGridColor:(NXColor)fc;
- setAxisColor:(NXColor)fc;
- setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)bc;
- setFillColors:(NXColor)pe :(NXColor)ne;

- horizCrossSectionAtY:(float)fy :(int)np forXs:(float *)fx :(float *)fcurve;
- vertCrossSectionAtX:(float)fx :(int)np forYs:(float *)fy :(float *)fcurve;

- setCartesianGridData:(float *)f :(float)xmin :(float)xmax
				  :(float)ymin :(float)ymax
				  ofSize:(int)nnx :(int)nny
				  withInterpolationTo:(int)n1x :(int)n1y;
- xMinMax:(float *)xmin :(float *)xmax;
- yMinMax:(float *)ymin :(float *)ymax;
- zMinMax:(float *)zmin :(float *)zmax;
- setGridAndValueData:(float *)x :(float *)y :(float *)f ofSize:(int)nnx :(int)nny;
- setFrameEnable:(BOOL)fflag lineWidth:(float)fw;
- setAxisEnable:(BOOL)fflag;
- setGridEnable:(BOOL)fflag;
- setTicksEnable:(BOOL)fflag;
- setAxisLineWidth:(float)alw position:(float)x :(float)y;
- setGridLineWidth:(float)glw spacing:(float)xs :(float)ys;
- setNumXgrid:(int)numXgrid;
- setTickLineWidth:(float)tlw length:(float)tll;
- setContourLineWidthMinor:(float)clw andMajor:(float)clwm;
- setGridDash:(float)lmark: (float)lspace;
- setContourDash:(float *)darray :(int)nd;

- setMinNumberOfPointsPerContour:(int)mnp;
- clear:sender;
- copy:sender;
- copyPScode:sender;
- beginTailorGroupWithComments;
- endTailorGroup;
- endHeaderComments;
- endPrologue;

// Drawing
- drawMarkers;
- updateImageCache;
- drawAll;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)r:(int)count;
- (int)saveEPStoFile:(const char *)fileName;
- plotContour:(ContourPath *)cntr :(DPSContext)cContext;
- findInsideHighLow:(ContourPath *)cntr;
- (BOOL)pointInDomain:(float)xx :(float)yy;
- freeContourList;

// Call back method messaged from computeContour() function.
- accumContour:(int)icont :(int)np :(float *)xc :(float *)yc;

- setDelegate:anObject;
- delegate;
- setTag:(int)t;
- (int) tag;


// For delegate messages
@interface	ContourViewDelegate: Object
// Sent when a contraint is moved.
- markerDidMove:(int)viewtag :(int)marker :(float)x :(float)y :(int)mup;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.