
[View MakeNR.sh] 



    Because the authors of the book "Numerical Recipes in C - The Art of
    Scientific Computing" does not allow source distribution of their routines,
    I cannot distribute splin2.c which is necessary for ContourView.  However,
    you can create my version of splin2.c using the "patch" program and applying
    the patch to the original files.
    [The restrictions stink, but I guess I have to be legal even if the rules
    are virtually unenforceable.]

    Here's how:

    [1] Obtain the following files from "Numerical Recipes in C" disk, and
	store them into the subdirectory ./NumRec
	splin2.c	splie2.c	splint.c	spline.c	nrutil.c

	These files should be obtained, if possible, from the 1-st edition's disk.
	I do not know if these files have changed from the 1-st to the 2-nd edition.

    [2] Rename them to *.c.orig, so you will have the following files in NumRec
	splin2.c.orig	splie2.c.orig	splint.c.orig	spline.c.orig	nrutil.c.orig

	Files MakeNR.sh and NRpatch should already be here.

    [3] Type "MakeNR.sh" from Terminal in NumRec directory.
	This creates the file splin2NEW.c.

    [4] Copy splin2NEW.c into the source directory as splin2.c

    [5] Build the application ContourPlot.

    ## NOTE: If you do not have the program "patch", you should get it.  If
	you don't want to mess with sources, executable for NeXT is available
	from "sutro.sfsu.edu" [] as /pub/patch.Z via anonymous FTP.

    ## NOTE2:  Be aware that there is a bug in the splin2.c in the book (both
	1-st and 2-nd editions and on the disk).  The patch fixes it.


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