
This is Document.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------

	RDR, Inc. 

	Objective-C interface file for the class Document

	COPYRIGHT (C), 1991, RDR, Inc.

	Responsible:			Approved:
	RDR:Ernest Prabhakar		

	Date:				Rev:
	1991-Jul-02			___

	Reference:			Document no:

                     Interface of class Document                      
#import <appkit/Responder.h>
#define Notify(title, msg) NXRunAlertPanel(title, msg, "OK", NULL, NULL)
#define	NotifyArg(title, msg, arg)\
 NXRunAlertPanel(title, msg, "OK", NULL, NULL, arg)

@interface Document : Responder
    BOOL haveSavedDocument;	/* is associated with a disk file */
    char *name;			/* the name of the document */
    char *directory;		/* the directory it is in */
    id window;			/* the window it is in */
    id contents;		/* the document's contents */
    id view;			/* main or current view */
    id printInfo;		/* Print Margins etc. */
    id listener;		/* Listen for Workspace Icons */

/* ---------------------- App Initialization ---------------------- */
+setExtension:(const char *)newExtension;
+(const char *)extension;

/* --------------------- Zone Control Methods --------------------- */
+(NXZone *)newZone;
+(void)reuseZone:(NXZone *)aZone;
+allocFromZone:(NXZone *)aZone;

/* --------------------- Initialize and Free ---------------------- */
+newFromContents:newContent withName:(const char *)newName;
+newFromFile:(const char *)file;

/* -------------------- Set Contents and View --------------------- */

/* --------------- Generate windows; set delegates ---------------- */
-getWindowFromNib:(const char *)nibFile;

/* ------------------- Register Window with WM -------------------- */

/* ---------------- Services menu support methods ----------------- */
-validRequestorForSendType:(NXAtom)sendType andReturnType:(NXAtom)returnType;
-writeSelectionToPasteboard:pboard types:(NXAtom *)types;

/* ----------------------- State Variables ------------------------ */

/* ------------------------ Action Methods ------------------------ */

/* ------------------ Name and Save the Document ------------------ */
-(const char *)filename;
-(const char *)directory;
-(const char *)name;
-setName:(const char *)newName andDirectory:(const char *)newDirectory;
-(BOOL)setName:(const char *)file;

/* ------------------- Window delegate methods -------------------- */
-windowWillClose:sender action:(const char *)action;
-windowWillResize:sender toSize:(NXSize *) size;
-windowWillMiniaturize:sender toMiniwindow:counterpart;

/* -------------------- Validate menu command --------------------- */


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