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intuitiv'3d API documentation Copyright ©1993 by Cub'x SystÜmes. All Rights Reserved. CX3DShader Inherits From: ObjectView : View : Responder : Object Declared In: i3d/CX3DShader.h Class Description CX3DShader is the object representation of Renderman shaders inside intuitiv'3d. Shaders are written using the Shading Language and compiled using the shaders application. A CX3DShader contains the name of the Renderman Shader it stands for and the parameters used when rendering. A shader instance is inspected by the Shader Panel of intuitiv'3d. CX3DShader is also an abstract super-class allowing you to provide some pre-rendering for shaders and special inspectors for one or more parameter of the shader. Instance Variables char className [CLASS_NAME_SIZE]; CXShaderType type; CXRenderType renderType; int argCount; CXArg *arg; BOOL canRender; float scale[3]; float dispBound; className The className of a shader is the name of the Renderman shader used when rendering. type The type of shader. (Surface , displacement, light, ... ) renderType How the shader should be rendered. Today, this is important for light shaders since more than one Renderman function can be used. argCount Number of arguments for the shader. arg Argument array. canRender This boolean value is equal to YES if the rendering is possible and NO if an information is missing. scale The scale used just before rendering the shader. dispBound The displacement bound used just before rendering a shader. Only displacement shaders are using displacement bound. Method Types Initializing, freeing and copying + (ExportedVariable*) exportedVariable - init - initWithShaderClassName: - copy - initParametersFromShader: anObject - free Rendering - preRender: - postRender: - render Attributes - setOwner: - owner - setDisplacementBound: - displacementBound - setScaleX:Y:Z: - getScaleX:Y:Z: - setShaderRenderType: - setDefaultShaderRenderType - shaderRenderType - argCount - argArray Information about the shader - renderTypeCompatible: - className - type Inspector - inspectorClass Archiving - read: - write: - awake Miscellaneous - calcSum Class Methods exportedVariable + (ExportedVariable*) exportedVariable This method returns a description of instance variable that must be saved or loaded. See also: ExportedVariable.rtf in the Functions folder. Instance Methods argCount - (unsigned int) argCount This methods returns the number of argument that the receiver is using. See also: - argArray, the file CX3DShader.rtf in the TypesAndConstants folder. argArray - (CXArg*) argArray This method returns the arguments currently used by the receiver. You can discover the number of argument by using the - argCount method. See also: - argCount, the file CX3DShader.rtf in the TypesAndConstants folder. awake - awake This method is called just after unarchiving an object. If you want to initialize some unsaved instance variable, you have to overload this method. Always call [super awake] in your implementation. See also: - read , - write calcSum - (unsigned int) calcSum This method is used by intuitiv'3d to discover if a scene has changed. The default implementation of this method calculates the sum of all instance variable. If your new subclass has some id instance variables, you should overload this method to count that instance variable contents. copy - copy Duplicates the receiver. Return the new instance. You should overload this method and duplicate your own instance variable. Your implementation of - copy should call [super copy]. className - (const char*) className This method returns the class (the Renderman shader's name) used by the receiver. See also: - initWithShaderClassName: displacementBound - (float) displacementBound This method returns the value of the displacementBound instance variable. See also: - setDisplacementBound free - free Free the memory used by the receiver. You should overload this method in order to free the memory used by your own instance variables. getScaleX:Y:Z - getScaleX:(float*) x Y:(float*) y Z:(float*) z This function fill the x,y and z pointer with the value of the receiver's scale instance variable. init - init Initializes and returns the receiver, a new CX3Shader instance. The subclass should overload the - init method to initialize its new instance variables. Subclass's version of - init should began with a [super init] call. See also: - initWithShaderClassName: initParametersFromShader: - initParametersFromShader: anObject This method initialize the receiver's argument array with the values used by anObject. anObject and the receiver should use the same Renderman shader (className instance variables should be the same). initWithShaderClassName: - initWithShaderClassName:(const char*) aName This method call the - init method and then initializes the receiver with all information needed to use the shader aName. The shader is useable after this call. Shader's parameters are initialized with there default values. Returns the receiver. See also: - init , - className inspectorClass - inspectorClass This method should return the inspector used by the receiver. You must overload this method if you want to write a better inspector for your new shader. The default implementation returns [CX3DGenericShaderInspector class]. owner - owner This method returns the owner of the receiver. See also: - setOwner postRender - postRender: aDisplayer This method is called by the rendering pipeline to allow the receiver to free any memory allocated by the preRender: method or to erase any file created by the preRender: method. The default implementation of postRender: does nothing. See also: The file Concepts/Rendering.rtf , - preRender, - render preRender - preRender: aDisplayer This method is called by the rendering pipeline to allow the receiver to perform its pre-rendering operations. The default implementation of - preRender does nothing. aDisplayer is the Displayer instance that manage the rendering. See also:The file Concepts/Rendering.rtf, - postRender: , - render read - read:(NXTypedStream*) stream This method is used by the archiving system. The default implementation of this method call the evReadVariableForObject() function. You have to overload this method only if your instance variables cannot be managed by the exported variable features. See also: ExportedVariable.rtf in the Functions folder., - write, - awake render - render The render method is called by the rendering pipeline to ask the receiver to set in the Renderman graphic context the shader className with parameters in the arg instance variable. The default version of this method is able to render any shader. You have to overload this method if you want to use some pre-rendering. See also: - preRender: , -postRender renderTypeCompatible: - (BOOL) renderTypeCompatible:(CXRenderType) renderType This method allows you to discover if a render type is useable by the receiver. This method is used by the shader itself and you don't have to use this method directly. setDefaultShaderRenderType - setDefaultShaderRenderType This method sets the default Renderman function that can be used according to the receiver's type to render the shader. The renderType instance variable defines which Renderman function will be used in order to render the shader. The following table shows how this initialization is performed. Type Function CXSTSurface CXRTSurface CXSTLight CXRTAeraLight CXSTDisplacement CXRTDisplacement CXSTVolume CXRTVolume Other type CXRTUndefined See also: - setRenderType:, - shaderRenderType , the file CX3DShader.rtf in the TypesAndConstants folder. setDisplacementBound: - setDisplacementBound:(float) aValue This method affects the contents of the displacementBound instance variable. This value is given when rendering to the function RiAttribute with the "bound" parameter. This is useful for displacement mapping. See also: - displacementBound, RiAttribute setOwner: - setOwner: anObject This method sets the shader owner. The shader is applied onto its owner.A nil owner means no owner. See also: - owner setScaleX:Y:Z: - setScaleX:(float) x Y: (float) y Z: (float) z This method affects the contents of the scale instance variable. The scale instance variable is applied to the graphic context just before rendering the shader. See also: - getScaleX:Y:Z setShaderRenderType: - setShaderRenderType:(CXRenderType) renderType This methods sets the value of the renderType instance variable. The renderType instance variable defines which Renderman function will be used in order to render the shader. Returns the receiver. See also: - setDefaultShaderRenderType, - shaderRenderType,the file CX3DShader.rtf in the TypesAndConstants folder. shaderRenderType - (CXRenderType) shaderRenderType This method returns the receiver's shader render type. See also: - setDefaultShaderRenderType, - setShaderRenderType,the file CX3DShader.rtf in the TypesAndConstants folder. type - (CXShaderType) type This method returns the type of the receiver. The type of a CX3DShader is defined by the type of its class. This variable is affected only during the call - initWithShaderClassName:. See also: the file CX3DShader.rtf in the TypesAndConstants folder. write - write:(NXTypedStream*) stream This method is used by the archiving system. The default implementation of this method calls the evWriteVariableForObject() function. You have to overload this method only if your instance variables cannot be managed by the exported variable features. See also: ExportedVariable.rtf in the Functions folder., - read, - awake
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