ftp.nice.ch/pub/next/developer/objc/api/MetroToolsAPI.s.tar.gz#/MetroTools API/SampleNiteLiteProject/Blob/mtClassNiteLite.h

This is mtClassNiteLite.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <appkit/Window.h>
#import "ScreenSaver.h"

/* module list structure */
typedef struct
		char	modName[128];
		char	modPath[MAXNAMLEN+1];
		id		theMod;
		int		modType;		/* module type */
		int		modListIndex;
	} ssModRec, *ssModPtr;

@interface mtClassNiteLite:Object
	/* ib objects */
	id			EnableBDCheck;
	id			EnableSSCheck;
    id			ForeBackRadio;
    id			ModuleList;
    id			MainWindow;
    id			PrefsWindow;
    id			ModuleView;
	id			DefModule;
	id			ModuleViewRadio;
	id			BackColorWell;
	id			AutoLockCheck;
	/* my stuff */
	ssModPtr	modList;
	int			nModules;
	ssPrefRec	curSettings;
	int			curForeIndex;
	int			curBackIndex;
	int			curModIndex;
	BOOL		modulesLoaded;

- SetForeBack:sender;
- LaunchSS:sender;
- LockSS:sender;
- SetBackColor:sender;
- SetModuleView:sender;
- SetCurModule:sender;
- EnableController:sender;
- SetAutoLock:sender;

- SetPrefsFile;
- ssModChanged;
- GetPrefsFile;

- BuildModuleList;
- LoadSSModules;
- MatchListAndPrefs;
- SetupListAndView;

/* MetroTools methods */

- GetToolWindow:(Window**)theWind;
- DisplayPrefs;
- (BOOL) DisplayHelp;
- InitSelf:(unsigned short*)toolFlags;
- doActivate;
- doDeactivate;
- unload;

/* drag-and-drop routines */		/* gvh */

- (BOOL)MTiconEntered:(id *)iconView:(id *)fileNameTextField:(BOOL *)doFolders;

- (void)MTiconExited:sender;
- (void)MTiconReleased:sender;

- (BOOL)MTprocessFile:(char *)name;

- (void)MTfinished:sender;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.