
This is Graphity_APIListener.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/Listener.h>
@interface Graphity_APIListener : Listener
-(int)API_setValueAtRow : (int) row
	serie : (int) serie
	to : (double) v
	for : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	display : (int) display
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_setLabelAt : (int) row
	to : (char *) label
	for : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	display : (int) display
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_setSerieTitleFor : (int) serie
	to : (char *) label
	for : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	display : (int) display
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_redisplay : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_recalculate : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_newDocument : (char *) name
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_saveDocument : (char *) name
	type : (int) type
	to : (char *) path
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_shapeDocument : (char *) name
	x : (double) x
	y : (double) y
	width : (double) w
	height : (double) h
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_closeDocument : (char *) name
	warn : (int) warn
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_openDocument : (char *) path
	type : (int) type
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_addGraph : (int) type
	with : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_addSerie : (char *) title
	for : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_addRow : (char *) label
	for : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_shapeGraph : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	x : (double) x
	y : (double) y
	width : (double) w
	height : (double) h
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_setGraphTypeFor : (char *) name
	in : (char *) doc
	to : (int) type
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_readDataFrom : (char *) file
	graph : (char *) name
	in : (char *) docname
	error : (int *) error;
-(int)API_getGraphSize : (char *) name
	in : (char *) docname
	rowCount : (int *) rowCount
	serieCount : (int *) serieCount
	error : (int *) error;

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