
This is GraphityAPIDemo3.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "app.h"

#define GRAPH_NAME	"MyGraph3"

void aTimerProc(DPSTimedEntry teNumber, double now, char *userdata)
	[(id)userdata doYourThing: now];

@implementation GraphityAPIDemo3

- reportError: (const char *)message;
	NXRunAlertPanel("Problem!", message, "OK", NULL, NULL);
	return self;

- initSpeaker;
	port_t aPort;
	if(theSpeaker == nil) 
		theSpeaker = [[Graphity_APISpeaker allocFromZone:[self zone]]
	if([theSpeaker sendPort] != PORT_NULL) return self;
	aPort = NXPortFromName("Graphity", NULL);
	if(aPort == PORT_NULL) {
		[self reportError: "Could not launch Graphity!"];
		return nil;
	[theSpeaker setSendPort:aPort];
	return self;

- newDocument:sender
	int x, error;
	const char *name = [theNameField stringValue];
	if([self initSpeaker] == nil)
		return nil;
	x = [theSpeaker API_newDocument: (char *)name error:&error];
	if(x != 0) {
		[self reportError: "Communication problem!"];
		return nil;
	if(error != GRAPHITY_OK) {
		[self reportError: "Graphity could not create new doc!"];
		return nil;
	[self shapeDocument:nil];
	[theNameField setEnabled:NO];
	[theAddButton setEnabled:YES];
    	return self; 

- addGraph:sender
	int x, error;
	const char *name = GRAPH_NAME;
	const char *docname = [theNameField stringValue];
	if([self initSpeaker] == nil)
		return nil;
	x = [theSpeaker API_addGraph: GRAPHITY_BAR_GRAPH
			with: (char *)name
			in: (char *)docname 
	if(x != 0) {
		[self reportError: "Communication problem!"];
		return nil;
	if(error != GRAPHITY_OK) {
		[self reportError: "Graphity could not create new graph!"];
		return nil;

	[theSpeaker API_redisplay:(char *)name
			in: (char *)docname 
	[theStartButton setEnabled:YES];
    	return self;

- shapeDocument:sender
	int a, error;
	const char *docname = [theNameField stringValue];
	float x = 0;
	float y = 0;
	float w = 550;
	float h = 700;
	if([self initSpeaker] == nil)
		return nil;
	a = [theSpeaker API_shapeDocument:(char *)docname
		    y: y
		    error: &error];
	if(a != 0) {
		[self reportError: "Communication problem!"];
		return nil;
	if(error != GRAPHITY_OK) {
		[self reportError: "Graphity could not shape document!"];
		return nil;
    	return self;

- graphData:sender
	int x, error;
	const char *name = GRAPH_NAME;
	const char *docname = [theNameField stringValue];
	const char *tmpFile = "/tmp/GraphityDemo3.data";	// ugly
	const char *aScript = [theScript stringValue];	
	int rowCount = -1;
	int serieCount = -1;
	char aBuf[512];
    // run shell script and place output in tmpFile
	sprintf(aBuf, "%s > %s", aScript, tmpFile);
    // init speaker
	if([self initSpeaker] == nil)
		return nil;
    // tell Graphity to parse data in tmpFile
	x = [theSpeaker API_readDataFrom:(char *)tmpFile
			graph:(char *)name
			in:(char *)docname
			error: &error];
	if(x != 0) {
		[self reportError: "Communication problem!"];
		return nil;
	if(error != GRAPHITY_OK) {
		[self reportError: "Graphity could not parse data file!"];
		return nil;
    // get the size of the data
	[theSpeaker API_getGraphSize:(char *)name
		in:(char *)docname
		rowCount: &rowCount
		serieCount: &serieCount
		error: &error];
	[[theSizeForm findCellWithTag: 1] setIntValue: serieCount];
	[[theSizeForm findCellWithTag: 0] setIntValue: rowCount];
    	return self;

- startTimer:sender;
	[self startTheTimer:YES];
	[theStopButton setEnabled:YES];
	[theStartButton setEnabled:NO];
	[self doYourThing:0];
	return self;

- stopTimer:sender;
	[self startTheTimer:NO];
	[theStopButton setEnabled:NO];
	[theStartButton setEnabled:YES];
	return self;

- startTheTimer:(BOOL)flag;
	double period = [theFreq doubleValue];
	if(!flag) {
		if(theTimer != NULL)
		theTimer = (DPSTimedEntry)NULL;	
		return self;
	if(theTimer != NULL)
	theTimer = DPSAddTimedEntry(period, 
				(void *)self, NX_BASETHRESHOLD);
	return self;

- doYourThing:(double)now;
	[theMessage setStringValue: "Sending data to Graphity..."];
	[self graphData:nil];
	[theMessage setStringValue: ""];
	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.