
This is Neuron.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* =======================================================
	Neural Network Classes for the NeXT Computer
	Written by: Ralph Zazula
					University of Arizona
					zazula@bonehead.tucson.az.us (NeXT Mail)
/*$Log:	Neuron.m,v $
Revision 1.4  92/01/14  21:19:46  zazula
Check in before starting HashTable mod

Revision 1.3  92/01/02  14:04:31  zazula
Faster linked-list for connections
No more Storage object

Revision 1.2  92/01/02  12:41:34  zazula
Initial version - support for stochastic networks via temperature T
#import "Neuron.h"
#import <appkit/nextstd.h>
#import "math.h"


@implementation Neuron

- inputs { return inputs; }
- setType:(int)type { nodeType = type; return self; }
- (int)getType { return nodeType; }
- setTemp:(double)newT { T = newT; return self; }
- (double)getTemp { return T; }
- setRandom:theRandom { random = theRandom; return self; }
- setSymmetric:(BOOL)sym { Symmetric = sym; return self; }
- (BOOL)getSymmetric { return Symmetric; }


- (double)activation:(double)net
   double   temp;
	if(random == nil) random = [[Random alloc] init];
   switch (nodeType) {
   case Binary :
      if(T > 0.0)
         temp = ([random percent] <= 1.0/(1.0+exp(-2*net/T))) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
         temp = (net > 0.5) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
   case Sigmoid : 
      temp = 1.0/(1.0+exp(-net));
   case Sign : 
      if(T > 0.0)
         temp = ([random percent] <= 1.0/(1.0+exp(-2*net/T))) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
         temp = (net > 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
   case Tanh :
		if(T > 0.0)
			temp = tanh(net/T);
      	temp = tanh(net);
   return temp;


- init
   [super init];
   lastOutput = 0.0;
   nodeType = Sigmoid;        // default node type
   T = 0.0;                   // default temperature
  	head = tail = NULL;			// initialize the linked-list of connections
	Symmetric = NO;				// default Symmetric connection status
   return self;


- step
// update the output value based on our inputs
   int i = 0;
   connection *C;
   double temp=0.0;     // use temp variable to allow for feedback
	C = head;
	while(C != NULL) {
		temp += C->weight*[C->source lastOutput];
		C = (connection *)C->next;
   lastOutput = [self activation:temp];
   return self;


- (double)lastOutput
   return lastOutput;


- connect:sender
	if(random == nil) random = [[Random alloc] init];
   return [self connect:sender withWeight:[random percent]/10.0];


- connect:sender withWeight:(double)weight
// adds sender to the list of inputs
// we should check to make sure sender is a Neruon
// also need to check if it is already in the list
   connection *C;
   C = (connection *)malloc(sizeof(connection));
	if(head == NULL) {
		head = C;
	else {
		tail->next = C;
	tail = C;
   C->source = sender;
   C->weight = weight;
	C->next   = NULL;
   return self;


- (double)getWeightFor:source
   int i=0;
   connection *C;

	C = head;
	while((C != NULL) && (C->source != source))
		C = (connection *)C->next;
   if(C != NULL) {            // if C==NULL, source isn't an input
      return C->weight;
   else {
      fprintf(stderr,"connection not found in getWeightFor:\n");
      return NAN;


- setWeightFor:source to:(double)weight
   int i=0;
   connection *C;
	C = head;
	while((C != NULL) && (C->source != source))
		C = (connection *)C->next;
   if(C != NULL) {            // if C==NULL, source isn't an input
      C->weight = weight;
      return self;
   else {
      fprintf(stderr,"connection not found in setWeightFor:to:\n");
      return nil;


- setOutput:(double)output
   lastOutput = output;
   return self;

- changeWeightFor:source by:(double)delta
   int i=0;
   connection *C;
	C = head;
	while((C != NULL) && (C->source != source))
		C = (connection *)C->next;
   if(C != NULL) {            // if C==NULL, source isn't an input
      C->weight += delta;
		if(Symmetric) // for symmetric connections
   		[source setWeightFor:self to:C->weight];
      return self;
   else {
      fprintf(stderr,"connection not found in changeWeightfor:by:\n");
//      printf("connection not found in changeWeightfor:by:\n");
      return nil;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.