
This is AppController.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * 	You may freely copy, distribute, and reuse the code in this example.
 * 	SHL Systemhouse disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or  
 *	implied, as to its fitness for any particular use.
 *	AppController
 *	Inherits From:		NSObject
 *	Conforms To:		None
 *	Declared In:		AppController.h
#import "AppController.h"
#import "MyObject.h"
#import "ScrollViewExtensions.h"
#import <foundation/NSObject.h>
#import <foundation/NSString.h>
#import <foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h>
#import <appkit/appkit.h>

#define allocButton				[buttons1 findCellWithTag: 0]
#define deallocButton			[buttons1 findCellWithTag: 1]
#define retainButton			[buttons1 findCellWithTag: 2]
#define releaseButton			[buttons1 findCellWithTag: 3]
#define copyButton				[buttons1 findCellWithTag: 4]
#define autoreleaseButton		[buttons2 findCellWithTag: 5]
#define releasePoolButton		[buttons2 findCellWithTag: 6]

@interface AppController (Private)
- (void) _updateButtons;
- (void) _animatePool:(DPSTimedEntry)timedEntry;

@implementation AppController

 *	Action Methods
- alloc: sender
	NSString *text;
	object = [[MyObject alloc] init];
	text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%x", object];
	[objectText setStringValue: [text cString]];
	[objectRetainCount setIntValue: [object retainCount]];
	[self _updateButtons];
	return self;

- copy: sender
	NSString *text;

	copy = [object copy];
	[copyRetainCount setIntValue:[copy retainCount]];
	text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%x", copy];
	[copyText setStringValue: [text cString]];
	[copyButton setEnabled:NO];
	return self;

- retain: sender
	[object retain];
	[objectRetainCount setIntValue: [object retainCount]];
	[self _updateButtons];
	return self;

- release: sender
	[object release];
	if ([objectRetainCount intValue] == 1)
		[objectText setStringValue: "FREED(id)"];
		[objectRetainCount setIntValue: 0];
		object = nil;
		[objectRetainCount setIntValue: [object retainCount]];
	[self _updateButtons];
	return self;

- dealloc: sender
	switch (NXRunAlertPanel (NULL, 
		"Deallocing an object with references !\n%s", 
		"OK", "Cancel", NULL, "(Should never send dealloc directly.)"))
			[object dealloc];
			[objectText setStringValue: "FREED(id)"];
			[objectRetainCount setIntValue: 0];
			object = nil;
	[self _updateButtons];
	return self;

- allocPool: sender
	NSString *text;
	pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
	text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%x", pool];
	[poolText setStringValue: [text cString]];
	[poolObjectCount setIntValue: 0];
	return self;

- autorelease: sender
	id	myObject;
	if (pool == nil) [self allocPool:nil];
	myObject = [[MyObject alloc] init];
	[self _animatePool: NULL];
	[poolObjectCount setIntValue: [poolObjectCount intValue] + 1];
	[self _updateButtons];
	return [myObject autorelease];

- releasePool: sender
	[pool release];
	[poolButton setIcon: "pool_0"];
	[poolText setStringValue: "FREED(id)"];
	[poolObjectCount setIntValue: 0];
	pool = nil;
	[self _updateButtons];
	return self;

 *	Printing Trace Information
- console: (NSString *) aString
	[console sprintf: "%s", [aString cString]];
	return self;


@implementation AppController (Private)

 *	Private
void _animate (timedEntry, now, self)
	DPSTimedEntry	timedEntry;
	double			now;
	void*			self;
	[(id)self _animatePool: timedEntry];

- (void) _animatePool:(DPSTimedEntry)timedEntry

#define MAX_SEQUENCE	3
#define MAX_LOOP		3

	static int 	sequence = 0, loop = 0;
	NSString	*icon = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"pool_%d", sequence];
	if (timedEntry) DPSRemoveTimedEntry (timedEntry);

	[poolButton setIcon: [icon cString]];
	loop = (sequence == MAX_SEQUENCE ? loop + 1 : loop);
	sequence = (sequence == MAX_SEQUENCE ? 0 : sequence + 1);

	if (loop < MAX_LOOP)
		DPSAddTimedEntry (0.1, _animate, (void*)self, NX_MODALRESPTHRESHOLD);
		{ loop = 0; [poolButton setIcon: "pool_4"]; }

- (void) _updateButtons
 	BOOL enabled = object ? YES : NO;
	[allocButton setEnabled: !enabled];
	[copyButton setEnabled: enabled];
	[retainButton setEnabled: enabled];
	[releaseButton setEnabled: enabled];
	[deallocButton setEnabled: enabled];
	[releasePoolButton setEnabled: pool ? YES : NO];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.