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SHL Object Technology Center
e-mail: otccore@bou.shl.com


This example demonstrates the interactions of various Enterprise Object  Framework components to facilitate qualified fetches.  When a model file is dragged into the file well, a database connection is made and the attributes and relationships of the model are displayed.  By selecting fetch attributes and qualifying attributes, a dynamic query can be executed.  


Program Organization

Important Files
QueryController.[hm] sets up the database connection and model information.  It also handles building the EOQualifier and specifying the fetch columns to the NXTableView for result viewing.
IconWell.[hm] is the class that displays the model icon and provides the path associated with the model for reading.
EOQualifierContentsCategory.[hm] provides a convenience method allowing the EOQualifier to return a SQL string representing the contents of the qualifier.

Revision History 

June 94	Version 1.0.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.