
This is Board.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

@interface Board : Control
  id square[8][8];
  id backBitmap;

  void *print_image;
  int print_size;
  int print_pwide;
  int print_phigh;
  int print_bps;
  int print_ssp;
  int print_config;
  int print_mask;

+ newFrame:(const NXRect *) f;
- slidePieceFrom: (int)r1 : (int)c1 to: (int)r2 : (int)c2;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *) f :(int)rectCount;
- setupPieces;
- printPSCode: sender;
- (int)typeAt: (int)r : (int)c;
- layoutBoard: (short *)b color: (short *)c;
- highlightSquareAt: (int)r : (int) c;
- flashSquareAt: (int)r : (int) c;
- placePiece: (const char *)p at: (int)r : (int)c;

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