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/* SCHEME->C */ #include <objects.h> DEFSTRING( t1205, "*EXPANDER*", 10 ); DEFSTATICTSCP( c1134 ); DEFSTRING( t1206, "Argument not a PAIR: ~s", 23 ); DEFSTATICTSCP2( c1119, t1206 ); DEFSTRING( t1207, "SET-CDR!", 8 ); DEFSTATICTSCP( c1118 ); static void init_constants() { c1134 = STRINGTOSYMBOL( U_TX( ADR( t1205 ) ) ); CONSTANTEXP( ADR( c1134 ) ); c1118 = STRINGTOSYMBOL( U_TX( ADR( t1207 ) ) ); CONSTANTEXP( ADR( c1118 ) ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_expand_v ); DEFSTRING( t1208, "EXPAND", 6 ); EXTERNTSCPP( scexpand_initial_2dexpander ); EXTERNTSCP( scexpand_initial_2dexpander_v ); TSCP scexpand_expand( x1040 ) TSCP x1040; { PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1208 ) ) ); POPSTACKTRACE( scexpand_initial_2dexpander( x1040, scexpand_initial_2dexpander_v ) ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_initial_2dexpander_v ); DEFSTRING( t1210, "INITIAL-EXPANDER", 16 ); EXTERNTSCPP( scexpand_xpander_2a_1344b3ce ); EXTERNTSCP( scexpand_xpander_2a_1344b3ce_v ); EXTERNTSCPP( scexpand_expander_3f ); EXTERNTSCP( scexpand_expander_3f_v ); EXTERNTSCPP( scexpand_expander ); EXTERNTSCP( scexpand_expander_v ); EXTERNTSCPP( scexpand_xpander_2a_c7c0f66b ); EXTERNTSCP( scexpand_xpander_2a_c7c0f66b_v ); DEFSTRING( t1221, "scexpand_l1064 [inside INITIAL-EXPANDER]", 40 ); TSCP scexpand_l1064( x1065, e1066, c1220 ) TSCP x1065, e1066, c1220; { PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1221 ) ) ); POPSTACKTRACE( x1065 ); } TSCP scexpand_initial_2dexpander( x1043, e1044 ) TSCP x1043, e1044; { TSCP X3, X2, X1; PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1210 ) ) ); if ( NOT( AND( EQ( TSCPTAG( x1043 ), EXTENDEDTAG ), EQ( TSCP_EXTENDEDTAG( x1043 ), SYMBOLTAG ) ) ) ) goto L1212; X1 = scexpand_xpander_2a_1344b3ce_v; goto L1215; L1212: if ( NEQ( TSCPTAG( x1043 ), PAIRTAG ) ) goto L1214; X3 = PAIR_CAR( x1043 ); X2 = scexpand_expander_3f( X3 ); if ( NOT( AND( EQ( TSCPTAG( X2 ), EXTENDEDTAG ), EQ( TSCP_EXTENDEDTAG( X2 ), PROCEDURETAG ) ) ) ) goto L1216; X2 = PAIR_CAR( x1043 ); X1 = scexpand_expander( X2 ); goto L1215; L1216: X1 = scexpand_xpander_2a_c7c0f66b_v; goto L1215; L1214: X1 = MAKEPROCEDURE( 2, 0, scexpand_l1064, EMPTYLIST ); L1215: X2 = X1; X2 = UNKNOWNCALL( X2, 2 ); POPSTACKTRACE( VIA( PROCEDURE_CODE( X2 ) )( x1043, e1044, PROCEDURE_CLOSURE( X2 ) ) ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_expand_2donce_v ); DEFSTRING( t1224, "EXPAND-ONCE", 11 ); DEFSTRING( t1227, "scexpand_l1071 [inside EXPAND-ONCE]", 35 ); TSCP scexpand_l1071( x1072, e1073, c1226 ) TSCP x1072, e1073, c1226; { PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1227 ) ) ); POPSTACKTRACE( x1072 ); } TSCP scexpand_expand_2donce( x1070 ) TSCP x1070; { TSCP X1; PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1224 ) ) ); X1 = MAKEPROCEDURE( 2, 0, scexpand_l1071, EMPTYLIST ); POPSTACKTRACE( scexpand_initial_2dexpander( x1070, X1 ) ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_xpander_2a_1344b3ce_v ); DEFSTRING( t1229, "*IDENTIFIER-EXPANDER*", 21 ); TSCP scexpand_xpander_2a_1344b3ce( x1075, e1076 ) TSCP x1075, e1076; { TSCP X1; PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1229 ) ) ); X1 = scexpand_expander( x1075 ); if ( NEQ( TSCPTAG( X1 ), PAIRTAG ) ) goto L1232; POPSTACKTRACE( PAIR_CAR( X1 ) ); L1232: POPSTACKTRACE( x1075 ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_xpander_2a_c7c0f66b_v ); DEFSTRING( t1235, "*APPLICATION-EXPANDER*", 22 ); EXTERNTSCPP( sc_cons ); EXTERNTSCP( sc_cons_v ); EXTERNTSCPP( scrt1__24__car_2derror ); EXTERNTSCP( scrt1__24__car_2derror_v ); EXTERNTSCPP( scrt6_error ); EXTERNTSCP( scrt6_error_v ); TSCP scexpand_xpander_2a_c7c0f66b( x1086, e1087 ) TSCP x1086, e1087; { TSCP X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1; PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1235 ) ) ); X1 = x1086; X2 = EMPTYLIST; X3 = EMPTYLIST; L1238: if ( EQ( UNSIGNED( X1 ), UNSIGNED( EMPTYLIST ) ) ) goto L1239; if ( EQ( TSCPTAG( X1 ), PAIRTAG ) ) goto L1242; scrt1__24__car_2derror( X1 ); L1242: X7 = PAIR_CAR( X1 ); X6 = e1087; X6 = UNKNOWNCALL( X6, 2 ); X5 = VIA( PROCEDURE_CODE( X6 ) )( X7, e1087, PROCEDURE_CLOSURE( X6 ) ); X4 = sc_cons( X5, EMPTYLIST ); if ( NEQ( UNSIGNED( X2 ), UNSIGNED( EMPTYLIST ) ) ) goto L1245; X5 = PAIR_CDR( X1 ); X3 = X4; X2 = X4; X1 = X5; goto L1238; L1245: X5 = PAIR_CDR( X1 ); if ( EQ( TSCPTAG( X3 ), PAIRTAG ) ) goto L1250; scrt6_error( c1118, c1119, CONS( X3, EMPTYLIST ) ); L1250: X3 = SETGEN( PAIR_CDR( X3 ), X4 ); X1 = X5; goto L1238; L1239: POPSTACKTRACE( X2 ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_install_2dexpander_v ); DEFSTRING( t1252, "INSTALL-EXPANDER", 16 ); EXTERNTSCPP( scrt2_putprop ); EXTERNTSCP( scrt2_putprop_v ); TSCP scexpand_install_2dexpander( k1132, f1133 ) TSCP k1132, f1133; { PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1252 ) ) ); scrt2_putprop( k1132, c1134, f1133 ); POPSTACKTRACE( k1132 ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_expander_3f_v ); DEFSTRING( t1254, "EXPANDER?", 9 ); EXTERNTSCPP( scrt2_getprop ); EXTERNTSCP( scrt2_getprop_v ); TSCP scexpand_expander_3f( x1136 ) TSCP x1136; { PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1254 ) ) ); if ( NOT( AND( EQ( TSCPTAG( x1136 ), EXTENDEDTAG ), EQ( TSCP_EXTENDEDTAG( x1136 ), SYMBOLTAG ) ) ) ) goto L1256; POPSTACKTRACE( scrt2_getprop( x1136, c1134 ) ); L1256: POPSTACKTRACE( FALSEVALUE ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_expander_v ); DEFSTRING( t1258, "EXPANDER", 8 ); TSCP scexpand_expander( x1144 ) TSCP x1144; { PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1258 ) ) ); POPSTACKTRACE( scrt2_getprop( x1144, c1134 ) ); } DEFTSCP( scexpand_islist_v ); DEFSTRING( t1260, "ISLIST", 6 ); EXTERNTSCPP( scrt2__2b_2dtwo ); EXTERNTSCP( scrt2__2b_2dtwo_v ); EXTERNTSCPP( scrt2__3e_3d_2dtwo ); EXTERNTSCP( scrt2__3e_3d_2dtwo_v ); EXTERNTSCPP( scrt2__3c_3d_2dtwo ); EXTERNTSCP( scrt2__3c_3d_2dtwo_v ); TSCP scexpand_islist( l1146, m1147, m1148 ) TSCP l1146, m1147, m1148; { TSCP X4, X3, X2, X1; PUSHSTACKTRACE( U_TX( ADR( t1260 ) ) ); X1 = _TSCP( 0 ); X2 = l1146; L1263: if ( NEQ( TSCPTAG( X2 ), PAIRTAG ) ) goto L1264; if ( BITAND( BITOR( INT( X1 ), INT( _TSCP( 4 ) ) ), 3 ) ) goto L1266; X3 = _TSCP( IPLUS( INT( X1 ), INT( _TSCP( 4 ) ) ) ); goto L1267; L1266: X3 = scrt2__2b_2dtwo( X1, _TSCP( 4 ) ); L1267: X2 = PAIR_CDR( X2 ); X1 = X3; goto L1263; L1264: if ( NEQ( UNSIGNED( X2 ), UNSIGNED( EMPTYLIST ) ) ) goto L1269; if ( BITAND( BITOR( INT( X1 ), INT( m1147 ) ), 3 ) ) goto L1271; X3 = BOOLEAN( GTE( INT( X1 ), INT( m1147 ) ) ); goto L1272; L1271: X3 = scrt2__3e_3d_2dtwo( X1, m1147 ); L1272: if ( FALSE( X3 ) ) goto L1274; if ( EQ( UNSIGNED( m1148 ), UNSIGNED( EMPTYLIST ) ) ) goto L1276; if ( EQ( TSCPTAG( m1148 ), PAIRTAG ) ) goto L1279; scrt1__24__car_2derror( m1148 ); L1279: X4 = PAIR_CAR( m1148 ); if ( BITAND( BITOR( INT( X1 ), INT( X4 ) ), 3 ) ) goto L1282; POPSTACKTRACE( BOOLEAN( LTE( INT( X1 ), INT( X4 ) ) ) ); L1282: POPSTACKTRACE( scrt2__3c_3d_2dtwo( X1, X4 ) ); L1276: POPSTACKTRACE( TRUEVALUE ); L1274: POPSTACKTRACE( X3 ); L1269: POPSTACKTRACE( FALSEVALUE ); } static void init_modules( compiler_version ) char *compiler_version; { scrt2__init(); scrt6__init(); scrt1__init(); MAXDISPLAY( 0 ); } void scexpand__init() { static int init = 0; if (init) return; init = 1; INITHEAP( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); init_constants(); init_modules( "(scexpand SCHEME->C COMPILER 28sep90jfb)" ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1208 ) ), ADR( scexpand_expand_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 1, 0, scexpand_expand, EMPTYLIST ) ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1210 ) ), ADR( scexpand_initial_2dexpander_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 2, 0, scexpand_initial_2dexpander, EMPTYLIST ) ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1224 ) ), ADR( scexpand_expand_2donce_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 1, 0, scexpand_expand_2donce, EMPTYLIST ) ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1229 ) ), ADR( scexpand_xpander_2a_1344b3ce_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 2, 0, scexpand_xpander_2a_1344b3ce, EMPTYLIST ) ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1235 ) ), ADR( scexpand_xpander_2a_c7c0f66b_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 2, 0, scexpand_xpander_2a_c7c0f66b, EMPTYLIST ) ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1252 ) ), ADR( scexpand_install_2dexpander_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 2, 0, scexpand_install_2dexpander, EMPTYLIST ) ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1254 ) ), ADR( scexpand_expander_3f_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 1, 0, scexpand_expander_3f, EMPTYLIST ) ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1258 ) ), ADR( scexpand_expander_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 1, 0, scexpand_expander, EMPTYLIST ) ); INITIALIZEVAR( U_TX( ADR( t1260 ) ), ADR( scexpand_islist_v ), MAKEPROCEDURE( 2, 1, scexpand_islist, EMPTYLIST ) ); return; }
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