
[View f2c.ps as PDF] 


This directory contains the f2c fortran to c program. To install edit the
Makefile and change  BINDIR  to where you want the binary installed. The
default is  /usr/local/bin  

Look at the file  Makefile to make sure that you don't want to change the 
default locations.
To install, su to (or login as) root and type make install.

See the postscript file  f2c.ps  for more info.

             Description of the files.

f2c       -- The executable program compiled on a NeXT running version 2.0.
f2c.h     -- An include file needed by the c compiler.
libf2c.a  -- An archive library of 
f2c.ps    -- A postscript file documenting f2c and its use.
f2c.1     -- Man page for f2c.
f2c.1t    -- Nroff source for man page for f2c.
fixes     -- A file describing various bug fixes and enhancements.
Makefile  -- A makefile that will install f2c. You need to be root to do this.
README    -- This file that you are mow reading.
fc        -- A shell script that has been hacked to produce the f77 script
          -- below.
f77       -- f77-style shell script to compile and load fortran, C, and
          -- assembly codes 
          -- This script that allows you to use the same command name and 
          -- compiler options, so as to look like the f77 compiler on Unix.
          -- eg.  f77 -O -o test  test.f 
          -- will compile test.f with optimization turned on and will put the 
          -- executable in a file called test

The following is the first few commented lines of the f77 script.

# f77-style shell script to compile and load fortran, C, and assembly codes
#       usage:  f77 [-O] [-o absfile] [-c] files [-l library]
#               -o objfile      Override default executable name a.out.
#               -c              Do not call linker, leave relocatables in *.o.
#               -S              leave assembler output on file.s
#               -l library      (passed to ld).
#               -u              complain about undeclared variables
#               -w              omit all warning messages
#               -w66            omit Fortran 66 compatibility warning messages
#               files           FORTRAN source files ending in .f .
#                               C source files ending in .c .
#                               Assembly language files ending in .s .
#                               efl source files ending in .e .
#               -D def          passed to C compiler (for .c files)
#               -I includepath  passed to C compiler (for .c files)
#               -Ntnnn          allow nnn entries in table t

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.