
This is sq.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	This module contains stub routines. These are the low-level routines
	called by the Squeak interpreter. They're implemented by sending a
	message to the application object or the view object.
	<PJB> Pascal J. Bourguignon
	1998/06/12 <PJB> Creation.
	Copyright Pascal J. Bourguignon 1998 - 1998

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Public 
	License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
	WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
	or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
	hereafter for more details.
#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "SqApplication.h"
#import "SqView.h"

#define sq_application  ((SqApplication*)NXApp)
#define sq_view         ((SqView*)(sq_application->view))

// These two variable are normally defined in the translator.
int contextCacheEntries=16;
int stackCacheEntries=16;

extern int interruptKeycode;
extern int interruptPending;
extern int interruptCheckCounter;

/* display,mouse,keyboard,time i/o  ==> view */

	int ioForceDisplayUpdate(void)
		return([sq_view ioForceDisplayUpdate]);
	int ioFormPrint(
		int bitsAddr,int width,int height,int depth,
		double hScale,double vScale,int landscapeFlag)
		return([sq_view ioFormPrintBitsAddr:bitsAddr 
			width:width height:height depth:depth 
			hScale:hScale vScale:vScale landscapeFlag:landscapeFlag]);

	int ioSetFullScreen(int fullScreen)
		return([sq_view ioSetFullScreen:fullScreen]);

	int ioGetButtonState(void)
		return([sq_view ioGetButtonState]);

	int ioGetKeystroke(void)
		return([sq_view ioGetKeystroke]);
	int ioMousePoint(void)
		return([sq_view ioMousePoint]);

	int ioPeekKeystroke(void)
		return([sq_view ioPeekKeystroke]);

	int ioScreenSize(void)
		return([sq_view ioScreenSize]);

	int ioSetCursorWithMask(int cursorBitsIndex,int cursorMaskIndex,
			int offsetX,int offsetY)
		return([sq_view ioSetCursorBitsIndex:cursorBitsIndex 
				offsetX:offsetX offsetY:offsetY]);

	int ioSetCursor(int cursorBitsIndex,int offsetX,int offsetY)
		return([sq_view ioSetCursorBitsIndex:cursorBitsIndex 
				offsetX:offsetX offsetY:offsetY]);

	int ioShowDisplay(
		int dispBitsIndex,int width,int height,int depth,
		int affectedL,int affectedR,int affectedT,int affectedB)
		return([sq_view ioShowDisplayBitsIndex:dispBitsIndex 
			width:width height:height depth:depth 
			affectedLeft:affectedL affectedRight:affectedR 
			affectedTop:affectedT affectedBottom:affectedB]);

/* display,mouse,keyboard,time i/o  ==> application */
	int ioBeep(void)
		return([sq_application ioBeep]);
	int ioExit(void)
		return([sq_application ioExit]);

	int ioMicroMSecs(void)
		return([sq_application ioMicroMSecs]);

	int ioMSecs(void)
		return([sq_application ioMSecs]);

	int ioSeconds(void)
		return([sq_application ioSeconds]);

	int ioProcessEvents(void)
		return([sq_application ioProcessEvents]);

	int ioRelinquishProcessorForMicroseconds(int microSeconds)

/* image file and VM path names */

	char imageName[MAXPATHLEN+1];
			This is a little dirty: imageName is directly accessed by 
			writeImageFile (while readImageFromFileHeapSize does take 
			a FILE* parameter!).
			To avoid the need for SqApplication to know about this, the 
			following function will automatically update this variable.

	int imageNameGetLength(int sqImageNameIndex,int length)
		int len;
		len=[sq_application imageNameGet:(int)(&imageName) Length:MAXPATHLEN];
		return([sq_application imageNameGet:sqImageNameIndex Length:length]);

	int imageNamePutLength(int sqImageNameIndex,int length)
		int res=[sq_application imageNamePut:sqImageNameIndex Length:length];
		int len;
		len=[sq_application imageNameGet:(int)(&imageName) Length:MAXPATHLEN];
	}// PutLength;

	int imageNameSize(void)
		return([sq_application imageNameSize]);

	int vmPathSize(void)
		return([sq_application vmPathSize]);

	int vmPathGetLength(int sqVMPathIndex,int length)
		return([sq_application vmPathGet:sqVMPathIndex Length:length]);

/* clipboard (cut/copy/paste) */
	int clipboardSize(void)
		return([sq_application clipboardSize]);

	int clipboardReadIntoAt(int count,int byteArrayIndex,int startIndex)
		return([sq_application clipboardRead:count 
				Into:byteArrayIndex At:startIndex]);

	int clipboardWriteFromAt(int count,int byteArrayIndex,int startIndex)
		return([sq_application clipboardWrite:count
				From:byteArrayIndex At:startIndex]);

/* profiling */
	int clearProfile(void)
		return([sq_application clearProfile]);

	int dumpProfile(void)
		return([sq_application dumpProfile]);

	int startProfiling(void)
		return([sq_application startProfiling]);

	int stopProfiling(void)
		return([sq_application stopProfiling]);

	/* system attributes */
	int attributeSize(int ident)
		return([sq_application attributeSize:ident]);

	int getAttributeIntoLength(int ident,int byteArrayIndex,int length)
		return([sq_application getAttribute:ident 
				Into:byteArrayIndex Length:length]);

/*** sq.m / Thu Aug 27 23:21:13 MET 1998 / PJB ***/

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.