This is SqView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/****************************************************************************** FILE SqView.m DESCRIPTION NeXTstep user Interface for Squeak. AUTHOR <PJB> Pascal J. Bourguignon MODIFICATIONS 1998/06/12 <PJB> Creation. LEGAL Copyright Pascal J. Bourguignon 1998 - 1998 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License hereafter for more details. ******************************************************************************/ #import "SqView.h" #import "SqApplication.h" #import <ctype.h> #define debug(a) #define DEBUG_KEYDOWN // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @interface SqView(Private) -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_1_to_2:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_2_to_2:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_8_to_2:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_8_to_8:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_8_to_16:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_8_to_32:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_16_to_16:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_32_to_32:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)computeBitmapFromBitsIndex:(void*)srcBits width:(int)width height:(int)height depth:(int)depth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position; -(void)getRect:(NXRect*)rect fromSqLeft:(int)left top:(int)top right:(int)right bottom:(int)bottom; -(void)getPoint:(NXPoint*)point fromSq:(int)x:(int)y; -(void)point:(NXPoint*)point toSq:(int*)x:(int*)y; -(void)updateButtonStateWith:(int)keyFlags; @end // SqView(Private). // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @implementation SqView(Private) #define CHECKANDRETURN(expr) \ { NXBitmapImageRep* bitmap=expr; if(bitmap!=0){return(bitmap);}\ fprintf(stderr,"initData:%08x\n"\ "pixelsWide:%d\n"\ "pixelsHigh:%d\n"\ "bitsPerSample:%d\n"\ "samplesPerPixel:%d\n"\ "hasAlpha:%d\n"\ "isPlanar:%d\n"\ "colorSpace:%d\n"\ "bytesPerRow:%d\n"\ "bitsPerPixel:%d\n",\ (int)dBits,right-left,bottom-top,bitsPerSample,\ samplesPerPixel,NO,NO,colorSpace,bytesPerRow,bitsPerPixel);\ return(0);\ } -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_1_to_2:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) static unsigned char One_to_Two[16]={ 0x00,0x03,0x0c,0x0f, 0x30,0x33,0x3c,0x3f, 0xc0,0xc3,0xcc,0xcf, 0xf0,0xf3,0xfc,0xff }; unsigned char* sBits=srcBits; unsigned char* dBits; int bitsPerSample; int samplesPerPixel; int bytesPerRow; int bitsPerPixel; NXColorSpace colorSpace; int neededBytes; int sRowSlots; int minY; int maxY; int minX; int maxX; int i; int srcY; if((srcPixelWidth%8)!=0){ fprintf(stderr,"It would be better to have srcPixelWidth%%8==0 " "instead of %d.\n",srcPixelWidth); return(0); } sRowSlots=srcPixelWidth/8; left=left&(~7); right=(right+7)&(~7); [self getPoint:position fromSq:left :bottom]; bitsPerSample=2; samplesPerPixel=1; bytesPerRow=(right-left)/4; bitsPerPixel=2; colorSpace=NX_OneIsBlackColorSpace; neededBytes=bytesPerRow*(bottom-top); dBits=(unsigned char*)malloc(neededBytes); minY=top*sRowSlots; maxY=bottom*sRowSlots; minX=left/8; maxX=right/8; i=0; for(srcY=minY;srcY<maxY;srcY+=sRowSlots){ int maxXY=srcY+maxX; int srcX; for(srcX=srcY+minX;srcX<maxXY;srcX++){ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ unsigned char src=sBits[srcX]; #else // 0 -> 3 4 -> 7 // 1 -> 2 5 -> 6 // 2 -> 1 6 -> 5 // 3 -> 0 7 -> 4 unsigned char src=sBits[srcX^3]; #endif dBits[i++]=One_to_Two[src>>4]; dBits[i++]=One_to_Two[src&0xf]; } } CHECKANDRETURN([[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initData:(void*)dBits pixelsWide:right-left pixelsHigh:bottom-top bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:NO colorSpace:colorSpace bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel]); }//extractPixels_1_to_2:...; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_2_to_2:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) unsigned char* sBits=srcBits; unsigned char* dBits; int bitsPerSample; int samplesPerPixel; int bytesPerRow; int bitsPerPixel; NXColorSpace colorSpace; unsigned char* map=Two_to_Two; int neededBytes; int sRowSlots; int minY; int maxY; int minX; int maxX; int i; int srcY; if((srcPixelWidth%4)!=0){ fprintf(stderr,"It would be better to have srcPixelWidth%%4==0 " "instead of %d.\n",srcPixelWidth); return(0); } sRowSlots=srcPixelWidth/4; left=left&(~3); right=(right+3)&(~3); [self getPoint:position fromSq:left :bottom]; bitsPerSample=2; samplesPerPixel=1; bytesPerRow=(right-left)/4; bitsPerPixel=2; colorSpace=NX_OneIsWhiteColorSpace; neededBytes=bytesPerRow*(bottom-top); dBits=(unsigned char*)malloc(neededBytes); minY=top*sRowSlots; maxY=bottom*sRowSlots; minX=left/4; maxX=right/4; i=0; for(srcY=minY;srcY<maxY;srcY+=sRowSlots){ int maxXY=srcY+maxX; int srcX; for(srcX=srcY+minX;srcX<maxXY;srcX++){ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ dBits[i++]=map[sBits[srcX]]; #else // 0 -> 3 4 -> 7 // 1 -> 2 5 -> 6 // 2 -> 1 6 -> 5 // 3 -> 0 7 -> 4 dBits[i++]=map[sBits[srcX^3]]; #endif } } CHECKANDRETURN([[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initData:(void*)dBits pixelsWide:right-left pixelsHigh:bottom-top bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:NO colorSpace:colorSpace bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel]); }//extractPixels_2_to_2; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_8_to_2:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) unsigned char* sBits=srcBits; unsigned char* dBits; int bitsPerSample; int samplesPerPixel; int bytesPerRow; int bitsPerPixel; NXColorSpace colorSpace; unsigned char* map=colorMap2Gray; int neededBytes; int sRowSlots; int minY; int maxY; int minX; int maxX; int i; int srcY; sRowSlots=srcPixelWidth; left=left&(~3); right=(right+3)&(~3); [self getPoint:position fromSq:left :bottom]; bitsPerSample=2; samplesPerPixel=1; bytesPerRow=(right-left)/4; bitsPerPixel=2; colorSpace=NX_OneIsWhiteColorSpace; neededBytes=bytesPerRow*(bottom-top); dBits=(unsigned char*)malloc(neededBytes); minY=top*sRowSlots; maxY=bottom*sRowSlots; minX=left; maxX=right; i=0; for(srcY=minY;srcY<maxY;srcY+=sRowSlots){ int maxXY=srcY+maxX; int srcX; for(srcX=srcY+minX;srcX<maxXY;srcX+=4){ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ dBits[i++]=(map[sBits[srcX]]<<6) |(map[sBits[srcX+1]]<<4) |(map[sBits[srcX+2]]<<2) |(map[sBits[srcX+3]]); #else // 0 -> 3 4 -> 7 // 1 -> 2 5 -> 6 // 2 -> 1 6 -> 5 // 3 -> 0 7 -> 4 dBits[i++]=(map[sBits[srcX+3]]<<6) |(map[sBits[srcX+2]]<<4) |(map[sBits[srcX+1]]<<2) |(map[sBits[srcX]]); #endif } } CHECKANDRETURN([[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initData:(void*)dBits pixelsWide:right-left pixelsHigh:bottom-top bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:NO colorSpace:colorSpace bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel]); }//extractPixels_8_to_2; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_8_to_8:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) unsigned char* sBits=srcBits; unsigned char* dBits; int bitsPerSample; int samplesPerPixel; int bytesPerRow; int bitsPerPixel; NXColorSpace colorSpace; unsigned char* map=colorMap8Gray; int neededBytes; int sRowSlots; int minY; int maxY; int minX; int maxX; int srcY; int i; sRowSlots=srcPixelWidth; [self getPoint:position fromSq:left :bottom]; bitsPerSample=8; samplesPerPixel=1; bytesPerRow=right-left; bitsPerPixel=8; colorSpace=NX_OneIsWhiteColorSpace; neededBytes=bytesPerRow*(bottom-top); dBits=(unsigned char*)malloc(neededBytes); minY=top*sRowSlots; maxY=bottom*sRowSlots; minX=left; maxX=right; i=0; for(srcY=minY;srcY<maxY;srcY+=sRowSlots){ int maxXY=srcY+maxX; int srcX; for(srcX=srcY+minX;srcX<maxXY;srcX++){ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ dBits[i++]=map[sBits[srcX]]; #else // 0 -> 3 4 -> 7 // 1 -> 2 5 -> 6 // 2 -> 1 6 -> 5 // 3 -> 0 7 -> 4 dBits[i++]=map[sBits[srcX^3]]; #endif } } CHECKANDRETURN([[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initData:(void*)dBits pixelsWide:right-left pixelsHigh:bottom-top bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:NO colorSpace:colorSpace bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel]); }//extractPixels_8_to_8; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_8_to_16:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) unsigned char* sBits=srcBits; unsigned short* dBits; int bitsPerSample; int samplesPerPixel; int bytesPerRow; int bitsPerPixel; NXColorSpace colorSpace; unsigned short* map=colorMap16; int neededBytes; int sRowSlots; int minY; int maxY; int minX; int maxX; int srcY; int i; sRowSlots=srcPixelWidth; [self getPoint:position fromSq:left :bottom]; bitsPerSample=4; samplesPerPixel=3; bytesPerRow=(right-left)*2; bitsPerPixel=16; colorSpace=NX_RGBColorSpace; neededBytes=bytesPerRow*(bottom-top); dBits=(unsigned short*)malloc(neededBytes); minY=top*sRowSlots; maxY=bottom*sRowSlots; minX=left; maxX=right; i=0; for(srcY=minY;srcY<maxY;srcY+=sRowSlots){ int maxXY=srcY+maxX; int srcX; for(srcX=srcY+minX;srcX<maxXY;srcX++){ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ dBits[i++]=map[sBits[srcX]]; #else // 0 -> 3 4 -> 7 // 1 -> 2 5 -> 6 // 2 -> 1 6 -> 5 // 3 -> 0 7 -> 4 dBits[i++]=map[sBits[srcX^3]]; #endif } } CHECKANDRETURN([[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initData:(void*)dBits pixelsWide:right-left pixelsHigh:bottom-top bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:NO colorSpace:colorSpace bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel]); }//extractPixels_8_to_16; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_8_to_32:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) unsigned char* sBits=srcBits; unsigned long* dBits; int bitsPerSample; int samplesPerPixel; int bytesPerRow; int bitsPerPixel; NXColorSpace colorSpace; unsigned long* map=colorMap32; int neededBytes; int sRowSlots; int minY; int maxY; int minX; int maxX; int srcY; int i; sRowSlots=srcPixelWidth; [self getPoint:position fromSq:left :bottom]; bitsPerSample=8; samplesPerPixel=3; bytesPerRow=(right-left)*4; bitsPerPixel=32; colorSpace=NX_RGBColorSpace; neededBytes=bytesPerRow*(bottom-top); dBits=(unsigned long*)malloc(neededBytes); minY=top*sRowSlots; maxY=bottom*sRowSlots; minX=left; maxX=right; i=0; for(srcY=minY;srcY<maxY;srcY+=sRowSlots){ int maxXY=srcY+maxX; int srcX; for(srcX=srcY+minX;srcX<maxXY;srcX++){ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ dBits[i++]=map[sBits[srcX]]; #else // 0 -> 3 4 -> 7 // 1 -> 2 5 -> 6 // 2 -> 1 6 -> 5 // 3 -> 0 7 -> 4 dBits[i++]=map[sBits[srcX^3]]; #endif } } CHECKANDRETURN([[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initData:(void*)dBits pixelsWide:right-left pixelsHigh:bottom-top bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:NO colorSpace:colorSpace bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel]); }//extractPixels_8_to_32; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_16_to_16:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) unsigned short* sBits=srcBits; unsigned short* dBits; int bitsPerSample; int samplesPerPixel; int bytesPerRow; int bitsPerPixel; NXColorSpace colorSpace; int neededBytes; int sRowSlots; int minY; int maxY; int minX; int maxX; int srcY; int i; sRowSlots=srcPixelWidth; [self getPoint:position fromSq:left :bottom]; bitsPerSample=4; samplesPerPixel=3; bytesPerRow=(right-left)*2; bitsPerPixel=16; colorSpace=NX_RGBColorSpace; neededBytes=bytesPerRow*(bottom-top); dBits=(unsigned short*)malloc(neededBytes); minY=top*sRowSlots; maxY=bottom*sRowSlots; minX=left; maxX=right; i=0; for(srcY=minY;srcY<maxY;srcY+=sRowSlots){ int maxXY=srcY+maxX; int srcX; for(srcX=srcY+minX;srcX<maxXY;srcX++){ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ dBits[i++]=sBits[srcX]; #else // 0 -> 3 4 -> 7 // 1 -> 2 5 -> 6 // 2 -> 1 6 -> 5 // 3 -> 0 7 -> 4 dBits[i++]=ntohs(sBits[srcX^1]); #endif } } CHECKANDRETURN([[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initData:(void*)dBits pixelsWide:right-left pixelsHigh:bottom-top bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:NO colorSpace:colorSpace bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel]); }//extractPixels_16_to_16; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)extractPixels_32_to_32:(void*)srcBits srcPixelWidth:(int)srcPixelWidth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) unsigned long* sBits=srcBits; unsigned long* dBits; int bitsPerSample; int samplesPerPixel; int bytesPerRow; int bitsPerPixel; NXColorSpace colorSpace; int neededBytes; int sRowSlots; int minY; int maxY; int minX; int maxX; int srcY; int i; sRowSlots=srcPixelWidth; [self getPoint:position fromSq:left :bottom]; bitsPerSample=8; samplesPerPixel=3; bytesPerRow=(right-left)*4; bitsPerPixel=32; colorSpace=NX_RGBColorSpace; neededBytes=bytesPerRow*(bottom-top); dBits=(unsigned long*)malloc(neededBytes); minY=top*sRowSlots; maxY=bottom*sRowSlots; minX=left; maxX=right; i=0; for(srcY=minY;srcY<maxY;srcY+=sRowSlots){ int maxXY=srcY+maxX; int srcX; for(srcX=srcY+minX;srcX<maxXY;srcX++){ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ dBits[i++]=sBits[srcX]; #else // 0 -> 3 4 -> 7 // 1 -> 2 5 -> 6 // 2 -> 1 6 -> 5 // 3 -> 0 7 -> 4 dBits[i++]=ntohl(sBits[srcX]); #endif } } CHECKANDRETURN([[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initData:(void*)dBits pixelsWide:right-left pixelsHigh:bottom-top bitsPerSample:bitsPerSample samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel hasAlpha:NO isPlanar:NO colorSpace:colorSpace bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel]); }//extractPixels_32_to_32; -(NXWindowDepth)depthLimit { NXWindowDepth wdepth=[window depthLimit]; if(wdepth==NX_DefaultDepth){ wdepth=[Window defaultDepthLimit]; } return(wdepth); }//depthLimit; -(NXBitmapImageRep*)computeBitmapFromBitsIndex:(void*)srcBits width:(int)width height:(int)height depth:(int)depth left:(int)left right:(int)right top:(int)top bottom:(int)bottom position:(NXPoint*)position { /* It seems that NXImage will replace its NXBitmapImageRep with a NXCachedImageRep of the whole bitmap upon receiving a composite:fromRect:toPoint: message. Therefore: 1- it is useless to keep our own "cached" image; 2- we may as well copy to the right format & depth the affected rectangle in a temporary bitmap, and draw it directly. */ debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) switch(depth){ case 1: return([self extractPixels_1_to_2:srcBits srcPixelWidth:width left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:position]); break; case 2: return([self extractPixels_2_to_2:srcBits srcPixelWidth:width left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:position]); break; case 8: switch([self depthLimit]){ case NX_TwoBitGrayDepth: return([self extractPixels_8_to_2:srcBits srcPixelWidth:width left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:position]); break; case NX_EightBitGrayDepth: return([self extractPixels_8_to_8:srcBits srcPixelWidth:width left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:position]); break; case NX_TwelveBitRGBDepth: return([self extractPixels_8_to_16:srcBits srcPixelWidth:width left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:position]); break; case NX_TwentyFourBitRGBDepth: default: return([self extractPixels_8_to_32:srcBits srcPixelWidth:width left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:position]); } break; case 16: return([self extractPixels_16_to_16:srcBits srcPixelWidth:width left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:position]); break; case 32: return([self extractPixels_32_to_32:srcBits srcPixelWidth:width left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:position]); break; default: switch(NXRunAlertPanel("Error", "NeXTSTEP user interface for Squeak doesn't support " "image depth of %d.\n", "Continue","Quit",NULL,depth)){ case NX_ALERTDEFAULT: return(0); case NX_ALERTALTERNATE: [NXApp squeakTerminate]; return(0); case NX_ALERTERROR: default: fprintf(stderr,"NeXTSTEP user interface for Squeak doesn't " "support image depth of %d.\n",depth); [NXApp squeakTerminate]; return(0); } } }//computeBitmapFromBitsIndex:width:height:depth:left:right:top:bottom:; /* The bitmaps coming from Squeak are not flipped, but its coordinate system is. Here are two methods to flip the coordinates so we can leave: [self setFlipped:NO]. */ -(void)getRect:(NXRect*)rect fromSqLeft:(int)left top:(int)top right:(int)right bottom:(int)bottom { rect->origin.x=left; rect->origin.y=bounds.size.height-bottom; rect->size.width=right-left; rect->size.height=bottom-top; }//getRect:fromSqLeft:top:right:bottom:; -(void)getPoint:(NXPoint*)point fromSq:(int)x:(int)y { point->x=x; point->y=bounds.size.height-y; }//getPoint:fromSq::; -(void)point:(NXPoint*)point toSq:(int*)x:(int*)y { (*x)=point->x; (*y)=bounds.size.height-point->y; }//point:toSq::; /* Squeak bits: <command><option><control><shift> */ typedef enum { sqMod_command=64, sqMod_option=32, sqMod_control=16, sqMod_shift=8, sqMod_red=4, sqMod_yellow=2, sqMod_blue=1 } sqModT; /* We want to keep the synchronization between the keys and the modifiers transmitted with getButtonState, therefore we compute the buttonState when mouse buttons change or when keys are asked by Squeak. NeXT event flags are: 20 Command 19 Alternate 18 Control 17 Shift 16 AlphaLock or Shift Hence the formula: ((eventFlags>>14)&0x78) to map them to sqMod. */ -(void)updateButtonStateWith:(int)keyFlags { buttonState=((keyFlags>>14)&0x78); if([redButton isPressedWhen:eventFlags]){ buttonState|=sqMod_red; } if([yellowButton isPressedWhen:eventFlags]){ buttonState|=sqMod_yellow; } if([blueButton isPressedWhen:eventFlags]){ buttonState|=sqMod_blue; } //fprintf(stderr,"buttonstate=%02x\r",buttonState); }//updateButtonStateWith:; @end // SqView(Private). // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @implementation SqView -(id)initFrame:(const NXRect*)frameRect { self=[super initFrame:frameRect]; if(self!=0){ cursor=0; buttonState=0; isFullScreen=NO; keyHead=0; keyTail=0; cachedImage=0; bitsRgb=0; bitsRgbSize=0; [self initializeTransparentCursor]; [self initializeSqueakColorMap]; [self setFlipped:NO]; // If you change this, update // getRect:fromSqLeft:top:right:bottom: and point:toSq::. [self setOpaque:YES]; redButton=[[SqButton alloc]init]; yellowButton=[[SqButton alloc]init]; blueButton=[[SqButton alloc]init]; [redButton setNextButton:yellowButton]; [yellowButton setNextButton:blueButton]; [blueButton setNextButton:redButton]; lastBitsIndex=0; lastWidth=0; lastHeight=0; lastDepth=0; } return(self); }//initFrame:; -appDidInit:sender { // Warning: This object is not the delegate of NXApp. // SqApplication is its own delegate, and its appDidInit: // method propagates here. [self update]; return(self); }//appDidInit:; -windowWillResize:sender toSize:(NXSize*)newSize { NXRect oldSize; int nViewWidth; int delta; // The Smalltalk Form are always stored with rowBytes a multiple // of 32-bit. That means, 32 pixels for 1-bit pixels, 16 pixels for // 2-bit pixels, ..., 1 pixel of 32-bit pixels. // So the width of the view could be rounded to a number depending on // the depth. To simplify, we'll always round to 32 pixels. // Note that most screen widths are multiple of 32 pixels. [window getFrame:&oldSize]; delta=(oldSize.size.width-bounds.size.width); nViewWidth=newSize->width-delta; nViewWidth=(nViewWidth/32)*32; newSize->width=nViewWidth+delta; #warning NOT FINISHED. return(self); }//windowWillResize:toSize:; /* When in a resizable window, we can arrange the SqView to extend on the whole contentView of the window, and constrain the width of the window. When in a fullScreen window, the SqView may */ -(void)layoutInWindow { NXRect wFrame; NXRect vBounds; [window getFrame:&wFrame]; vBounds.size.height=wFrame.size.height; vBounds.origin.y=0; #warning NOT FINISHED. }//layoutInWindow; -(id)free { // A cursor does not free its image, so we're doing it for it. if(cursor!=0){ if([NXCursor currentCursor]==cursor){ [NXArrow set]; } [[cursor image]free]; [cursor free]; } if([NXCursor currentCursor]==transparentCursor){ [NXArrow set]; } [[transparentCursor image]free]; [transparentCursor free]; if(bitsRgb!=0){ free(bitsRgb); } [redButton free]; [yellowButton free]; [blueButton free]; free(colorMap2Gray); free(colorMap8Gray); free(colorMap16); free(colorMap32); return([super free]); }//free; -(void)initializeTransparentCursor { NXImage* image; NXBitmapImageRep* bitmap; NXPoint hotSpot={0,0}; unsigned char* data; unsigned char* mask; unsigned char* planes[5]; int i; bitmap=[[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initDataPlanes:0 pixelsWide:16 pixelsHigh:16 bitsPerSample:1 samplesPerPixel:2 hasAlpha:YES isPlanar:YES colorSpace:NX_OneIsWhiteColorSpace bytesPerRow:2 bitsPerPixel:0]; [bitmap getDataPlanes:planes]; data=planes[0]; mask=planes[1]; for(i=0;i<32;i++){ data[i]=0; mask[i]=0; } image=[[NXImage alloc]init]; [image useRepresentation:bitmap]; transparentCursor=[[NXCursor alloc]initFromImage:image]; [transparentCursor setHotSpot:&hotSpot]; }//initializeTransparentCursor; -(void)setColorEntry:(int)i red:(int)r green:(int)g blue:(int)b { colorMap2Gray[i]=((unsigned char) (4.0*((float)((r)+(g)+(b))/(3.0*65536.0))))%4; colorMap8Gray[i]=((unsigned short) (256.0*((float)((r)+(g)+(b))/(3.0*65536.0))))%256; colorMap16[i]=((r)&0xf000)|(((g)&0xf000)>>4)|(((b)&0xf000)>>8)|0xf; colorMap32[i]=(((r)&0xff00)<<16)|(((g)&0xff00)<<8)|((b)&0xff00)|0xff; }//setColorEntry:red:green:blue:; -(void)initializeSqueakColorMap { Two_to_Two=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*256); colorMap2Gray=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*256); colorMap8Gray=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*256); colorMap16=(unsigned short*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*256); colorMap32=(unsigned long*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned long)*256); { unsigned char map[]={ /*transparent:*/ 0x02, /*black:*/ 0x00, /*white:*/ 0x03, /*half gray:*/ 0x01}; int i,j,k,l; for(i=0;i<4;i++){ for(j=0;j<4;j++){ for(k=0;k<4;k++){ for(l=0;l<4;l++){ Two_to_Two[(i<<6)|(j<<4)|(k<<2)|l]= (map[i]<<6)|(map[j]<<4)|(map[k]<<2)|map[l]; } } } } } #define SetColorEntry(i,r,g,b) [self setColorEntry:i red:r green:g blue:b] /* 1-bit colors (monochrome) */ SetColorEntry(0, 65535, 65535, 65535); /* white or transparent */ SetColorEntry(1, 0, 0, 0); /* black */ /* additional colors for 2-bit color */ SetColorEntry(2, 65535, 65535, 65535); /* opaque white */ SetColorEntry(3, 32768, 32768, 32768); /* 1/2 gray */ /* additional colors for 4-bit color */ SetColorEntry( 4, 65535, 0, 0); /* red */ SetColorEntry( 5, 0, 65535, 0); /* green */ SetColorEntry( 6, 0, 0, 65535); /* blue */ SetColorEntry( 7, 0, 65535, 65535); /* cyan */ SetColorEntry( 8, 65535, 65535, 0); /* yellow */ SetColorEntry( 9, 65535, 0, 65535); /* magenta */ SetColorEntry(10, 8192, 8192, 8192); /* 1/8 gray */ SetColorEntry(11, 16384, 16384, 16384); /* 2/8 gray */ SetColorEntry(12, 24576, 24576, 24576); /* 3/8 gray */ SetColorEntry(13, 40959, 40959, 40959); /* 5/8 gray */ SetColorEntry(14, 49151, 49151, 49151); /* 6/8 gray */ SetColorEntry(15, 57343, 57343, 57343); /* 7/8 gray */ /* additional colors for 8-bit color */ /* 24 more shades of gray (does not repeat 1/8th increments) */ SetColorEntry(16, 2048, 2048, 2048); /* 1/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(17, 4096, 4096, 4096); /* 2/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(18, 6144, 6144, 6144); /* 3/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(19, 10240, 10240, 10240); /* 5/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(20, 12288, 12288, 12288); /* 6/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(21, 14336, 14336, 14336); /* 7/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(22, 18432, 18432, 18432); /* 9/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(23, 20480, 20480, 20480); /* 10/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(24, 22528, 22528, 22528); /* 11/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(25, 26624, 26624, 26624); /* 13/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(26, 28672, 28672, 28672); /* 14/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(27, 30720, 30720, 30720); /* 15/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(28, 34815, 34815, 34815); /* 17/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(29, 36863, 36863, 36863); /* 18/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(30, 38911, 38911, 38911); /* 19/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(31, 43007, 43007, 43007); /* 21/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(32, 45055, 45055, 45055); /* 22/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(33, 47103, 47103, 47103); /* 23/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(34, 51199, 51199, 51199); /* 25/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(35, 53247, 53247, 53247); /* 26/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(36, 55295, 55295, 55295); /* 27/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(37, 59391, 59391, 59391); /* 29/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(38, 61439, 61439, 61439); /* 30/32 gray */ SetColorEntry(39, 63487, 63487, 63487); /* 31/32 gray */ /* The remainder of color table defines a color cube with six steps for each primary color. Note that the corners of this cube repeat previous colors, but simplifies the mapping between RGB colors and color map indices. This color cube spans indices 40 through 255. */ { int r,g,b; for(r=0;r<6;r++){ for(g=0;g<6;g++){ for(b=0;b<6;b++){ int i=40+((36*r)+(6*b)+g); if(i>255){ fprintf(stderr,"index out of range " "in color table compuation\n"); } SetColorEntry(i,(r*65535)/5,(g*65535)/5,(b*65535)/5); } } } } }//initializeSqueakColorMap; -(BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return(YES); }//acceptsFirstResponder; -(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse { return(YES); }//acceptsFirstMouse; -(SqButton*)redButton { return(redButton); }//redButton; -(SqButton*)yellowButton { return(yellowButton); }//yellowButton; -(SqButton*)blueButton { return(blueButton); }//blueButton; -(id)mouseDown:(NXEvent*)event { eventFlags=(event->flags&0xffff0000) |SqButton_LeftMouseEventFlag |(eventFlags&SqButton_RightMouseEventFlag); [self updateButtonStateWith:eventFlags]; return(self); }//mouseDown:; -(id)mouseUp:(NXEvent*)event { eventFlags=(event->flags&0xffff0000) |(eventFlags&SqButton_RightMouseEventFlag); [self updateButtonStateWith:eventFlags]; return(self); }//mouseUp:; -(id)rightMouseDown:(NXEvent*)event { eventFlags=(event->flags&0xffff0000) |(eventFlags&SqButton_LeftMouseEventFlag) |SqButton_RightMouseEventFlag; [self updateButtonStateWith:eventFlags]; return(self); }//rightMouseDown:; -(id)rightMouseUp:(NXEvent*)event { eventFlags=(event->flags&0xffff0000) |(eventFlags&SqButton_LeftMouseEventFlag); [self updateButtonStateWith:eventFlags]; return(self); }//rightMouseUp:; static const unsigned char Conversion_next_to_macintosh[256]={ /* 0 */ '\000', /* 1 */ '\001', /* 2 */ '\002', /* 3 */ '\003', /* 4 */ '\004', /* 5 */ '\005', /* 6 */ '\006', /* 7 */ '\007', /* 8 */ '\010', /* 9 */ '\011', /* 10 */ '\012', /* 11 */ '\013', /* 12 */ '\014', /* 13 */ '\015', /* 14 */ '\016', /* 15 */ '\017', /* 16 */ '\020', /* 17 */ '\021', /* 18 */ '\022', /* 19 */ '\023', /* 20 */ '\024', /* 21 */ '\025', /* 22 */ '\026', /* 23 */ '\027', /* 24 */ '\030', /* 25 */ '\031', /* 26 */ '\032', /* 27 */ '\033', /* 28 */ '\034', /* 29 */ '\035', /* 30 */ '\036', /* 31 */ '\037', /* 32 */ ' ', /* 33 */ '!', /* 34 */ '"', /* 35 */ '#', /* 36 */ '$', /* 37 */ '%', /* 38 */ '&', /* 39 */ '\'', /* 40 */ '(', /* 41 */ ')', /* 42 */ '*', /* 43 */ '+', /* 44 */ ',', /* 45 */ '-', /* 46 */ '.', /* 47 */ '/', /* 48 */ '0', /* 49 */ '1', /* 50 */ '2', /* 51 */ '3', /* 52 */ '4', /* 53 */ '5', /* 54 */ '6', /* 55 */ '7', /* 56 */ '8', /* 57 */ '9', /* 58 */ ':', /* 59 */ ';', /* 60 */ '<', /* 61 */ '=', /* 62 */ '>', /* 63 */ '?', /* 64 */ '@', /* 65 */ 'A', /* 66 */ 'B', /* 67 */ 'C', /* 68 */ 'D', /* 69 */ 'E', /* 70 */ 'F', /* 71 */ 'G', /* 72 */ 'H', /* 73 */ 'I', /* 74 */ 'J', /* 75 */ 'K', /* 76 */ 'L', /* 77 */ 'M', /* 78 */ 'N', /* 79 */ 'O', /* 80 */ 'P', /* 81 */ 'Q', /* 82 */ 'R', /* 83 */ 'S', /* 84 */ 'T', /* 85 */ 'U', /* 86 */ 'V', /* 87 */ 'W', /* 88 */ 'X', /* 89 */ 'Y', /* 90 */ 'Z', /* 91 */ '[', /* 92 */ '\\', /* 93 */ ']', /* 94 */ '^', /* 95 */ '_', /* 96 */ '`', /* 97 */ 'a', /* 98 */ 'b', /* 99 */ 'c', /* 100 */ 'd', /* 101 */ 'e', /* 102 */ 'f', /* 103 */ 'g', /* 104 */ 'h', /* 105 */ 'i', /* 106 */ 'j', /* 107 */ 'k', /* 108 */ 'l', /* 109 */ 'm', /* 110 */ 'n', /* 111 */ 'o', /* 112 */ 'p', /* 113 */ 'q', /* 114 */ 'r', /* 115 */ 's', /* 116 */ 't', /* 117 */ 'u', /* 118 */ 'v', /* 119 */ 'w', /* 120 */ 'x', /* 121 */ 'y', /* 122 */ 'z', /* 123 */ '{', /* 124 */ '|', /* 125 */ '}', /* 126 */ '~', /* 127 */ 8, //'\177', /* 128 */ ' ', /* 129 */ '\313', /* 130 */ '\347', /* 131 */ '\345', /* 132 */ '\314', /* 133 */ '\200', /* 134 */ '\201', /* 135 */ '\202', /* 136 */ '\351', /* 137 */ '\203', /* 138 */ '\346', /* 139 */ '\350', /* 140 */ '\355', /* 141 */ '\352', /* 142 */ '\353', /* 143 */ '\354', /* 144 */ ' ', /* 145 */ '\204', /* 146 */ '\361', /* 147 */ '\356', /* 148 */ '\357', /* 149 */ '\315', /* 150 */ '\205', /* 151 */ '\364', /* 152 */ '\362', /* 153 */ '\363', /* 154 */ '\206', /* 155 */ ' ', /* 156 */ ' ', /* 157 */ '\265', /* 158 */ ' ', /* 159 */ '\326', /* 160 */ '\251', /* 161 */ '\301', /* 162 */ '\242', /* 163 */ '\243', /* 164 */ '\332', /* 165 */ '\264', /* 166 */ '\304', /* 167 */ '\244', /* 168 */ '\333', /* 169 */ ' ', /* 170 */ '\322', /* Mac NeXT HOME 1 END 4 BACKSPACE 8 PAGE-UP 11 PAGE-DOWN 12 ESCAPE 27 LEFT-ARROW 28 172 RIGHT-ARROW 29 174 UP-ARROW 30 173 DOWN-ARROW 31 175 DELETE 127 127 */ /* 171 */ '\307', /* 172 */ 28, //'\334', /* 173 */ 30, //'\335', /* 174 */ 29, //'\336', /* 175 */ 31, //'\337', /* 176 */ '\250', /* 177 */ '\320', /* 178 */ '\240', /* 179 */ '\340', /* 180 */ '\341', /* 181 */ ' ', /* 182 */ '\246', /* 183 */ '\245', /* 184 */ '\342', /* 185 */ '\343', /* 186 */ '\323', /* 187 */ '\310', /* 188 */ '\311', /* 189 */ '\344', /* 190 */ '\302', /* 191 */ '\300', /* 192 */ ' ', /* 193 */ ' ', /* 194 */ '\253', /* 195 */ '\366', /* 196 */ '\367', /* 197 */ '\370', /* 198 */ '\371', /* 199 */ '\372', /* 200 */ '\254', /* 201 */ ' ', /* 202 */ '\373', /* 203 */ '\374', /* 204 */ ' ', /* 205 */ '\375', /* 206 */ '\376', /* 207 */ '\377', /* 208 */ '\321', /* 209 */ '\261', /* 210 */ ' ', /* 211 */ ' ', /* 212 */ ' ', /* 213 */ '\210', /* 214 */ '\207', /* 215 */ '\211', /* 216 */ '\213', /* 217 */ '\212', /* 218 */ '\214', /* 219 */ '\215', /* 220 */ '\217', /* 221 */ '\216', /* 222 */ '\220', /* 223 */ '\221', /* 224 */ '\223', /* 225 */ '\256', /* 226 */ '\222', /* 227 */ '\273', /* 228 */ '\224', /* 229 */ '\225', /* 230 */ ' ', /* 231 */ '\226', /* 232 */ ' ', /* 233 */ '\257', /* 234 */ '\316', /* 235 */ '\274', /* 236 */ '\230', /* 237 */ '\227', /* 238 */ '\231', /* 239 */ '\233', /* 240 */ '\232', /* 241 */ '\276', /* 242 */ '\235', /* 243 */ '\234', /* 244 */ '\236', /* 245 */ '\365', /* 246 */ '\237', /* 247 */ ' ', /* 248 */ ' ', /* 249 */ '\277', /* 250 */ '\317', /* 251 */ '\247', /* 252 */ ' ', /* 253 */ '\330', /* 254 */ ' ', /* 255 */ ' ' }; -(id)keyDown:(NXEvent*)event { int newtail=(keyTail+1)%KeyMax; eventFlags=(event->flags&0xffff0000)|(eventFlags&0x0000fffff); butBuffer[keyTail]=event->flags; keyBuffer[keyTail]=(0x0f00&((butBuffer[keyTail])>>9)) |Conversion_next_to_macintosh[ (unsigned char)(0xff&(event->data.key.charCode))]; #ifdef DEBUG_KEYDOWN {unsigned char c=(unsigned char)(0xff&keyBuffer[keyTail]); fprintf(stderr,"keydown: %c%c%c%c %c%c %3d \n", (butBuffer[keyTail]&(1<<20))?'M':' ', (butBuffer[keyTail]&(1<<19))?'O':' ', (butBuffer[keyTail]&(1<<18))?'C':' ', (butBuffer[keyTail]&(1<<17))?'S':' ', (c<' ')?'^':(c<128?' ':(c<128+32?'v':'_')), (c&0x7f)<32?((c&0x7f)+64):(c&0x7F),(int)c); } #endif if(interruptKeycode==keyBuffer[keyTail]){ interruptPending=true; interruptCheckCounter=0; }else if(newtail!=keyHead){ keyTail=newtail; }else{ NXBeep(); } return(self); }//keyDown:; -(BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NXEvent*)event { switch(event->data.key.charCode){ case 'h': // Command-h -> Hide. case 'q': // Command-q -> Quit. return([super performKeyEquivalent:event]); default: [self keyDown:event]; return(YES); } }//performKeyEquivalent:; -(void)redisplayAfterUnhide { //NOP. }//redisplayAfterUnhide; -(void)updateWholeDisplay { if(lastBitsIndex!=0){ [self ioShowDisplayBitsIndex:lastBitsIndex width:lastWidth height:lastHeight depth:lastDepth affectedLeft:0 affectedRight:lastWidth affectedTop:0 affectedBottom:lastHeight]; } }//updateWholeDisplay; /* display,mouse,keyboard,time i/o */ -(int)ioForceDisplayUpdate { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) [[self window]flushWindow]; NXPing(); [NXApp ioProcessEvents]; return(0); }//ioForceDisplayUpdate; -(int)ioFormPrintBitsAddr:(int)bAdr width:(int)w height:(int)h depth:(int)d hScale:(double)hs vScale:(double)vs landscapeFlag:(int)lf { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) [NXApp ioProcessEvents]; #warning PJB: ioFormPrintBitsAddr Not implemented. fprintf(stderr,"ioFormPrintBitsAddr:%x width:%d height:%d depth:%d\n" " hScale:%f vScale:%f landscapeFlag:%d\n", bAdr,w,h,d,(float)hs,(float)vs,lf); return(0); }//ioFormPrintBitsAddr:; -(NXWindowDepth)screenDepth { const NXScreen* screen=[window screen]; return(screen->depth); }//screenDepth; -(void)getScreenRect:(NXRect*)screenRect { const NXScreen* screen=[window screen]; (*screenRect)=screen->screenBounds; }//getScreenRect:; -(int)ioSetFullScreen:(int)wantFullScreen { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) [NXApp ioProcessEvents]; NX_DURING if(wantFullScreen!=isFullScreen){ [NXApp prepareFullScreen:wantFullScreen noTitle:[[NXApp preferences]noTitle]]; isFullScreen=wantFullScreen; } #if 0 if(wantFullScreen&&(!isFullScreen)){ /* setting full-screen mode */ NXRect fsRect; PScurrentwindowlevel([window windowNum],&savedLevel); [window getFrame:&savedWindowPlace andScreen:&savedScreen]; fsRect.origin.x=savedScreen->screenBounds.origin.x-1; fsRect.origin.y=savedScreen->screenBounds.origin.y-11; fsRect.size.width=savedScreen->screenBounds.size.width+1; fsRect.size.height=savedScreen->screenBounds.size.height+31; [self windowWillResize:self toSize:&(fsRect.size)]; PSsetwindowlevel(NX_SUBMENULEVEL-1,[window windowNum]); [window placeWindow:&fsRect]; [window sizeWindow:fsRect.size.width:fsRect.size.height]; isFullScreen=YES; }else if((!wantFullScreen)&&isFullScreen){ /* reverting to sub-screen mode */ PSsetwindowlevel(savedLevel,[window windowNum]); [window placeWindow:&savedWindowPlace screen:savedScreen]; isFullScreen=NO; } #endif NX_HANDLER fprintf(stderr,"An exception is caught in [%s %s]: " "code=%d data1=0x%x data2=0x%x\n", "SqView",sel_getName(_cmd),NXLocalHandler.code, (unsigned int)NXLocalHandler.data1, (unsigned int)NXLocalHandler.data2); NX_ENDHANDLER return(0); }//ioSetFullScreen:; -(int)ioGetButtonState { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) [NXApp ioProcessEvents]; return(buttonState); }//ioGetButtonState; -(int)ioMousePoint { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) NXPoint mouse; int x; int y; [NXApp ioProcessEvents]; NX_DURING PScurrentmouse([window windowNum],&(mouse.x),&(mouse.y)); [self convertPoint:&mouse fromView:NIL]; [self point:&mouse toSq:&x:&y]; NX_HANDLER fprintf(stderr,"An exception is caught in [%s %s]: " "code=%d data1=0x%x data2=0x%x\n", "SqView",sel_getName(_cmd),NXLocalHandler.code, (unsigned int)NXLocalHandler.data1, (unsigned int)NXLocalHandler.data2); NX_ENDHANDLER return(((x&0xffff)<<16)|(y&0xffff)); }//ioMousePoint; -(int)ioPeekKeystroke { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) [NXApp ioProcessEvents]; if(keyHead==keyTail){ return(-1); }else{ [self updateButtonStateWith:butBuffer[keyHead]]; return(keyBuffer[keyHead]); } }//ioPeekKeystroke; -(int)ioGetKeystroke { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) [NXApp ioProcessEvents]; if(keyHead==keyTail){ return(-1); }else{ int result=keyBuffer[keyHead]; [self updateButtonStateWith:butBuffer[keyHead]]; keyHead=(keyHead+1)%KeyMax; return(result); } }//ioGetKeystroke; -(int)ioScreenSize { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) [NXApp ioProcessEvents]; /* width is high 16 bits; height is low 16 bits */ return(((((int)bounds.size.width)&0xffff)<<16) |(((int)bounds.size.height)&0xffff)); }//ioScreenSize; -(int)ioSetCursorBitsIndex:(int)cursorBitsIndex withMask:(int)cursorMaskIndex offsetX:(int)x offsetY:(int)y { return([self ioSetCursorBitsIndex:cursorBitsIndex offsetX:x offsetY:y]); }//ioSetCursorBitsIndex:withMask:offsetX:offsetY:; -(int)ioSetCursorBitsIndex:(int)cursorBitsIndex offsetX:(int)x offsetY:(int)y { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) NXImage* image; NXBitmapImageRep* bitmap; NXPoint hotSpot={-x,-y}; unsigned char* data; unsigned char* mask; unsigned char* planes[5]; int i; NX_DURING bitmap=[[NXBitmapImageRep alloc] initDataPlanes:0 pixelsWide:16 pixelsHigh:16 bitsPerSample:1 samplesPerPixel:2 hasAlpha:YES isPlanar:YES colorSpace:NX_OneIsBlackColorSpace bytesPerRow:2 bitsPerPixel:0]; [bitmap getDataPlanes:planes]; data=planes[0]; mask=planes[1]; for(i=0;i<16;i++){ unsigned int chunk; chunk=(unsigned)checkedLongAt(cursorBitsIndex+(4*i)); data[i*2+0]=(chunk>>24)&0xFF; data[i*2+1]=(chunk>>16)&0xFF; mask[i*2+0]=(~(data[i*2+0])); mask[i*2+1]=(~(data[i*2+1])); } if(cursor==0){ image=[[NXImage alloc]init]; [image useRepresentation:bitmap]; cursor=[[NXCursor alloc]initFromImage:image]; [cursor setHotSpot:&hotSpot]; [cursor set]; // You must not free image since it is not copied by the // cursor. It only keep a reference to the images. }else{ BOOL cursorIsCurrent=[NXCursor currentCursor]==cursor; image=[cursor image]; if(cursorIsCurrent){ [transparentCursor push]; } [image removeRepresentation:[image lastRepresentation]]; [image useRepresentation:bitmap]; [cursor setImage:image]; [cursor setHotSpot:&hotSpot]; if(cursorIsCurrent){ [NXCursor pop]; } [cursor set]; } NX_HANDLER fprintf(stderr,"An exception is caught in [%s %s]: " "code=%d data1=0x%x data2=0x%x\n", "SqView",sel_getName(_cmd),NXLocalHandler.code, (unsigned int)NXLocalHandler.data1, (unsigned int)NXLocalHandler.data2); NX_ENDHANDLER return(0); }//ioSetCursorBitsIndex:offsetX:offsetY:; -(int)ioShowDisplayBitsIndex:(int)bitsIndex width:(int)width height:(int)height depth:(int)depth affectedLeft:(int)left affectedRight:(int)right affectedTop:(int)top affectedBottom:(int)bottom { debug(int dummy=fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",sel_getName(_cmd));\ int fummy=fflush(stderr);) debug(int dumm2=fprintf(stderr,"%22x%6d%7d%6d%13d%14d%12d%15d\n",\ bitsIndex,width,height,depth,\ left,right,top,bottom);) NXBitmapImageRep* bitmap=0; if((right<=left)||(bottom<=top)){ return(1); } // This can happen after resizing the window: if(width<right){ right=width; } if(height<bottom){ bottom=height; } lastBitsIndex=bitsIndex; lastWidth=width; lastHeight=height; lastDepth=depth; NX_DURING debug(fprintf(stderr,"[SqView 0x%08x canDraw]=%d\n", (int)self,[self canDraw]);) if([self canDraw]){ NXPoint position; [self lockFocus]; if(![self isFocusView]){ fprintf(stderr,"ASSERT ERROR: ![self isFocusView]\n"); } bitmap=[self computeBitmapFromBitsIndex:(void*)bitsIndex width:width height:height depth:depth left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom position:&position]; [bitmap drawAt:&position]; free([bitmap data]); [bitmap free]; [[self window]flushWindow]; // Could wait? NXPing(); // Could wait? [self unlockFocus]; } debug(fprintf(stderr,"SqView done.\n");) NX_HANDLER fprintf(stderr,"An exception is caught in [%s %s]: " "code=%d data1=0x%x data2=0x%x\n", "SqView",sel_getName(_cmd),NXLocalHandler.code, (unsigned int)NXLocalHandler.data1, (unsigned int)NXLocalHandler.data2); if([self isFocusView]){ [[self window]flushWindow]; // Could wait? NXPing(); // Could wait? [self unlockFocus]; } if(bitmap!=0){ [bitmap free]; bitmap=0; } NX_ENDHANDLER return(0); }//ioShowDisplayBitsIndex:width:height:depth:affectedLeft:...; @end // SqView. /*** SqView.m / Thu Aug 27 23:21:05 MET 1998 / PJB ***/
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by