
This is SqView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	NeXTstep user Interface for Squeak.
	<PJB> Pascal J. Bourguignon
	1992/12/24 <PJB> Creation (as UiView for SFS).
	1998/06/12 <PJB> Modified for Squeak.
	Copyright Pascal J. Bourguignon 1998 - 1998

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Public 
	License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
	WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
	or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
	hereafter for more details.
#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "BoTypes.h"
#import "SqButton.h"

@interface SqView:View
	NXCursor*           cursor;
	NXCursor*           transparentCursor;
	NXRect              savedWindowPlace; // not valid when !isFullScreen.
	const NXScreen*     savedScreen;      // not valid when !isFullScreen.
	int                 savedLevel;       // not valid when !isFullScreen.
	BOOL                isFullScreen;
#define KeyMax	    	(80)
	int		    		keyBuffer[KeyMax];
	int	    			butBuffer[KeyMax];
	int    				keyHead;
	int				    keyTail;
	int                 eventFlags;   // NeXT mouse button and modifier state.
	int                 buttonState;  // Sq mouse button and modifier state.
	SqButton*           redButton;
	SqButton*           yellowButton;
	SqButton*           blueButton;

	// This colorMap is used to map the Squeak 2-bit to NEXTSTEP 2-bit colors.
	unsigned char*      Two_to_Two;
	// These colorMaps are used only when Squeak depth is 8, to convert to
	// 2-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit maps.
	unsigned char*      colorMap2Gray;
	unsigned char*      colorMap8Gray;
	unsigned short*     colorMap16;
	unsigned long*      colorMap32;

	int                 lastBitsIndex; // used by updateWholeDisplay.
	int                 lastWidth;
	int                 lastHeight;
	int                 lastDepth;
	NXImage*            cachedImage;
	unsigned long*      bitsRgb;
	long                bitsRgbSize;

	-(id)initFrame:(const NXRect*)frameRect;

// Responder methods:


// SqView methods:
			May be overriden by subclasses. Set up the color maps.
	-(void)setColorEntry:(int)i red:(int)r green:(int)g blue:(int)b;
			May be overriden by subclasses. Set up one entry in the color maps.
			Sent from appDidUnhide:.  Do nothing.
			Subclasses may override to send updateWholeDisplay.

/* display,mouse,keyboard,time i/o */

	-(int)ioFormPrintBitsAddr:(int)bAdr width:(int)w height:(int)h depth:(int)d 
			hScale:(double)hs vScale:(double)vs landscapeFlag:(int)lf;
			offsetX:(int)x offsetY:(int)y;
			offsetX:(int)x offsetY:(int)y;
			width:(int)w height:(int)h depth:(int)d 
			affectedLeft:(int)l affectedRight:(int)r 
			affectedTop:(int)t affectedBottom:(int)b;

@end // SqView.

/*** SqView.h / Thu Aug 27 23:20:56 MET 1998 / PJB ***/

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