
This is UserPath.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * UserPath.h by Bruce Blumberg, NeXT Computer, Inc.
 * You may freely copy,distribute and re-use the code in this example. NeXT
 * disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to its fitness
 * for any particular purpose
 * This file and its associated .m file define a data structure and set of
 * functions aimed at facilitating the use of user paths. Here is a simple
 * example:
 * UserPath *arect;
 * arect = newUserPath(); // creates an empty user path
 * beginUserPath(arect,YES);  // initialize user path and cache
 *   UPmoveto(arect,0.0,0.0); // add moveto to userpath; update bounding box
 *   UPrlineto(arect,0.0,100.0); // add rlineto to path; update bounding box
 *   UPrlineto(arect,100.0,0.0); // add rlineto to path; update bounding box
 *   UPrlineto(arect,0.0,-100.0); // add rlineto to path; update bounding box
 *   closePath(arect); // close path
 * endUserPath(arect,dps_stroke); // close user path and specify operator
 * sendUserPath(arect);
 * As you will note, the set of routines manage the allocation and growth of
 * the operator and operand arrays, as well as the calculation of the bounding
 * box. A user path created via these functions may be optionally cached down
 * at the window server, or repeatedly sent down.  The user paths created by
 * this set of functions are all allocated in a unique zone.
 * Note: the associated file is a .m file because it pulls in some .h files
 * which reference objective C methods. 

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <objc/objc.h>
#import <dpsclient/dpsclient.h>

@interface UserPath : Object
    float          *points;
    int             numberOfPoints;
    char           *ops;
    NXPoint         cp;
    int             numberOfOps;
    int             max;
    float           bbox[4];
    int             opForUserPath;
    BOOL            ping;

- init;
- free;
- debug:(BOOL)shouldPing;
- grow;
- begin:(BOOL)cache;
- end:(int)op;
- (int)send;

- moveTo:(float)x :(float)y;
- moveTo:(NXPoint *)p;
- rmoveTo:(float)x :(float)y;
- rmoveTo:(NXPoint *)p;
- lineTo:(float)x :(float)y;
- lineTo:(NXPoint *)p;
- rlineTo:(float)x :(float)y;
- rlineTo:(NXPoint *)p;

- curveTo:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float)x2 :(float)y2 :(float)x3 :(float)y3;
- rcurveTo:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float)x2 :(float)y2 :(float)x3 :(float)y3;

- arc:(float)x :(float)y :(float)r :(float)ang1 :(float)ang2;
- arcn:(float)x :(float)y :(float)r :(float)ang1 :(float)ang2;
- arct:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float)x2 :(float)y2 :(float)r;
- close;
- addPts:(float)x :(float)y;
- addPts:(NXPoint *)p;
- addOp:(int)op;
- addOp:(int)op  point:(NXPoint *)p;
- addOp:(int)op :(float)x :(float)y;
- checkBBox:(float)x :(float)y;


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