
This is Size.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "Size.h"

@implementation Size

 - initFromWidth:(float)w height:(float)h
	[super init];
	size.height = h;
	size.width = w;
	return self;

- initFrom:(NXSize *)s
	[super init];
	size = *s;
	return self;
- (NXSize *)asCPointer				{ return (NXSize *)&size; }
- setWidth:(float)w					{ size.width = w; return self; }
- setWidth:(float)w height:(float)h	{ size.width = w; size.height = h; return self; }
- setHeight:(float)h				{ size.height = h; return self; }
- (double)width						{ return (double)size.width; }
- (double)height						{ return (double)size.height; }


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