
This is DPS.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

@interface DPS : Object

+ defineUserObject:(int)index;
//+ undefineUserObject:(int)index;
+ doUserPath:(void *)coords :(int)numCoords :(int)numType :(unsigned char *)ops :(int)numOps :(void *)bbox :(int)actions ;
+ doUserPath:(void *)coords :(int)numCoords :(int)numType :(unsigned char *)ops :(int)numOps :(void *)bbox :(int)actions :(float *)matrix ;

+ colorImage;
+ currentBlackGeneration;
+ currentCMYKColor:(float *)c :(float *)m :(float *)y :(float *)k;
+ currentCMYKColor:(NXColor *)c;
+ currentColorTransfer;
+ currentUnderColorRemoval;
+ setBlackGeneration;
+ setCMYKColor:(float)c :(float)m :(float)y :(float)k;
+ setCMYKColor:(NXColor *)c;
+ setColorScreen;
+ setColorTransfer;
+ setUnderColorRemoval;

+ condition;
+ currentContext:(int *)cid;
+ currentObjectFormat:(int *)code;
+ defineUserName:(int)i :(const char *)username;
+ defineUserName:(const char *)username at:(int)i;
+ defineUserObject;								
+ detach;
+ execUserObject:(int)index;
+ fork;
+ join;
+ lock;
+ monitor;
+ notify;
+ setObjectFormat:(int)code;
+ setVMThreshold:(int)i;
+ undefineUserObject:(int)index;
+ userObject;
+ wait;
+ yield;

+ fontDirectory;
+ ISOLatin1Encoding;
+ sharedFontDirectory;
+ standardEncoding;
+ cacheStatus:(int *)bsize :(int *)bmax :(int *)msize;
+ currentCacheParams;
+ currentFont;
+ defineFont;
+ findFont:(const char *)name;
+ makeFont;
+ scaleFont:(float)size;
+ selectFont:(const char *)name :(float)scale;
+ selectFont:(const char *)name scale:(float)scale;
+ setCacheDevice:(float)wx :(float)wy :(float)llx :(float)lly :(float)urx :(float)ury ;
+ setCacheLimit:(int)n;
+ setCacheParams;
+ setCharWidth:(float)x :(float)y;
+ setCharWidth:(NXSize *)size;
+ setFont:(int)f;
+ undefineFont:(const char *)name;

+ concat:(float *)m;
+ currentDash;
+ currentFlat:(float *)flatness;
+ currentGray:(float *)gray;
+ currentGState:(int)gst;
+ currentHalftone;
+ currentHalfTonePhase:(float *)x :(float *)y;
+ currentHSBColor:(float *)h :(float *)s :(float *)b;
+ currentHSBColor:(NXColor *)c;
+ currentLineCap:(int *)linecap;
+ currentLineJoin:(int *)linejoin;
+ currentLineWidth:(float *)width;
+ currentMatrix;
+ currentMiterLimit:(float *)limit;
+ currentPoint:(float *)x :(float *)y;
+ currentPoint:(NXPoint *)p;
+ currentRGBColor:(float *)r :(float *)g :(float *)b;
+ currentRGBColor:(NXColor *)c ;
+ currentScreen;
+ currentStrokeAdjust:(int *)b;
+ currentTransfer;
+ defaultMatrix;
+ gRestore;
+ gRestoreAll;
+ gSave;
+ gState;
+ initGraphics;
+ initMatrix;
+ rotate:(float)angle;
+ scale:(float)x :(float)y;
+ scale:(NXSize *)size;
+ setDash:(const float *)path :(int)size :(float)offset;
+ setDash:(const float *)path size:(int)size offset:(float)offset;
+ setFlat:(float)flatness;
+ setGray:(float)gray;
+ setGState:(int)gst;
+ setHalftone;
+ setHalftonePhase:(float)x :(float)y;
+ setHSBColor:(float)h :(float)s :(float)b;
+ setHSBColor:(NXColor *)c;
+ setLineCap:(int)linecap;
+ setLineJoin:(int)linejoin;
+ setLineWidth:(float)width;
+ setMatrix;
+ setMiterLimit:(float)limit;
+ setRGBColor:(float)r :(float)g :(float)b;
+ setRGBColor:(NXColor *)c;
+ setScreen;
+ setStrokeAdjust:(int)b;
+ setTransfer;
+ translate:(float)x :(float)y;
+ translate:(NXPoint *)p;

+ concatMatrix;
+ dtransform:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float *)x2 :(float *)y2;
+ identMatrix;
+ idTransfrom:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float *)x2 :(float *)y2;
+ invertMatrix;
+ iTransfrom:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float *)x2 :(float *)y2;
+ transfrom:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float *)x2 :(float *)y2;

+ getBoolean:(int *)it;
+ getCharArray:(char *)s size:(int)size;
+ getFloat:(float *)it;
+ getFloatArray:(float *)a size:(int)size;
+ getInt:(int *)it;
+ getIntArray:(int *)a size:(int)size;
+ getString:(char *)s;
+ sendBoolean:(int)it;
+ sendCharArray:(const char *)s size:(int)size;
+ sendFloat:(float)it;
+ sendFloatArray:(const float *)a size:(int)size;
+ sendInt:(int)it;
+ sendIntArray:(const int *)a size:(int)size;
+ sendString:(const char *)s;

+ aShow:(float)x :(float)y :(const char *)s;
+ aWidthShow:(float)cx :(float)cy :(int)c :(float)ax :(float)ay :(const char *)s;
+ copyPage;
+ eoFill;
+ erasePage;
+ fill;
+ image;
+ imageMask;
+ kShow:(const char *)s;
+ rectFill:(float)x :(float)y :(float)w :(float)h;
+ rectFill:(NXRect *)r;
+ rectStroke:(float)x :(float)y :(float)w :(float)h ;
+ rectStroke:(NXRect *)r;
+ show:(const char *)s;
+ show:(const char *)s addWidth:(NXSize *)p;
+ show:(const char *)s addWidth:(NXSize *)a char:(int)c addWidth:(NXSize *)cs;
+ showPage;				
+ stroke;
+ strokePath;
+ ueoFill:(const char *)nums :(int)n :(const char *)ops :(int)l;
+ uFill:(const char *)nums :(int)n :(const char *)ops :(int)l;
+ uStroke:(const char *)nums :(int)n :(const char *)ops :(int)l;
+ uStrokePath:(const char *)nums :(int)n :(const char *)ops :(int)l;
+ widthShow:(float)x :(float)y :(int)c :(const char *)s;
+ xShow:(const char *)s :(const float *)numarray :(int)size;
+ xyShow:(const char *)s :(const float *)numarray :(int)size;
+ yShow:(const char *)s :(const float *)numarray :(int)size;

+ arc:(float)x :(float)y :(float)r :(float)angle1 :(float)angle2;
+ arcAt:(NXPoint *)p radius:(float)r startAngle:(float)angle1 endAngle:(float)angle2;
+ arcN:(float)x :(float)y :(float)r :(float)angle1 :(float)angle2;
+ arcNAt:(NXPoint *)p radius:(float)r startAngle:(float)angle1 endAngle:(float)angle2;
+ arcT:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float)x2 :(float)y2 :(float)r;
+ arcTo:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float)x2 :(float)y2 :(float)r :(float *)xt1 :(float *)yt1 :(float *)xt2 :(float *)yt2;
+ charPath:(const char *)s :(int)b;
+ clip;
+ clipPath;
+ closePath;
+ curveTo:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float)x2 :(float)y2 :(float)x3 :(float)y3;
+ curveTo:(NXPoint *)p1 :(NXPoint *)p2 :(NXPoint *)p3;
+ eoClip;
+ eoViewClip;
+ flattenPath;
+ initClip;
+ initViewClip;
+ lineTo:(float)x :(float)y;
+ lineTo:(NXPoint *)p;
+ moveTo:(float)x :(float)y;
+ moveTo:(NXPoint *)p;
+ newPath;
+ pathBox:(float *)llx :(float *)lly :(float *)urx :(float *)ury;
+ pathBox:(NXRect *)r;
+ pathForAll;
+ rCurveTo:(float)x1 :(float)y1 :(float)x2 :(float)y2 :(float)x3 :(float)y3;
+ rectClip:(float)x :(float)y :(float)w :(float)h;
+ rectClip:(NXRect *)r;
+ rectViewClip:(float)x :(float)y :(float)w :(float)h;
+ rectViewClip:(NXRect *)r;
+ reversePath;
+ rLineTo:(float)x :(float)y;
+ rLineTo:(NXPoint *)p;
+ rMoveTo:(float)x :(float)y;
+ rMoveTo:(NXPoint *)p;
+ setBBox:(float)llx :(float)lly :(float)urx :(float)ury;
+ setBBox:(NXRect *)r;
+ setUCacheParams;										
+ uAppend:(const char *)nums :(int)n :(const char *)ops :(int)l;
+ uCache;
+ uPath:(int)b;
+ uCacheStatus;
+ viewClip;
+ viewClipPath;

+ ineoFill:(float)x :(float)y :(int *)b;
+ inFill:(float)x :(float)y :(int *)b;
+ inStroke:(float)x :(float)y :(int *)b;
+ inueoFill:(float)x :(float)y :(const char *)nums :(int)n :(const char*)ops :(int)l :(int *)b;
+ inuFill:(float)x :(float)y :(const char *)nums :(int)n :(const char*)ops :(int)l :(int *)b;
+ inuStroke:(float)x :(float)y :(const char *)nums :(int)n :(const char*)ops :(int)l :(int *)b;
+ wTranslation:(float *)x :(float *)y;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.