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The following are exported by the THREADS structure.

  Initializes for multitasking, then starts up a thread for the execution
  of <thunk>.  That thread and all others created will run in the dynamic
  context of the call to with-multitasking.  The call to with-multitasking
  finally returns only when the scheduler runs out of things to do.

(SPAWN thunk) => thread
  Create and schedule a new thread that will execute <thunk>.

(MAKE-LOCK) => lock
(WITH-LOCK lock thunk) => whatever <thunk> returns
  Locks are semaphores.

(MAKE-CONDVAR) => condvar
(CONDVAR-REF condvar) => value of condvar
(CONDVAR-SET! condvar value)
  Condition Variables; attempts to reference a condition variable before
  it has been set cause the referencing thread to block.  Setting a
  condition variable to two different values is an error.

  Let other threads run for a while.

  The number of time units in one second.

(SLEEP time)
  Sleep for <time> time units.

(TIME) => integer
  The current time in time units.

(WITH-INTERRUPTS-INHIBITED thunk) => whatever <thunk> returns
(WITH-INTERRUPTS-ALLOWED thunk) => whatever <thunk> returns
  Execute the thunk with or without interrupts.  Interrupts are normally

(THREAD-READ-CHAR port) => character or EOF
(THREAD-PEEK-CHAR port) => character or EOF
(READ-CHAR-WITH-TIMEOUT port time) => character or EOF or 'TIMEOUT
  Read and peek for characters letting other threads run util a character
  is available.  READ-CHAR-WITH-TIMEOUT will return the symbol TIMEOUT if
  <time> time units go by without a character being available.

(THREAD? thing)
  #T if thing is a thread, #F otherwise.


Debugging utilities:

(KILL-THREAD thread)
(STOP-THREAD thread)

(INTERRUPT-THREAD thread thunk)
  Interrupt <thread> and make it execute <thunk> before continuing.

  Returns a list containing all currently active threads.

(KILL-CONDVAR condvar)
  Kill all threads waiting for <condvar>.


The MORE-THREADS structure defines a command ,START-THREADS that
starts the scheduler with the command loop as its initial thread.
For example:

    > ,load-package more-threads
    [more-threads ...]
    > ,open threads
    > ,start-threads
    Multitasking started
    > (define (foo) (sleep one-second) (display "Hi") (newline) (foo))
    > (define th (spawn foo))
    > th
    '#{Thread 1}
    > (let loop () (loop))

    Interrupt: keyboard
    > th
    '#{Thread 1}
    > (kill-thread th)
    > th
    '#{Thread 1}


Original by RK, 18 Nov 1993.
Sample transcript added by JAR, 5 Dec 1993.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.