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Return-Path: <kelsey@ccs.neu.edu>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 93 14:34:40 -0400
To: jar@cs.cornell.edu
Subject: environments for leaf procedures
From: kelsey@flora.ccs.neu.edu
Sender: kelsey@ccs.neu.edu

I merged the no-leaf-environments code back into the system, and this
time it may be worth it.  Loading pp.scm sped up by 2%, even though
the compiler is doing more work.  Benchmark times (in seconds):

                    old    new   speedup
quicksort           1.48   1.39     6%
towers              1.05   1.05     0%
matrix-multiply     3.32   3.10     7%
matrix-multiply2    1.94   1.80     7%

Local variable names are screwed up:

  > (define (f x) (let ((y 4)) (+ x y)))
  > (f 'a)

  Error: exception
         (+ 'a 4)
  1> ,debug
  '#{Continuation (pc 13) f}

   [0] 4
   [1: y] 'a

There is probably a simple fix for this.

Here is the diff:

% diff comp.scm comp.scm.save
< (define $compiling-leaf (make-fluid 'no))
< (define (note-not-leaf!)
<   (set-fluid! $compiling-leaf 'no))
< (define (compiling-leaf?)
<   (eq? 'yes (fluid $compiling-leaf)))
<     (deliver-value (if (env-ref? den)
< 		       (local-variable den cenv depth #f)
< 		       (instruction-with-variable op/global exp den #f))
< 		   cont)))
< (define (local-variable den cenv depth set?)
<   (let ((back (env-ref-back den cenv))
< 	(over (env-ref-over den)))
<     (if (and (compiling-leaf?)
< 	     (= back 0))
< 	(instruction (if set? op/stack-set! op/stack-ref)
< 		     (+ (- over 1) depth))
< 	(let ((back (if (compiling-leaf?) (- back 1) back)))
< 	  (if set?
< 	      (instruction op/set-local! back over)
< 	      (case back
< 		((0) (instruction op/local0 over)) ;+++
< 		((1) (instruction op/local1 over)) ;+++
< 		((2) (instruction op/local2 over)) ;+++
< 		(else (instruction op/local back over))))))))
>     (if (env-ref? den)
> 	(let ((back (env-ref-back den cenv))
> 	      (over (env-ref-over den)))
> 	  (deliver-value (case back
> 			   ((0) (instruction op/local0 over)) ;+++
> 			   ((1) (instruction op/local1 over)) ;+++
> 			   ((2) (instruction op/local2 over)) ;+++
> 			   (else (instruction op/local back over)))
> 			 cont))
> 	(deliver-value (instruction-with-variable op/global exp den #f)
> 		       cont))))
< 	  (if (env-ref? den)
< 	      (local-variable den cenv depth #t)
< 	      (instruction-with-variable op/set-global! name den #t)))
> 	  (cond ((env-ref? den)
> 		 (instruction op/set-local!
> 			      (env-ref-back den cenv)
> 			      (env-ref-over den)))
> 		(else
> 		 (instruction-with-variable op/set-global! name den #t))))
<   (note-not-leaf!)  ; this isn't strictly necessary, but it keeps things simpler
<   (cond ((return-cont? cont) 
< 	 code)
< 	(else
< 	 (note-not-leaf!)  ; this isn't strictly necessary, but it keeps things simpler
< 	 (sequentially (instruction-with-offset&byte op/make-cont
< 						     (segment-size code)
< 						     depth)
< 		       (note-source-code (cont-source-info cont)
< 					 code)
< 		       (cont-segment cont)))))
>   (if (return-cont? cont) 
>       code
>       (sequentially (instruction-with-offset&byte op/make-cont
> 						  (segment-size code)
> 						  depth)
> 		    (note-source-code (cont-source-info cont)
> 				      code)
> 		    (cont-segment cont))))
<   (note-not-leaf!)
<   (let-fluids $compiling-leaf 'maybe
<     (lambda ()
<       (let ((code (really-compile-lambda-code formals body cenv name)))
< 	(if (eq? (fluid $compiling-leaf) 'maybe)
< 	    (let-fluids $compiling-leaf 'yes
< 	      (lambda ()
< 		(really-compile-lambda-code formals body cenv name)))
< 	    code)))))
< (define (really-compile-lambda-code formals body cenv name)
<   (let* ((nargs (number-of-required-args formals))
< 	 (vars (normalize-formals formals))
< 	 (cenv (if (null? formals)
< 		   cenv			;+++
< 		   (bind-vars vars cenv))))
<     (sequentially
<      (cond ((n-ary? formals)
< 	    (sequentially
< 	     (instruction op/make-rest-list nargs)
< 	     (instruction op/push)
< 	     (if (compiling-leaf?)
< 		 empty-segment
< 		 (instruction op/make-env (+ nargs 1)))))
< 	   ((null? formals)
< 	    (note-not-leaf!) ; no point if no variables
< 	    empty-segment)
< 	   ((compiling-leaf?)
< 	    empty-segment)
< 	   (else
< 	    (instruction op/make-env nargs)))
<      (note-environment
<        vars
<        (compile-body body
< 		     cenv
< 		     0
< 		     (return-cont name))))))
>   (if (null? formals)
>       (compile-body body		;+++ Don't make null environment
> 		    cenv
> 		    0
> 		    (return-cont name))
>       (sequentially
>        (let ((nargs (number-of-required-args formals)))
> 	 (if (n-ary? formals)
> 	     (sequentially
> 	      (instruction op/make-rest-list nargs)
> 	      (instruction op/push)
> 	      (instruction op/make-env (+ nargs 1)))
> 	     (instruction op/make-env nargs)))
>        (let* ((vars (normalize-formals formals))
> 	      (cenv (bind-vars vars cenv)))
> 	 (note-environment
> 	  vars
> 	  (compile-body body
> 			cenv
> 			0
> 			(return-cont name)))))))

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