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/* Copyright 1991 Gustavus Adolphus College. All rights reserved. * * Schematik was developed by Gustavus Adolphus College (GAC) with * support from NeXT Computer, Inc. Permission to copy this software, * to redistribute it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, * subject to the following restrictions and understandings. * * 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright * notice in full. * * 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to * return to the GAC Mathematics and Computer Science Department any * improvements or extensions that they make, so that these may be * included in future releases; and (b) to inform GAC of noteworthy * uses of this software. * * 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this * software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the * usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic research. * * 4. GAC makes no express or implied warranty or representation of * any kind with respect to this software, including any warranty * that the operation of this software will be error-free. ANY * IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE IS HEREBY DISCLAIMED. GAC is under no obligation to * provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. * * 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this * material, there shall be no use of the name of Gustavus Adolphus * College nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising, * promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent * from GAC in each case. */ #import "Main.h" #import "../defines.h" #import InfoAgent_h #import HelpAgent_h #import PrefAgent_h #import FindAgent_h #import InteractionWin_h #import DocText_h #import SchemeProtocol_h #import GraphicsView_h #import <appkit/FontManager.h> #import <appkit/Listener.h> #import <appkit/Speaker.h> #import <appkit/Matrix.h> #import <appkit/NXCursor.h> #import <appkit/OpenPanel.h> #import <appkit/PrintInfo.h> #import <appkit/ScrollView.h> #import <appkit/Text.h> #import <appkit/publicWraps.h> #import <dpsclient/wraps.h> #import <objc/HashTable.h> #import <objc/List.h> #import <sys/signal.h> #import <mach.h> extern void NXBeep(void); #define ALTARROWCURSORTIFF "altcursor1" #define ALTIBEAMCURSORTIFF "altcursor1" #define ALTCURSORHOTSPOT {7,7} #define NEW_ROTATENUM 5 static int numDocsOpened=0; static BOOL terminus=NO; @implementation Main + new { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); self = [super new]; prefAgent = [PrefAgent new]; if ([prefAgent useSpecialCursors]) { NXPoint p=ALTCURSORHOTSPOT; NXArrow = [[NXCursor alloc] initFromImage:[[NXImage alloc] initFromSection:ALTARROWCURSORTIFF]]; [NXArrow setHotSpot:&p]; NXIBeam = [[NXCursor alloc] initFromImage:[[NXImage alloc] initFromSection:ALTIBEAMCURSORTIFF]]; [NXIBeam setHotSpot:&p]; } interactionWindow = [InteractionWin new]; [interactionWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; protocolObj = [[SchemeProtocol allocFromZone:[self zone]] init]; infoAgent = [InfoAgent new]; helpAgent = [HelpAgent new]; findAgent = [FindAgent new]; [protocolObj showRunState:INPUTSTATE]; [[NXApp printInfo] setOrientation:NX_PORTRAIT andAdjust:YES]; [[NXApp printInfo] setHorizPagination:NX_FITPAGINATION]; [[NXApp printInfo] setHorizCentered:NO]; [[NXApp printInfo] setVertCentered:NO]; [FontManager setFontPanelFactory:[MyFontPanel class]]; graphicsZone = NXCreateZone(vm_page_size, vm_page_size, YES); graphicsViews = [[HashTable allocFromZone:graphicsZone] initKeyDesc:"i" valueDesc:"@"]; return self; } - info:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return [infoAgent activateAgent:[sender selectedCell]]; } - help:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return [helpAgent activateAgent:[sender selectedCell]]; } - manual:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return [helpAgent activateAgent:[sender selectedCell]]; } - preferences:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return [prefAgent activateAgent:[sender selectedCell]]; } - newDocument:sender { id new=[DocWin new]; NXPoint p,q; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); [[prefAgent getDocOrigin:&p] getDocOffset:&q]; [new moveTo:(p.x+q.x*(numDocsOpened%NEW_ROTATENUM)) :(p.y+q.y*(numDocsOpened%NEW_ROTATENUM))]; numDocsOpened++; return [new makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } - openDocument:sender { id new=[DocWin performOpenFromFile:NULL]; NXPoint p,q; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); if (new==nil) return self; [[prefAgent getDocOrigin:&p] getDocOffset:&q]; [new moveTo:(p.x+q.x*(numDocsOpened%NEW_ROTATENUM)) :(p.y+q.y*(numDocsOpened%NEW_ROTATENUM))]; numDocsOpened++; return [new makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } - find:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return [findAgent activateAgent:[sender selectedCell]]; } - findNext:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return [findAgent findForward:[sender selectedCell]]; } - findPrevious:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return [findAgent findBackward:[sender selectedCell]]; } - evaluate:sender { NXSelPt start,end; char *theSelection; id text; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); text = [[NXApp mainWindow] textView]; if (text==nil) return self; switch ([[sender selectedCell] tag]) { case MENU_ACTIONS_Evaluate: if (*(theSelection = [text getSelection])) [protocolObj send:theSelection]; else { [text getSel:&start :&end]; if (![text selectScope]) { NXBeep(); break; } NXPing(); [protocolObj send:(theSelection = [text getSelection])]; if ([[NXApp mainWindow] isMemberOf:[DocWin class]]) [text setSel:start.cp :end.cp]; } [protocolObj send:"\n"]; if ([prefAgent transcriptMode]) { [text appendNewlineIfNeeded]; [protocolObj sendOutput:theSelection]; } break; case MENU_ACTIONS_EvalAll: [text getSel:&start :&end]; [protocolObj send:(theSelection = [text getAll])]; if ([[NXApp mainWindow] isMemberOf:[DocWin class]]) [text setSel:start.cp :end.cp]; [protocolObj send:"\n"]; if ([prefAgent transcriptMode]) { [text appendNewlineIfNeeded]; [protocolObj sendOutput:theSelection]; } break; } return self; } - abort:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); switch ([[sender selectedCell] tag]) { case MENU_ACTIONS_AbortTop : [protocolObj sendSignal:SIGNALABORTTOP]; break; case MENU_ACTIONS_AbortSame : [protocolObj sendSignal:SIGNALABORTSAME]; break; case MENU_ACTIONS_AbortPrev : [protocolObj sendSignal:SIGNALABORTPREV]; break; case MENU_ACTIONS_Breakpoint: [protocolObj sendSignal:SIGNALBREAKPOINT]; break; } return self; } - print:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return [keyWindow print:sender]; } - (id)findAgent { return findAgent;} - (id)helpAgent { return helpAgent;} - (id)prefAgent { return prefAgent;} - (id)infoAgent { return infoAgent;} - (id)interactionWindow { return interactionWindow;} - (id)protocolObj { return protocolObj;} - openGraphicsWindow:(unsigned)windowNum width:(unsigned)width height:(unsigned)height { NXRect r={{0.0,0.0},{width,height}}; id newGraphics=[[GraphicsView allocFromZone:graphicsZone] initFrame:&r window:windowNum]; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); if (newGraphics==nil) return nil; [graphicsViews insertKey:(const void *)windowNum value:(void *)newGraphics]; return self; } - closeGraphicsWindow:(unsigned)windowNum { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); [[(id)[graphicsViews valueForKey:(const void *)windowNum] window] setCloseEnabled]; [graphicsViews removeKey:(const void *)windowNum]; return self; } - setGraphicsWindowFlush:(unsigned)windowNum mode:(unsigned)mode { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); [(id)[graphicsViews valueForKey:(const void *)windowNum] setFlushMode:mode]; return self; } - printGraphicsWindow:(unsigned)windowNum { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); [(id)[graphicsViews valueForKey:(const void *)windowNum] printPSCode:self]; return self; } @end @implementation Main (Subclass) - restartSubprocess { [[protocolObj terminate:self withPrejudice:YES] free]; protocolObj = [[SchemeProtocol allocFromZone:[self zone]] init]; if (protocolObj==nil) NXRunAlertPanel(SCHEMEPROCMESSAGE,PROCESSRESTARTBAD,NULL,NULL,NULL); else NXRunAlertPanel(SCHEMEPROCMESSAGE,PROCESSRESTARTOK,NULL,NULL,NULL); return self; } - sendEvent:(NXEvent *)theEvent { if ((theEvent->type==NX_KEYDOWN)&&(theEvent->data.key.keyCode==73)&&(theEvent->flags&NX_NEXTCTRLKEYMASK)&&(theEvent->flags&NX_NEXTLALTKEYMASK)) [self restartSubprocess]; return [super sendEvent:theEvent]; } @end @implementation Main (Delegate) - (BOOL)appAcceptsAnotherFile:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); return YES; } - (BOOL)app:sender openFile:(const char *)file type:(const char *)aType { id new; NXPoint p,q; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); if (!file||((new=[DocWin performOpenFromFile:(char *)file])==nil)) return NO; [[prefAgent getDocOrigin:&p] getDocOffset:&q]; [new moveTo:(p.x+q.x*(numDocsOpened%NEW_ROTATENUM)) :(p.y+q.y*(numDocsOpened%NEW_ROTATENUM))]; numDocsOpened++; [new makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; return YES; } - _saveUnsaved { id *clist=NX_ADDRESS(windowList); id docwins=[DocWin class]; int i; for(i=[windowList count]; i--;) if ([clist[i] isDocEdited]&&[clist[i] isMemberOf:docwins]) { switch (NXRunAlertPanel(QUITALERTTITLE, QUITALERTMESSAGE, QUITALERTDEFAULT, QUITALERTALTERNATE, QUITALERTOTHER)) { case NX_ALERTOTHER : return nil; case NX_ALERTDEFAULT : clist=NX_ADDRESS(windowList); for(i=[windowList count]; i--;) if ([clist[i] isMemberOf:docwins]&&![[clist[i] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self] performClose:self]) return nil; } break; } if ([interactionWindow isDocEdited]&&(i<0)) [interactionWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; switch (NXRunAlertPanel(QUITALERTTITLE, QUITALERTMESSAGE2, SAVEALERTDEFAULT, SAVEALERTALTERNATE, SAVEALERTOTHER)) { case NX_ALERTOTHER : return nil; case NX_ALERTDEFAULT: [interactionWindow performSave:self]; } return self; } - app:sender powerOffIn:(int)ms andSave:(int)anInt { port_t port=NXPortFromName(NX_WORKSPACEREQUEST, NULL); int actual; if ((port!=PORT_NULL)&&[prefAgent confirmOnQuit]) { [appSpeaker setSendPort:port]; if (![appSpeaker extendPowerOffBy:600000 actual:&actual]) { BOOL confirm = [prefAgent confirmOnClose]; terminus = YES; if (!confirm) [prefAgent setConfirmOnClose:YES]; [self _saveUnsaved]; if (!confirm) [prefAgent setConfirmOnClose:NO]; } } [protocolObj terminate:self withPrejudice:YES]; return self; } - appWillTerminate:sender { BOOL confirm = [prefAgent confirmOnClose]; if (!confirm) [prefAgent setConfirmOnClose:YES]; if ([prefAgent confirmOnQuit]&&([self _saveUnsaved]==nil)) { if (!confirm) [prefAgent setConfirmOnClose:NO]; return nil; } terminus = YES; [protocolObj terminate:self withPrejudice:YES]; return self; } @end @implementation MyFontPanel + newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect style:(int)aStyle backing:(int)bufferingType buttonMask:(int)mask defer:(BOOL)flag { int i; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); self = [super newContent:contentRect style:aStyle backing:bufferingType buttonMask:mask defer:flag]; for(i=([families cellCount]-1); i>=0; i--) if (NXOrderStrings((unsigned char *)[[families cellAt:i :0] stringValue], (unsigned char *)GOODFONT1, YES, -1, NULL) &&NXOrderStrings((unsigned char *)[[families cellAt:i :0] stringValue], (unsigned char *)GOODFONT2, YES, -1, NULL)) [families removeRowAt:i andFree:YES]; [families sizeToCells]; selFont = [[[NXApp mainWindow] textView] font]; selMetrics = [selFont metrics]; return self; } @end @implementation Window (PrintingExt) - print:sender { id keyWindow = [NXApp keyWindow]; if ([[keyWindow contentView] hasSubviewOfKind:[GraphicsView class]]) [[[keyWindow contentView] docView] printPSCode:self]; else if ([[keyWindow contentView] hasSubviewOfKind:[ScrollView class]]) { if (!NXOrderStrings((unsigned char *)[keyWindow title],(unsigned char *)LICENSEPANELTITLE,YES,-1,NULL)) [[[[[keyWindow contentView] subviews] objectAt:0] docView] printPSCode:self]; else if (!NXOrderStrings((unsigned char *)[keyWindow title],(unsigned char *)HELPPANELTITLE,YES,-1,NULL)) [[[[keyWindow delegate] helpScrollView] docView] printPSCode:self]; } return self; } @end @implementation View (PrintingExt) - (BOOL)hasSubviewOfKind:aClass { int i; if ([self isKindOf:aClass]) return YES; else if ([self subviews]==nil) return NO; else for(i=0; i<[subviews count]; i++) if ([[subviews objectAt:i] hasSubviewOfKind:aClass]) return YES; return NO; } @end
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