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/* Copyright 1991 Gustavus Adolphus College. All rights reserved. * * Schematik was developed by Gustavus Adolphus College (GAC) with * support from NeXT Computer, Inc. Permission to copy this software, * to redistribute it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, * subject to the following restrictions and understandings. * * 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright * notice in full. * * 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to * return to the GAC Mathematics and Computer Science Department any * improvements or extensions that they make, so that these may be * included in future releases; and (b) to inform GAC of noteworthy * uses of this software. * * 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this * software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the * usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic research. * * 4. GAC makes no express or implied warranty or representation of * any kind with respect to this software, including any warranty * that the operation of this software will be error-free. ANY * IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE IS HEREBY DISCLAIMED. GAC is under no obligation to * provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. * * 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this * material, there shall be no use of the name of Gustavus Adolphus * College nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising, * promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent * from GAC in each case. */ #import "HelpAgent.h" #import "../defines.h" #import Main_h #import PrefAgent_h #import <appkit/NXBrowser.h> #import <appkit/NXBrowserCell.h> #import <appkit/ScrollView.h> #import <appkit/Text.h> #import <sys/dir.h> #import <fcntl.h> #import <libc.h> #import <mach.h> #import <string.h> #define NIBFILE1 "Help.nib" #define NIBFILE2 "Manual.nib" #define HELPZONENAME "HelpAgnt" #define MINHELPWINDOWHEIGHT 95 #define MINHELPWINDOWWIDTH 400 #define MINMANWINDOWHEIGHT 130 #define MINMANWINDOWWIDTH 550 #define MANUALPANELTITLE LocalString("Scheme 7.1 Reference Manual",NULL) #define MANUALBROWSERTITLE LocalString("Page",NULL) #define ENTRYFORMTITLE LocalString("Search for Entry:",NULL) #define SEARCHBUTTONTITLE LocalString("Search",NULL) static char **addFile(const char *, char **, int); static int compare(void *, void *); static NXZone *helpZone=NULL; static char **topics=NULL; static id theAgent=nil; @implementation HelpAgent + new { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); if (theAgent==nil) { NXZone *tempZone; tempZone = NXCreateZone(vm_page_size, vm_page_size, YES); DEBUG_ASSERT(tempZone!=NULL) theAgent = self = [super allocFromZone:tempZone]; helpZone = agentZone = tempZone; NXNameZone(agentZone, HELPZONENAME); } return theAgent; } - activateAgent:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); switch ([sender tag]) { case MENU_INFO_Help : if (!helpPanel) { helpPanel = LoadNIB(NIBFILE1, theAgent, agentZone); DEBUG_ASSERT(helpPanel!=nil) [helpPanel useOptimizedDrawing:YES]; [helpPanel setTitle:HELPPANELTITLE]; [topicsBrowser setTitle:HELPBROWSERTITLE ofColumn:BROWSERCOLUMN]; [topicsBrowser loadColumnZero]; DEBUG_ASSERT([topicsBrowser isLoaded]) } [helpPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; break; case MENU_INFO_Manual: if (!manualPanel) { manualPanel = LoadNIB(NIBFILE2, theAgent, agentZone); DEBUG_ASSERT(manualPanel!=nil) [manualPanel useOptimizedDrawing:YES]; #if 0 [manualPanel setTitle:MANUALPANELTITLE]; [pageBrowser setTitle:MANUALBROWSERTITLE ofColumn:BROWSERCOLUMN]; [pageBrowser setDoubleAction:@selector(manualBrowserDoubleClick:)]; [entryField setTitle:ENTRYFORMTITLE at:0]; [[entryField target] setTitle:SEARCHBUTTONTITLE]; [pageBrowser loadColumnZero]; DEBUG_ASSERT([pageBrowser isLoaded]) #endif } [manualPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } return self; } - helpBrowserClick:sender { extern char *appDirectory; const char *topic=[[[sender matrixInColumn:BROWSERCOLUMN] selectedCell] stringValue]; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); if ((topic!=NULL)&&(*topic)) { NXStream *stream; char helpFile[strlen(appDirectory)+strlen(topic)+strlen(FILENAMETEMPLATE)+strlen(NOHELPFILE)]; sprintf(helpFile, FILENAMETEMPLATE, appDirectory, topic); if (!(stream = NXMapFile(helpFile, NX_READONLY))) { sprintf(helpFile, FILENAMETEMPLATE, appDirectory, NOHELPFILE); stream = NXMapFile(helpFile, NX_READONLY); } if (stream) { [helpPanel disableFlushWindow]; [[helpScrollView docView] readRichText:stream]; [[helpScrollView docView] scrollSelToVisible]; [[helpPanel reenableFlushWindow] flushWindow]; NXCloseMemory(stream, NX_FREEBUFFER); } } return self; } #if 0 - manualBrowserClick:sender { return self; } - manualBrowserDoubleClick:sender; { const char *label=[[[sender matrixInColumn:BROWSERCOLUMN] selectedCell] stringValue]; return self; } #endif - (id)helpScrollView { return helpScrollView;} @end @implementation HelpAgent (HelpBrowserDelegate) - (int)browser:sender fillMatrix:matrix inColumn:(int)column { extern char *appDirectory; char helpDirectory[strlen(appDirectory)+strlen(HELPDIR)]; int fd,count=0; char **list=NULL; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); sprintf(helpDirectory, HELPDIR, appDirectory); if ((fd = open(helpDirectory, O_RDONLY, 0644))>0) { long basep; char dirbuf[vm_page_size],*buf; struct direct *dp; int cc=getdirentries(fd, (buf = dirbuf), vm_page_size, &basep); while (cc) { dp = (struct direct *)buf; if ((dp->d_name[0])&&(dp->d_name[0]!='.')) list = addFile(dp->d_name, list, count++); buf += dp->d_reclen; if (buf>=dirbuf+cc) cc = getdirentries(fd, (buf = dirbuf), vm_page_size, &basep); } close(fd); if (list) qsort(list, count, sizeof(char *), compare); } if (topics) { int i; for(i=0; topics[i]; i++) NXZoneFree(agentZone, topics[i]); NXZoneFree(agentZone, topics); } topics = list; return count; } - browser:sender loadCell:aCell atRow:(int)row inColumn:(int)column { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); if (topics) { [aCell setStringValueNoCopy:topics[row]]; DEBUG_ASSERT(!NXOrderStrings((unsigned char *)[aCell stringValue], (unsigned char *)topics[row], YES, -1, NULL)) [aCell setLeaf:YES]; [aCell setLoaded:YES]; } return self; } @end @implementation HelpAgent (Delegate) - windowWillResize:sender toSize:(NXSize *)frameSize { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); if ([sender isEqual:helpPanel]) { if (frameSize->width<MINHELPWINDOWWIDTH) frameSize->width = MINHELPWINDOWWIDTH; if (frameSize->height<MINHELPWINDOWHEIGHT) frameSize->height = MINHELPWINDOWHEIGHT; } else if ([sender isEqual:manualPanel]) { if (frameSize->width<MINMANWINDOWWIDTH) frameSize->width = MINMANWINDOWWIDTH; if (frameSize->height<MINMANWINDOWHEIGHT) frameSize->height = MINMANWINDOWHEIGHT; } return self; } - windowWillClose:sender { DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); if ([sender isEqual:helpPanel]) helpPanel = nil; else if ([sender isEqual:manualPanel]) manualPanel = nil; return self; } @end #define CHUNK 3 static char **addFile(const char *file, char **list, int count) { char *suffix; if (!list) list = (char **)NXZoneMalloc(helpZone, CHUNK*sizeof(char *)); DEBUG_ASSERT(list!=NULL) if (suffix = rindex(file, '.')) *suffix = '\0'; list[count] = NXCopyStringBufferFromZone(file, helpZone); DEBUG_ASSERT(list[count]!=NULL) count++; if (!(count%CHUNK)) list = (char **)NXZoneRealloc(helpZone, list, (count+CHUNK)*sizeof(char *)); DEBUG_ASSERT(list!=NULL) list[count] = NULL; return list; } static int compare(void *arg1, void *arg2) { return NXOrderStrings(*((unsigned char **)arg1), *((unsigned char **)arg2), NO, -1, NULL); } @implementation ManualView - initFrame:(NXRect *)aRect { return self; } - drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount { return self; } - displayPage:(unsigned)aPage at:(int)aLocation { return self; } - generateIndex { return self; } @end @implementation ManualView (PageBrowserDelegate) #if 0 - (int)browser:sender fillMatrix:matrix inColumn:(int)column { int count; id aCell; DEBUG_FUNC1(DEBUGLEVEL); for(count=0; count<[entryIndexList count]; count++) { [matrix addRow]; aCell = [matrix cellAt:count :0]; [aCell setStringValue:[[entryIndexList objectAt:count] entry]]; [aCell setLeaf:YES]; [aCell setLoaded:YES]; } return count+1; } #endif @end @implementation ManualEntry - init:(char *)anEntry page:(short)aPage line:(int)aLine label:(char *)aLabel x:(short)x y:(short)y { [super init]; entryName = NXCopyStringBuffer(anEntry); absPage = aPage; pageStartLine = aLine; pageLabel = NXCopyStringBuffer(aLabel); xPos = x; yPos = y; return self; } - (char *)entry { return entryName;} - (char *)pageLabel; { return pageLabel;} - (short)absolutePage; { return absPage;} - (int)pageStartLine { return pageStartLine;} - (short)xPosition; { return xPos;} - (short)yPosition; { return yPos;} @end
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