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## Copyright (C) 1996 John W. Eaton ## ## This file is part of Octave. ## ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## any later version. ## ## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free ## Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA ## 02111-1307, USA. ## Usage: [k, p, e] = lqr (A, B, Q, R {,Z}) ## ## Linear quadratic regulator design for the continuous time system ## ## dx/dt = A x + B u ## ## to minimize the cost functional ## ## J = int_0^\infty{ x' Q x + u' R u } Z omitted ## ## or ## ## J = int_0^\infty{ x' Q x + u' R u +2 x' Z u} Z included ## ## Returns: ## ## k = state feedback gain, (A - B K) is stable ## p = solution of algebraic Riccati equation ## e = closed loop poles of (A - B K) ## Author: A. S. Hodel <> ## Created: August 1993 ## Adapted-By: jwe function [k, p, e] = lqr (a, b, q, r, zz) if (nargin != 4 && nargin != 5) error ("lqr: invalid number of arguments"); endif ## Check a. if ((n = is_square (a)) == 0) error ("lqr: requires 1st parameter(a) to be square"); endif ## Check b. [n1, m] = size (b); if (n1 != n) error ("lqr: a,b not conformal"); endif ## Check q. if ((n1 = is_square (q)) == 0 || n1 != n) error ("lqr: q must be square and conformal with a"); endif ## Check r. if((m1 = is_square(r)) == 0 || m1 != m) error ("lqr: r must be square and conformal with column dimension of b"); endif ## Check if n is there. if (nargin == 5) [n1, m1] = size (zz); if (n1 != n || m1 != m) error ("lqr: z must be identically dimensioned with b"); endif ## Incorporate cross term into a and q. ao = a - (b/r)*zz'; qo = q - (zz/r)*zz'; else zz = zeros (n, m); ao = a; qo = q; endif ## Check that q, (r) are symmetric, positive (semi)definite if (is_symmetric (q) && is_symmetric (r) ... && all (eig (q) >= 0) && all (eig (r) > 0)) p = are (ao, (b/r)*b', qo); k = r\(b'*p + zz'); e = eig (a - b*k); else error ("lqr: q (r) must be symmetric positive (semi) definite"); endif endfunction
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