This is num_sfun.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Copyright (C) 1994 M. Hagiya, W. Schelter, T. Yuasa This file is part of GNU Common Lisp, herein referred to as GCL GCL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with GCL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "include.h" #include "num_include.h" object imag_unit, minus_imag_unit, imag_two; int fixnum_expt(x, y) { int z; z = 1; while (y > 0) if (y%2 == 0) { x *= x; y /= 2; } else { z *= x; --y; } return(z); } object number_exp(x) object x; { double exp(); switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_longfloat((longfloat)exp(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)exp((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(exp(lf(x)))); case t_complex: { object y, y1; object number_sin(), number_cos(); vs_mark; y = x->cmp.cmp_imag; x = x->cmp.cmp_real; x = number_exp(x); vs_push(x); y1 = number_cos(y); vs_push(y1); y = number_sin(y); vs_push(y); y = make_complex(y1, y); vs_push(y); x = number_times(x, y); vs_reset; return(x); } default: FEwrong_type_argument(sLnumber, x); } } object number_expt(x, y) object x, y; { enum type tx, ty; object z, number_nlog(); vs_mark; tx = type_of(x); ty = type_of(y); if (ty == t_fixnum && fix(y) == 0) switch (tx) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(small_fixnum(1)); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)1.0)); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(1.0)); case t_complex: z = number_expt(x->cmp.cmp_real, y); vs_push(z); z = make_complex(z, small_fixnum(0)); vs_reset; return(z); default: FEwrong_type_argument(sLnumber, x); } if (number_zerop(x)) { if (!number_plusp(ty==t_complex?y->cmp.cmp_real:y)) FEerror("Cannot raise zero to the power ~S.", 1, y); return(number_times(x, y)); } if (ty == t_fixnum || ty == t_bignum) { if (number_minusp(y)) { z = number_negate(y); vs_push(z); z = number_expt(x, z); vs_push(z); z = number_divide(small_fixnum(1), z); vs_reset; return(z); } z = small_fixnum(1); vs_push(z); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); while (number_plusp(y)) if (number_evenp(y)) { x = number_times(x, x); vs_top[-1] = x; y = integer_divide1(y, small_fixnum(2)); vs_top[-2] = y; } else { z = number_times(z, x); vs_top[-3] = z; y = number_minus(y, small_fixnum(1)); vs_top[-2] = y; } vs_reset; return(z); } z = number_nlog(x); vs_push(z); z = number_times(z, y); vs_push(z); z = number_exp(z); vs_reset; return(z); } object number_nlog(x) object x; { double log(); object r, i, a, p, number_sqrt(), number_atan2(); vs_mark; if (type_of(x) == t_complex) { r = x->cmp.cmp_real; i = x->cmp.cmp_imag; goto COMPLEX; } if (number_zerop(x)) FEerror("Zero is the logarithmic singularity.", 0); if (number_minusp(x)) { r = x; i = small_fixnum(0); goto COMPLEX; } switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_longfloat(log(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)log((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(log(lf(x)))); default: FEwrong_type_argument(sLnumber, x); } COMPLEX: a = number_times(r, r); vs_push(a); p = number_times(i, i); vs_push(p); a = number_plus(a, p); vs_push(a); a = number_nlog(a); vs_push(a); a = number_divide(a, small_fixnum(2)); vs_push(a); p = number_atan2(i, r); vs_push(p); x = make_complex(a, p); vs_reset; return(x); } object number_log(x, y) object x, y; { object z; vs_mark; if (number_zerop(y)) FEerror("Zero is the logarithmic singularity.", 0); if (number_zerop(x)) return(number_times(x, y)); x = number_nlog(x); vs_push(x); y = number_nlog(y); vs_push(y); z = number_divide(y, x); vs_reset; return(z); } object number_sqrt(x) object x; { object z; double sqrt(); vs_mark; if (type_of(x) == t_complex) goto COMPLEX; if (number_minusp(x)) goto COMPLEX; switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_longfloat( (longfloat)sqrt(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)sqrt((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(sqrt(lf(x)))); default: FEwrong_type_argument(sLnumber, x); } COMPLEX: z = make_ratio(small_fixnum(1), small_fixnum(2)); vs_push(z); z = number_expt(x, z); vs_reset; return(z); } object number_atan2(y, x) object y, x; { object z; double atan(), dy, dx, dz; dy = number_to_double(y); dx = number_to_double(x); if (dx > 0.0) if (dy > 0.0) dz = atan(dy / dx); else if (dy == 0.0) dz = 0.0; else dz = -atan(-dy / dx); else if (dx == 0.0) if (dy > 0.0) dz = PI / 2.0; else if (dy == 0.0) FEerror("Logarithmic singularity.", 0); else dz = -PI / 2.0; else if (dy > 0.0) dz = PI - atan(dy / -dx); else if (dy == 0.0) dz = PI; else dz = -PI + atan(-dy / -dx); if (type_of(x) == t_shortfloat) z = make_shortfloat((shortfloat)dz); else z = make_longfloat(dz); return(z); } object number_atan(y) object y; { object z, z1; vs_mark; if (type_of(y) == t_complex) { z = number_times(imag_unit, y); vs_push(z); z = one_plus(z); vs_push(z); z1 = number_times(y, y); vs_push(z1); z1 = one_plus(z1); vs_push(z1); z1 = number_sqrt(z1); vs_push(z1); z = number_divide(z, z1); vs_push(z); z = number_nlog(z); vs_push(z); z = number_times(minus_imag_unit, z); vs_reset; return(z); } return(number_atan2(y, small_fixnum(1))); } object number_sin(x) object x; { double sin(); switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_longfloat((longfloat)sin(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)sin((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(sin(lf(x)))); case t_complex: { object r; object x0, x1, x2; vs_mark; x0 = number_times(imag_unit, x); vs_push(x0); x0 = number_exp(x0); vs_push(x0); x1 = number_times(minus_imag_unit, x); vs_push(x1); x1 = number_exp(x1); vs_push(x1); x2 = number_minus(x0, x1); vs_push(x2); r = number_divide(x2, imag_two); vs_reset; return(r); } default: FEwrong_type_argument(sLnumber, x); } } object number_cos(x) object x; { double cos(); switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_longfloat((longfloat)cos(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)cos((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(cos(lf(x)))); case t_complex: { object r; object x0, x1, x2; vs_mark; x0 = number_times(imag_unit, x); vs_push(x0); x0 = number_exp(x0); vs_push(x0); x1 = number_times(minus_imag_unit, x); vs_push(x1); x1 = number_exp(x1); vs_push(x1); x2 = number_plus(x0, x1); vs_push(x2); r = number_divide(x2, small_fixnum(2)); vs_reset; return(r); } default: FEwrong_type_argument(sLnumber, x); } } object number_tan(x) object x; { object r, s, c; vs_mark; s = number_sin(x); vs_push(s); c = number_cos(x); vs_push(c); if (number_zerop(c) == TRUE) FEerror("Cannot compute the tangent of ~S.", 1, x); r = number_divide(s, c); vs_reset; return(r); } Lexp() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_exp(vs_base[0]); } Lexpt() { check_arg(2); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); check_type_number(&vs_base[1]); vs_base[0] = number_expt(vs_base[0], vs_base[1]); vs_pop; } Llog() { int narg; narg = vs_top - vs_base; if (narg < 1) too_few_arguments(); else if (narg == 1) { check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_nlog(vs_base[0]); } else if (narg == 2) { check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); check_type_number(&vs_base[1]); vs_base[0] = number_log(vs_base[1], vs_base[0]); vs_pop; } else too_many_arguments(); } Lsqrt() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_sqrt(vs_base[0]); } Lsin() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_sin(vs_base[0]); } Lcos() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_cos(vs_base[0]); } Ltan() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_tan(vs_base[0]); } Latan() { int narg; narg = vs_top - vs_base; if (narg < 1) too_few_arguments(); if (narg == 1) { check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_atan(vs_base[0]); } else if (narg == 2) { check_type_or_rational_float(&vs_base[0]); check_type_or_rational_float(&vs_base[1]); vs_base[0] = number_atan2(vs_base[0], vs_base[1]); vs_pop; } else too_many_arguments(); } init_num_sfun() { imag_unit = make_complex(make_longfloat((longfloat)0.0), make_longfloat((longfloat)1.0)); enter_mark_origin(&imag_unit); minus_imag_unit = make_complex(make_longfloat((longfloat)0.0), make_longfloat((longfloat)-1.0)); enter_mark_origin(&minus_imag_unit); imag_two = make_complex(make_longfloat((longfloat)0.0), make_longfloat((longfloat)2.0)); enter_mark_origin(&imag_two); make_constant("PI", make_longfloat(PI)); make_function("EXP", Lexp); make_function("EXPT", Lexpt); make_function("LOG", Llog); make_function("SQRT", Lsqrt); make_function("SIN", Lsin); make_function("COS", Lcos); make_function("TAN", Ltan); make_function("ATAN", Latan); }
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