This is num_log.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Copyright (C) 1994 M. Hagiya, W. Schelter, T. Yuasa This file is part of GNU Common Lisp, herein referred to as GCL GCL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with GCL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* Logical operations on number */ #define NEED_MP_H #include "include.h" #include "num_include.h" /* x : fixnum or bignum (may be not normalized) y : integer returns fixnum or bignum ( not normalized ) */ object big_log_op(); object log_op(op) int (*op)(); { object x; int narg, i, j; narg = vs_top - vs_base; if (narg < 2) too_few_arguments(); i = narg; while(--i >= 0) if (type_of(vs_base[i]) == t_bignum) goto BIG_OP; j = fix(vs_base[0]); i = 1; while (i < narg) { j = (*op)(j, fix(vs_base[i])); i++; } return(make_fixnum(j)); BIG_OP: x = (object)copy_to_big(vs_base[0]); vs_push(x); i = 1; {save_avma; while (i < narg) { x = (object)big_log_op(x, vs_base[i], op); i++; } restore_avma;} x = normalize_big_to_object(x); vs_pop; return(x); } /* big_log_op(x, y, op) performs the logical operation op onto x and y, and return the result in x destructively. */ void minimize_lg(x) GEN x; {int j,i,lgx = lgef(x); GEN u = x+2; i = lgx; i -= 2; while (-- i >= 0) { if (*u++) break; } j = lgx -i -3; if (j) { GEN v = x+2; GEN w = v + j; GEN lim = x+lgx; while (w<lim) {*v++ = *w++;} setlgef(x,(i+3));} if (i==-1) setsigne(x,0); } /* Fix this. Should be destructive into x0. It is for the benefit of log_op; Maybe write an mp version, and then do it. */ GEN complementi(x) GEN x; {int l = lgef(x); GEN u = cgeti(l); unsigned plong * v ; unsigned plong *w ; MP_START_LOW(w,(unsigned plong *)x,l); MP_START_LOW(v,(unsigned plong *)u,l); setlgef(u,l); setsigne(u,1); l -= MP_CODE_WORDS; {unsigned int next=0; while (--l >=0) { unsigned int last = MP_NEXT_UP(w); MP_NEXT_UP(v) = next - last ; if (last > next) { next -= 1 ;}} return u;}} object big_log_op(x0,y0,op) object x0,y0; plong (*op)(); { int leadx,leady; int result_length; int lgx,lgy; GEN x,y,u,up,result; save_avma; x = MP(x0); y = (type_of(y0)==t_bignum ? MP(y0) : stoi(fix(y0))); leadx = signe(x); lgx=lgef(x); if (leadx < 0) x = complementi(x); else leadx = 0; lgy = lgef(y); leady = signe(y); if (leady < 0) y=complementi(y); else leady = 0; result_length = (lgx > lgy ? lgx : lgy); u = result = cgeti(result_length); setlgef(result,result_length); MP_START_LOW(u,u,result_length); result_length -= MP_CODE_WORDS; x += lgx; y += lgy; lgx -= MP_CODE_WORDS; lgy -= MP_CODE_WORDS; while (--lgx >= 0) { if (--lgy >= 0) { MP_NEXT_UP(u) = (*op)(MP_NEXT_UP(x),MP_NEXT_UP(y));} else MP_NEXT_UP(u) = (*op)(MP_NEXT_UP(x),leady); } /* lgx is now 0 */ while (--lgy >= 0) { MP_NEXT_UP(u) = (*op)(leadx,MP_NEXT_UP(y));} {int leadresult = (*op)(leadx,leady); if (leadresult < 0) { result = complementi(result); setsigne(result,-1);} else setsigne(result,1);} minimize_lg(result); restore_avma; gcopy_to_big(result,x0); return x0; } int ior_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i | j); } int xor_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i ^ j); } int and_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i & j); } int eqv_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~(i ^ j)); } int nand_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~(i & j)); } int nor_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~(i | j)); } int andc1_op(i, j) int i, j; { return((~i) & j); } int andc2_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i & (~j)); } int orc1_op(i, j) int i, j; { return((~i) | j); } int orc2_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i | (~j)); } b_clr_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(0); } b_set_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(-1); } b_1_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i); } b_2_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(j); } b_c1_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~i); } b_c2_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~j); } int big_bitp(x, p) object x; int p; { GEN u = MP(x); int ans ; int i = p /32; if (signe(u) < 0) { save_avma; u = complementi(u); restore_avma; } if (i < lgef(u) -MP_CODE_WORDS) { ans = ((MP_ITH_WORD(u,i,lgef(u))) & (1 << p%32));} else if (big_sign(x) < 0) ans = 1; else ans = 0; return ans; } int fix_bitp(x, p) object x; int p; { if (p > 30) /* fix = sign + bit0-30 */ if (fix(x) < 0) return(1); else return(0); return((fix(x) >> p) & 1); } int count_int_bits(x) int x; { int i, count; count = 0; for (i=0; i <= 31; i++) count += ((x >> i) & 1); return(count); } int count_bits(x) object x; { int i, count, sign; if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) { i = fix(x); if (i < 0) i = ~i; count = count_int_bits(i); } else if (type_of(x) == t_bignum) { save_avma; GEN u = MP(x); if (signe(u) < 0) { u = subsi(-1,u);} count = 0; {int leng = lgef(u); MP_START_LOW(u,u,leng); leng -= MP_CODE_WORDS; while (--leng >= 0) { count += count_int_bits(MP_NEXT_UP(u));}} restore_avma; } else FEwrong_type_argument(sLinteger, x); return(count); } /* double_shift(h, l, w, hp, lp) shifts the int h & l ( 31 bits) w bits to left ( w > 0) or to right ( w < 0). result is returned in *hp and *lp. */ object shift_integer(x, w) object x; int w; { GEN u ; if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) { if (w <= 0) { w = -w; if (w >= WSIZ) return small_fixnum(0); else return make_fixnum (fix(x) >> (w));} MPOP(return, shifti,stoi(fix(x)),w); } else if (type_of(x) == t_bignum) MPOP(return, shifti,MP(x),w); else FEwrong_type_argument(sLinteger, x); } int int_bit_length(i) int i; { int count, j; count = 0; for (j = 0; j <= 31 ; j++) if (((i >> j) & 1) == 1) count = j + 1; return(count); } Llogior() { object x; int narg, i; int ior_op(); narg = vs_top - vs_base; for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) check_type_integer(&vs_base[i]); if (narg == 0) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(small_fixnum(0)); return; } if (narg == 1) return; x = log_op(ior_op); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Llogxor() { object x; int narg, i; int xor_op(); narg = vs_top - vs_base; for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) check_type_integer(&vs_base[i]); if (narg == 0) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(small_fixnum(0)); return; } if (narg == 1) return; x = log_op(xor_op); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Llogand() { object x; int narg, i; int and_op(); narg = vs_top - vs_base; for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) check_type_integer(&vs_base[i]); if (narg == 0) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(small_fixnum(-1)); return; } if (narg == 1) return; x = log_op(and_op); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Llogeqv() { object x; int narg, i; int eqv_op(); narg = vs_top - vs_base; for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) check_type_integer(&vs_base[i]); if (narg == 0) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(small_fixnum(-1)); return; } if (narg == 1) return; x = log_op(eqv_op); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Lboole() { object x; object o, r; int (*op)(); check_arg(3); check_type_integer(&vs_base[0]); check_type_integer(&vs_base[1]); check_type_integer(&vs_base[2]); o = vs_base[0]; switch(fixint(o)) { case BOOLCLR: op = b_clr_op; break; case BOOLSET: op = b_set_op; break; case BOOL1: op = b_1_op; break; case BOOL2: op = b_2_op; break; case BOOLC1: op = b_c1_op; break; case BOOLC2: op = b_c2_op; break; case BOOLAND: op = and_op; break; case BOOLIOR: op = ior_op; break; case BOOLXOR: op = xor_op; break; case BOOLEQV: op = eqv_op; break; case BOOLNAND: op = nand_op; break; case BOOLNOR: op = nor_op; break; case BOOLANDC1: op = andc1_op; break; case BOOLANDC2: op = andc2_op; break; case BOOLORC1: op = orc1_op; break; case BOOLORC2: op = orc2_op; break; default: FEerror("~S is an invalid logical operator.", 1, o); } vs_base++; x = log_op(op); vs_base--; vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Llogbitp() { object x, p; int i; check_arg(2); check_type_integer(&vs_base[0]); check_type_integer(&vs_base[1]); p = vs_base[0]; x = vs_base[1]; if (type_of(p) == t_fixnum) if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) i = fix_bitp(x, fix(p)); else i = big_bitp(x, fix(p)); else if (big_sign(p) < 0) i = 0; /* bit position represented by bignum is out of our address space. So, result is returned according to sign of integer. */ else if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) if (fix(x) < 0) i = 1; else i = 0; else if (big_sign(x) < 0) i = 1; else i = 0; vs_top = vs_base; if (i) vs_push(Ct); else vs_push(Cnil); } Lash() { object r, x, y; int w, sign_x; check_arg(2); check_type_integer(&vs_base[0]); check_type_integer(&vs_base[1]); x = vs_base[0]; y = vs_base[1]; if (type_of(y) == t_fixnum) { w = fix(y); r = shift_integer(x, w); } else if (type_of(y) == t_bignum) goto LARGE_SHIFT; else ; goto BYE; /* bit position represented by bignum is probably out of our address space. So, result is returned according to sign of integer. */ LARGE_SHIFT: if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) if (fix(x) > 0) sign_x = 1; else if (fix(x) == 0) sign_x = 0; else sign_x = -1; else sign_x = big_sign(x); if (big_sign(y) < 0) if (sign_x < 0) r = small_fixnum(-1); else r = small_fixnum(0); else if (sign_x == 0) r = small_fixnum(0); else FEerror("Insufficient memory.", 0); BYE: vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(r); } Llogcount() { object x; int i; check_arg(1); check_type_integer(&vs_base[0]); x = vs_base[0]; i = count_bits(x); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(make_fixnum(i)); } Linteger_length() { object x; int count, cell, i; check_arg(1); x = vs_base[0]; if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) { i = fix(x); if (i < 0) i = ~i; count = int_bit_length(i); } else if (type_of(x) == t_bignum) { GEN w,u = MP(x); int l = lg(u); our_ulong high; w = u; MP_START_HIGH(u,u,l); high = MP_NEXT_DOWN(u); count = int_bit_length(high) ; l -= MP_CODE_WORDS; if (signe(w) < 0 && high == (1 << (count -1))) /* in the case of -(1<< n) it is one less */ { int ll = l; int nzero = 0; while (--ll > 0) { if (MP_NEXT_DOWN(u)) {nzero= 1; break;}} if (nzero == 0) --count ;} count += 32* (l - 1); } else FEwrong_type_argument(sLinteger, x); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(make_fixnum(count)); } #define W_SIZE (8*sizeof(int)) object bitand(a,b,c) object a,b,c; { int d= a->bv.bv_fillp; int *ap,*bp,*cp; d=(d+W_SIZE-1)/W_SIZE; ap= (int *)(a->bv.bv_self); bp= (int *)(b->bv.bv_self); cp= (int *)(c->bv.bv_self); while (--d >= 0) { *cp++ = *bp++ & *ap++; } return c; } object bitior(a,b,c) object a,b,c; { int *ap,*cp,*bp, d= a->bv.bv_fillp; d=(d+W_SIZE-1)/W_SIZE; ap= (int *)((a->bv.bv_self)); bp= (int *)(b->bv.bv_self); cp= (int *)(c->bv.bv_self); while (--d >= 0) { *cp++ = *bp++ | *ap++; } return c; } /* Note in order to be equal we assume that the part above the fill pointer is 0 up to the next word */ bvequal(a,b) object a,b; { int *ap,*bp, d= a->bv.bv_fillp; d=(d+W_SIZE-1)/W_SIZE; ap= (int *)(a->bv.bv_self); bp= (int *)(b->bv.bv_self); while (--d >= 0) { if (*ap++ != *bp++) return 1; } return 0; } init_num_log() { int siLbit_array_op(); make_constant("BOOLE-CLR", make_fixnum(BOOLCLR)); make_constant("BOOLE-SET", make_fixnum(BOOLSET)); make_constant("BOOLE-1", make_fixnum(BOOL1)); make_constant("BOOLE-2", make_fixnum(BOOL2)); make_constant("BOOLE-C1", make_fixnum(BOOLC1)); make_constant("BOOLE-C2", make_fixnum(BOOLC2)); make_constant("BOOLE-AND", make_fixnum(BOOLAND)); make_constant("BOOLE-IOR", make_fixnum(BOOLIOR)); make_constant("BOOLE-XOR", make_fixnum(BOOLXOR)); make_constant("BOOLE-EQV", make_fixnum(BOOLEQV)); make_constant("BOOLE-NAND", make_fixnum(BOOLNAND)); make_constant("BOOLE-NOR", make_fixnum(BOOLNOR)); make_constant("BOOLE-ANDC1", make_fixnum(BOOLANDC1)); make_constant("BOOLE-ANDC2", make_fixnum(BOOLANDC2)); make_constant("BOOLE-ORC1", make_fixnum(BOOLORC1)); make_constant("BOOLE-ORC2", make_fixnum(BOOLORC2)); make_function("LOGIOR", Llogior); make_function("LOGXOR", Llogxor); make_function("LOGAND", Llogand); make_function("LOGEQV", Llogeqv); make_function("BOOLE", Lboole); make_function("LOGBITP", Llogbitp); make_function("ASH", Lash); make_function("LOGCOUNT", Llogcount); make_function("INTEGER-LENGTH", Linteger_length); sLbit = make_ordinary("BIT"); make_si_function("BIT-ARRAY-OP", siLbit_array_op); } siLbit_array_op() { int i, j, n, d; object o, x, y, r, r0; int (*op)(); bool replace = FALSE; int xi, yi, ri; char *xp, *yp, *rp; int xo, yo, ro; object *base = vs_base; check_arg(4); o = vs_base[0]; x = vs_base[1]; y = vs_base[2]; r = vs_base[3]; if (type_of(x) == t_bitvector) { d = x->bv.bv_dim; xp = x->bv.bv_self; xo = BV_OFFSET(x); if (type_of(y) != t_bitvector) goto ERROR; if (d != y->bv.bv_dim) goto ERROR; yp = y->bv.bv_self; yo = BV_OFFSET(y); if (r == Ct) r = x; if (r != Cnil) { if (type_of(r) != t_bitvector) goto ERROR; if (r->bv.bv_dim != d) goto ERROR; i = (r->bv.bv_self - xp)*8 + (BV_OFFSET(r) - xo); if (i > 0 && i < d || i < 0 && -i < d) { r0 = r; r = Cnil; replace = TRUE; goto L1; } i = (r->bv.bv_self - yp)*8 + (BV_OFFSET(r) - yo); if (i > 0 && i < d || i < 0 && -i < d) { r0 = r; r = Cnil; replace = TRUE; } } L1: if (r == Cnil) { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(sLbit); vs_push(make_fixnum(d)); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); siLmake_vector(); r = vs_base[0]; } } else { if (type_of(x) != t_array) goto ERROR; if ((enum aelttype)x->a.a_elttype != aet_bit) goto ERROR; d = x->a.a_dim; xp = x->bv.bv_self; xo = BV_OFFSET(x); if (type_of(y) != t_array) goto ERROR; if ((enum aelttype)y->a.a_elttype != aet_bit) goto ERROR; if (x->a.a_rank != y->a.a_rank) goto ERROR; yp = y->bv.bv_self; yo = BV_OFFSET(y); for (i = 0; i < x->a.a_rank; i++) if (x->a.a_dims[i] != y->a.a_dims[i]) goto ERROR; if (r == Ct) r = x; if (r != Cnil) { if (type_of(r) != t_array) goto ERROR; if ((enum aelttype)r->a.a_elttype != aet_bit) goto ERROR; if (r->a.a_rank != x->a.a_rank) goto ERROR; for (i = 0; i < x->a.a_rank; i++) if (r->a.a_dims[i] != x->a.a_dims[i]) goto ERROR; i = (r->bv.bv_self - xp)*8 + (BV_OFFSET(r) - xo); if (i > 0 && i < d || i < 0 && -i < d) { r0 = r; r = Cnil; replace = TRUE; goto L2; } i = (r->bv.bv_self - yp)*8 + (BV_OFFSET(r) - yo); if (i > 0 && i < d || i < 0 && -i < d) { r0 = r; r = Cnil; replace = TRUE; } } L2: if (r == Cnil) { object b[F_ARG_LIMIT]; for (i = 0; i < x->a.a_rank; i++) b[i] = (make_fixnum(x->a.a_dims[i])); r=Iapply_fun_n(fSmake_array1,5,x->a.a_rank, aet_bit, Cnil, small_fixnum(0), Cnil, Cnil, b); } } rp = r->bv.bv_self; ro = BV_OFFSET(r); switch(fixint(o)) { case BOOLCLR: op = b_clr_op; break; case BOOLSET: op = b_set_op; break; case BOOL1: op = b_1_op; break; case BOOL2: op = b_2_op; break; case BOOLC1: op = b_c1_op; break; case BOOLC2: op = b_c2_op; break; case BOOLAND: op = and_op; break; case BOOLIOR: op = ior_op; break; case BOOLXOR: op = xor_op; break; case BOOLEQV: op = eqv_op; break; case BOOLNAND: op = nand_op; break; case BOOLNOR: op = nor_op; break; case BOOLANDC1: op = andc1_op; break; case BOOLANDC2: op = andc2_op; break; case BOOLORC1: op = orc1_op; break; case BOOLORC2: op = orc2_op; break; default: FEerror("~S is an invalid logical operator.", 1, o); } #define set_high(place, nbits, value) \ ((place)=((place)&~(-0400>>(nbits))|(value)&(-0400>>(nbits)))) #define set_low(place, nbits, value) \ ((place)=((place)&(-0400>>(8-(nbits)))|(value)&~(-0400>>(8-(nbits))))) #define extract_byte(integer, pointer, index, offset) \ (integer) = (pointer)[(index)+1] & 0377; \ (integer) = ((pointer)[index]<<(offset))|((integer)>>(8-(offset))) #define store_byte(pointer, index, offset, value) \ set_low((pointer)[index], 8-(offset), (value)>>(offset)); \ set_high((pointer)[(index)+1], offset, (value)<<(8-(offset))) if (xo == 0 && yo == 0 && ro == 0) { for (n = d/8, i = 0; i < n; i++) rp[i] = (*op)(xp[i], yp[i]); if ((j = d%8) > 0) set_high(rp[n], j, (*op)(xp[n], yp[n])); if (!replace) { vs_top = vs_base = base; vs_push(r); return; } } else { for (n = d/8, i = 0; i <= n; i++) { extract_byte(xi, xp, i, xo); extract_byte(yi, yp, i, yo); if (i == n) { if ((j = d%8) == 0) break; extract_byte(ri, rp, n, ro); set_high(ri, j, (*op)(xi, yi)); } else ri = (*op)(xi, yi); store_byte(rp, i, ro, ri); } if (!replace) { vs_top = vs_base = base; vs_push(r); return; } } rp = r0->bv.bv_self; ro = BV_OFFSET(r0); for (n = d/8, i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if (i == n) { if ((j = d%8) == 0) break; extract_byte(ri, rp, n, ro); set_high(ri, j, r->bv.bv_self[n]); } else ri = r->bv.bv_self[i]; store_byte(rp, i, ro, ri); } vs_top = vs_base = base; vs_push(r0); return; ERROR: FEerror("Illegal arguments for bit-array operation.", 0); }
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