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/* Copyright (C) 1994 M. Hagiya, W. Schelter, T. Yuasa This file is part of GNU Common Lisp, herein referred to as GCL GCL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with GCL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* bind.c */ #include "include.h" #include "varargs.h" struct nil3 { object nil3_self[3]; } three_nils; struct nil6 { object nil6_self[6]; } six_nils; struct required { object req_var; object req_spp; }; struct optional { object opt_var; object opt_spp; object opt_init; object opt_svar; object opt_svar_spp; }; struct rest { object rest_var; object rest_spp; }; struct keyword { object key_word; object key_var; object key_spp; object key_init; object key_svar; object key_svar_spp; object key_val; object key_svar_val; }; struct aux { object aux_var; object aux_spp; object aux_init; }; #define isdeclare(x) ((x) == sLdeclare) lambda_bind(arg_top) object *arg_top; { object endp_temp,temporary; object lambda, lambda_list, body, form, x, ds, vs, v; int narg, i, j; object *base = vs_base; struct required *required; int nreq; struct optional *optional; int nopt; struct rest *rest; bool rest_flag; struct keyword *keyword; bool key_flag; bool allow_other_keys_flag, other_keys_appeared; int nkey; struct aux *aux; int naux; bool special_processed; vs_mark; bds_check; lambda = vs_head; if (type_of(lambda) != t_cons) FEerror("No lambda list.", 0); lambda_list = lambda->c.c_car; body = lambda->c.c_cdr; required = (struct required *)vs_top; nreq = 0; for (;;) { if (endp(lambda_list)) goto REQUIRED_ONLY; x = lambda_list->c.c_car; lambda_list = lambda_list->c.c_cdr; check_symbol(x); if (x == ANDallow_other_keys) illegal_lambda(); if (x == ANDoptional) { nopt = nkey = naux = 0; rest_flag = key_flag = allow_other_keys_flag = FALSE; goto OPTIONAL; } if (x == ANDrest) { nopt = nkey = naux = 0; key_flag = allow_other_keys_flag = FALSE; goto REST; } if (x == ANDkey) { nopt = nkey = naux = 0; rest_flag = allow_other_keys_flag = FALSE; goto KEYWORD; } if (x == ANDaux) { nopt = nkey = naux = 0; rest_flag = key_flag = allow_other_keys_flag = FALSE; goto AUX_L; } if ((enum stype)x->s.s_stype == stp_constant) FEerror("~S is not a variable.", 1, x); vs_push(x); vs_push(Cnil); nreq++; } OPTIONAL: optional = (struct optional *)vs_top; for (;; nopt++) { if (endp(lambda_list)) goto SEARCH_DECLARE; x = lambda_list->c.c_car; lambda_list = lambda_list->c.c_cdr; if (type_of(x) == t_cons) { check_symbol(x->c.c_car); check_var(x->c.c_car); vs_push(x->c.c_car); x = x->c.c_cdr; vs_push(Cnil); if (endp(x)) { *(struct nil3 *)vs_top = three_nils; vs_top += 3; continue; } vs_push(x->c.c_car); x = x->c.c_cdr; if (endp(x)) { vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); continue; } check_symbol(x->c.c_car); check_var(x->c.c_car); vs_push(x->c.c_car); vs_push(Cnil); if (!endp(x->c.c_cdr)) illegal_lambda(); } else { check_symbol(x); if (x == ANDoptional || x == ANDallow_other_keys) illegal_lambda(); if (x == ANDrest) goto REST; if (x == ANDkey) goto KEYWORD; if (x == ANDaux) goto AUX_L; check_var(x); vs_push(x); *(struct nil6 *)vs_top = six_nils; vs_top += 4; } } REST: rest = (struct rest *)vs_top; if (endp(lambda_list)) illegal_lambda(); check_symbol(lambda_list->c.c_car); check_var(lambda_list->c.c_car); rest_flag = TRUE; vs_push(lambda_list->c.c_car); vs_push(Cnil); lambda_list = lambda_list->c.c_cdr; if (endp(lambda_list)) goto SEARCH_DECLARE; x = lambda_list->c.c_car; lambda_list = lambda_list->c.c_cdr; check_symbol(x); if (x == ANDoptional || x == ANDrest || x == ANDallow_other_keys) illegal_lambda(); if (x == ANDkey) goto KEYWORD; if (x == ANDaux) goto AUX_L; illegal_lambda(); KEYWORD: keyword = (struct keyword *)vs_top; key_flag = TRUE; for (;; nkey++) { if (endp(lambda_list)) goto SEARCH_DECLARE; x = lambda_list->c.c_car; lambda_list = lambda_list->c.c_cdr; if (type_of(x) == t_cons) { if (type_of(x->c.c_car) == t_cons) { if (!keywordp(x->c.c_car->c.c_car)) FEerror("~S is not a keyword.", 1, x->c.c_car->c.c_car); vs_push(x->c.c_car->c.c_car); if (endp(x->c.c_car->c.c_cdr)) illegal_lambda(); check_symbol(x->c.c_car ->c.c_cdr->c.c_car); vs_push(x->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_car); if (!endp(x->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr)) illegal_lambda(); } else { check_symbol(x->c.c_car); check_var(x->c.c_car); vs_push(intern(x->c.c_car, keyword_package)); vs_push(x->c.c_car); } vs_push(Cnil); x = x->c.c_cdr; if (endp(x)) { *(struct nil6 *)vs_top = six_nils; vs_top += 5; continue; } vs_push(x->c.c_car); x = x->c.c_cdr; if (endp(x)) { *(struct nil6 *)vs_top = six_nils; vs_top += 4; continue; } check_symbol(x->c.c_car); check_var(x->c.c_car); vs_push(x->c.c_car); vs_push(Cnil); if (!endp(x->c.c_cdr)) illegal_lambda(); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); } else { check_symbol(x); if (x == ANDallow_other_keys) { allow_other_keys_flag = TRUE; if (endp(lambda_list)) goto SEARCH_DECLARE; x = lambda_list->c.c_car; lambda_list = lambda_list->c.c_cdr; } if (x == ANDoptional || x == ANDrest || x == ANDkey || x == ANDallow_other_keys) illegal_lambda(); if (x == ANDaux) goto AUX_L; check_var(x); vs_push(intern(x, keyword_package)); vs_push(x); *(struct nil6 *)vs_top = six_nils; vs_top += 6; } } AUX_L: aux = (struct aux *)vs_top; for (;; naux++) { if (endp(lambda_list)) goto SEARCH_DECLARE; x = lambda_list->c.c_car; lambda_list = lambda_list->c.c_cdr; if (type_of(x) == t_cons) { check_symbol(x->c.c_car); check_var(x->c.c_car); vs_push(x->c.c_car); vs_push(Cnil); x = x->c.c_cdr; if (endp(x)) { vs_push(Cnil); continue; } vs_push(x->c.c_car); if (!endp(x->c.c_cdr)) illegal_lambda(); } else { check_symbol(x); if (x == ANDoptional || x == ANDrest || x == ANDkey || x == ANDallow_other_keys || x == ANDaux) illegal_lambda(); check_var(x); vs_push(x); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); } } SEARCH_DECLARE: vs_push(Cnil); for (; !endp(body); body = body->c.c_cdr) { form = body->c.c_car; /* MACRO EXPANSION */ form = macro_expand(form); vs_head = form; if (type_of(form) == t_string) { if (endp(body->c.c_cdr)) break; continue; } if (type_of(form)!=t_cons || !isdeclare(form->c.c_car)) break; for (ds = form->c.c_cdr; !endp(ds); ds = ds->c.c_cdr) { if (type_of(ds->c.c_car) != t_cons) illegal_declare(form); if (ds->c.c_car->c.c_car == sLspecial) { vs = ds->c.c_car->c.c_cdr; for (; !endp(vs); vs = vs->c.c_cdr) { v = vs->c.c_car; check_symbol(v); /**/ special_processed = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < nreq; i++) if (required[i].req_var == v) { required[i].req_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } for (i = 0; i < nopt; i++) if (optional[i].opt_var == v) { optional[i].opt_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } else if (optional[i].opt_svar == v) { optional[i].opt_svar_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } if (rest_flag && rest->rest_var == v) { rest->rest_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } for (i = 0; i < nkey; i++) if (keyword[i].key_var == v) { keyword[i].key_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } else if (keyword[i].key_svar == v) { keyword[i].key_svar_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } for (i = 0; i < naux; i++) if (aux[i].aux_var == v) { aux[i].aux_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } if (special_processed) continue; /* lex_special_bind(v); */ lex_env[0] = MMcons(MMcons(v, Cnil), lex_env[0]); /**/ } } } } narg = arg_top - base; if (narg < nreq) { if (nopt == 0 && !rest_flag && !key_flag) { vs_base = base; vs_top = arg_top; check_arg_failed(nreq); } FEtoo_few_arguments(base, arg_top); } if (!rest_flag && !key_flag && narg > nreq+nopt) { if (nopt == 0) { vs_base = base; vs_top = arg_top; check_arg_failed(nreq); } FEtoo_many_arguments(base, arg_top); } for (i = 0; i < nreq; i++) bind_var(required[i].req_var, base[i], required[i].req_spp); for (i = 0; i < nopt; i++) if (nreq+i < narg) { bind_var(optional[i].opt_var, base[nreq+i], optional[i].opt_spp); if (optional[i].opt_svar != Cnil) bind_var(optional[i].opt_svar, Ct, optional[i].opt_svar_spp); } else { eval_assign(temporary, optional[i].opt_init); bind_var(optional[i].opt_var, temporary, optional[i].opt_spp); if (optional[i].opt_svar != Cnil) bind_var(optional[i].opt_svar, Cnil, optional[i].opt_svar_spp); } if (rest_flag) { vs_push(Cnil); for (i = narg, j = nreq+nopt; --i >= j; ) vs_head = make_cons(base[i], vs_head); bind_var(rest->rest_var, vs_head, rest->rest_spp); } if (key_flag) { i = narg - nreq - nopt; if (i >= 0 && i%2 != 0) FEerror("Keyword values are missing.", 0); other_keys_appeared = FALSE; for (i = nreq + nopt; i < narg; i += 2) { if (!keywordp(base[i])) FEerror("~S is not a keyword.", 1, base[i]); if (base[i] == sKallow_other_keys && base[i+1] != Cnil) allow_other_keys_flag = TRUE; for (j = 0; j < nkey; j++) { if (keyword[j].key_word == base[i]) { if (keyword[j].key_svar_val != Cnil) goto NEXT_ARG; keyword[j].key_val = base[i+1]; keyword[j].key_svar_val = Ct; goto NEXT_ARG; } } other_keys_appeared = TRUE; NEXT_ARG: continue; } if (other_keys_appeared && !allow_other_keys_flag) FEerror("Other-keys are not allowed.", 0); } for (i = 0; i < nkey; i++) if (keyword[i].key_svar_val != Cnil) { bind_var(keyword[i].key_var, keyword[i].key_val, keyword[i].key_spp); if (keyword[i].key_svar != Cnil) bind_var(keyword[i].key_svar, keyword[i].key_svar_val, keyword[i].key_svar_spp); } else { eval_assign(temporary, keyword[i].key_init); bind_var(keyword[i].key_var, temporary, keyword[i].key_spp); if (keyword[i].key_svar != Cnil) bind_var(keyword[i].key_svar, keyword[i].key_svar_val, keyword[i].key_svar_spp); } for (i = 0; i < naux; i++) { eval_assign(temporary, aux[i].aux_init); bind_var(aux[i].aux_var, temporary, aux[i].aux_spp); } if (type_of(body) != t_cons || body->c.c_car == form) { vs_reset; vs_head = body; } else { body = make_cons(form, body->c.c_cdr); vs_reset; vs_head = body; } return; REQUIRED_ONLY: vs_push(Cnil); for (; !endp(body); body = body->c.c_cdr) { form = body->c.c_car; /* MACRO EXPANSION */ vs_head = form = macro_expand(form); if (type_of(form) == t_string) { if (endp(body->c.c_cdr)) break; continue; } if (type_of(form)!=t_cons || !isdeclare(form->c.c_car)) break; for (ds = form->c.c_cdr; !endp(ds); ds = ds->c.c_cdr) { if (type_of(ds->c.c_car) != t_cons) illegal_declare(form); if (ds->c.c_car->c.c_car == sLspecial) { vs = ds->c.c_car->c.c_cdr; for (; !endp(vs); vs = vs->c.c_cdr) { v = vs->c.c_car; check_symbol(v); /**/ special_processed = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < nreq; i++) if (required[i].req_var == v) { required[i].req_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } if (special_processed) continue; /* lex_special_bind(v); */ temporary = MMcons(v, Cnil); lex_env[0] = MMcons(temporary, lex_env[0]); /**/ } } } } narg = arg_top - base; if (narg != nreq) { vs_base = base; vs_top = arg_top; check_arg_failed(nreq); } for (i = 0; i < nreq; i++) bind_var(required[i].req_var, base[i], required[i].req_spp); if (type_of(body) != t_cons || body->c.c_car == form) { vs_reset; vs_head = body; } else { body = make_cons(form, body->c.c_cdr); vs_reset; vs_head = body; } } bind_var(var, val, spp) object var, val, spp; { object temporary; vs_mark; switch (var->s.s_stype) { case stp_constant: FEerror("Cannot bind the constant ~S.", 1, var); case stp_special: bds_bind(var, val); break; default: if (spp != Cnil) { /* lex_special_bind(var); */ temporary = MMcons(var, Cnil); lex_env[0] = MMcons(temporary, lex_env[0]); bds_bind(var, val); } else { /* lex_local_bind(var, val); */ temporary = MMcons(val, Cnil); temporary = MMcons(var, temporary); lex_env[0] = MMcons(temporary, lex_env[0]); } break; } vs_reset; } illegal_lambda() { FEerror("Illegal lambda expression.", 0); } /* struct bind_temp { object bt_var; object bt_spp; object bt_init; object bt_aux; }; */ object find_special(body, start, end) object body; struct bind_temp *start, *end; { object temporary; object endp_temp; object form; object ds, vs, v; struct bind_temp *bt; bool special_processed; vs_mark; vs_push(Cnil); for (; !endp(body); body = body->c.c_cdr) { form = body->c.c_car; /* MACRO EXPANSION */ form = macro_expand(form); vs_head = form; if (type_of(form) == t_string) { if (endp(body->c.c_cdr)) break; continue; } if (type_of(form)!=t_cons || !isdeclare(form->c.c_car)) break; for (ds = form->c.c_cdr; !endp(ds); ds = ds->c.c_cdr) { if (type_of(ds->c.c_car) != t_cons) illegal_declare(form); if (ds->c.c_car->c.c_car == sLspecial) { vs = ds->c.c_car->c.c_cdr; for (; !endp(vs); vs = vs->c.c_cdr) { v = vs->c.c_car; check_symbol(v); /**/ special_processed = FALSE; for (bt = start; bt < end; bt++) if (bt->bt_var == v) { bt->bt_spp = Ct; special_processed = TRUE; } if (special_processed) continue; /* lex_special_bind(v); */ temporary = MMcons(v, Cnil); lex_env[0] = MMcons(temporary, lex_env[0]); /**/ } } } } if (body != Cnil && body->c.c_car != form) body = make_cons(form, body->c.c_cdr); vs_reset; return(body); } object let_bind(body, start, end) object body; struct bind_temp *start, *end; { struct bind_temp *bt; bds_check; vs_push(find_special(body, start, end)); for (bt = start; bt < end; bt++) { eval_assign(bt->bt_init, bt->bt_init); } for (bt = start; bt < end; bt++) { bind_var(bt->bt_var, bt->bt_init, bt->bt_spp); } return(vs_pop); } object letA_bind(body, start, end) object body; struct bind_temp *start, *end; { struct bind_temp *bt; bds_check; vs_push(find_special(body, start, end)); for (bt = start; bt < end; bt++) { eval_assign(bt->bt_init, bt->bt_init); bind_var(bt->bt_var, bt->bt_init, bt->bt_spp); } return(vs_pop); } #ifdef MV #endif #define NOT_YET 10 #define FOUND 11 #define NOT_KEYWORD 1 parse_key(base, rest, allow_other_keys, n, va_alist) object *base; bool rest, allow_other_keys; register int n; va_dcl { object temporary; va_list ap; object other_key = OBJNULL; int narg, error_flag = 0; object *v, k, *top; register int i; narg = vs_top - base; if (narg <= 0) { if (rest) { base[0] = Cnil; base++; } top = base + n; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { base[i] = Cnil; top[i] = Cnil; } return; } if (narg%2 != 0) FEerror("Odd number of arguments for keywords.", 0); if (narg == 2) { k = base[0]; if (!keywordp(k)) FEerror("~S is not a keyword.", 1, k); if (k == sKallow_other_keys && base[1] != Cnil) allow_other_keys = TRUE; temporary = base[1]; if (rest) base++; top = base + n; other_key = k; va_start(ap); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (va_arg(ap,object) == k) { base[i] = temporary; top[i] = Ct; other_key = OBJNULL; } else { base[i] = Cnil; top[i] = Cnil; } } va_end(ap); if (rest) { temporary = make_cons(temporary, Cnil); base[-1] = make_cons(k, temporary); } if (other_key != OBJNULL && !allow_other_keys) FEerror("The keyword ~S is not allowed.",1,other_key); return; } va_start(ap); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { k = va_arg(ap,object); k->s.s_stype = NOT_YET; k->s.s_dbind = Cnil; } va_end(ap); for (v = base; v < vs_top; v += 2) { k = v[0]; if (!keywordp(k)) { error_flag = NOT_KEYWORD; other_key = k; continue; } if (k->s.s_stype == NOT_YET) { k->s.s_dbind = v[1]; k->s.s_stype = FOUND; } else if (k->s.s_stype == FOUND) { ; } else if (other_key == OBJNULL) other_key = k; if (k == sKallow_other_keys && v[1] != Cnil) allow_other_keys = TRUE; } if (rest) { top = vs_top; vs_push(Cnil); base++; while (base < vs_top) stack_cons(); vs_top = top; } top = base + n; va_start(ap); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { k = va_arg(ap,object); base[i] = k->s.s_dbind; top[i] = k->s.s_stype == FOUND ? Ct : Cnil; k->s.s_dbind = k; k->s.s_stype = (short)stp_constant; } va_end(ap); if (error_flag == NOT_KEYWORD) FEerror("~S is not a keyword.", 1, other_key); if (other_key != OBJNULL && !allow_other_keys) FEerror("The keyword ~S is not allowed.", 1, other_key); } check_other_key(l, n, va_alist) object l; int n; va_dcl { object endp_temp; va_list ap; object other_key = OBJNULL; object k; int i; bool allow_other_keys = FALSE; for (; !endp(l); l = l->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr) { k = l->c.c_car; if (!keywordp(k)) FEerror("~S is not a keyword.", 1, k); if (endp(l->c.c_cdr)) FEerror("Odd number of arguments for keywords.", 0); if (k == sKallow_other_keys && l->c.c_cdr->c.c_car != Cnil) { allow_other_keys = TRUE; } else {register object *loc; char buf [100]; bzero(buf,n); va_start(ap); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (va_arg(ap,object) == k && buf[i] ==0) {buf[i]=1; break;}} va_end(ap); if (i >= n) other_key = k; } } if (other_key != OBJNULL && !allow_other_keys) FEerror("The keyword ~S is not allowed or is duplicated.", 1, other_key); } struct key {short n,allow_other_keys; iobject *defaults; iobject keys[1]; }; object Cstd_key_defaults[15]={Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil, Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil,Cnil}; parse_key_new(n,base,keys,ap) int n; object *base; struct key *keys; va_list ap; {object *new; COERCE_VA_LIST(new,ap,n); /* from here down identical to parse_key_rest */ new = new + n ; {int j=keys->n; object *p= (object *)(keys->defaults); while (--j >=0) base[j]=p[j]; } {if (n==0){ return;} {int allow = keys->allow_other_keys; object k; top: while (n>=2) {int i= keys->n; iobject *ke=keys->keys ; new = new -2; k = *new; while(--i >= 0) {if ((*(ke++)).o == k) {base[i]= new[1]; n=n-2; goto top; }} /* the key is a new one */ if (allow ) { n=n-2; } else {int m = n -2; object *p = new; while (m >= 0) {if (*p == sKallow_other_keys) { allow = (p[1] !=Cnil) ; break;} p -= 2; m -= 2;} if (allow) n = n -2 ; else goto error;} } if (n!=0) FEerror("Odd number of keys",0); return 0; error: FEerror("Unrecognized key ~a",1,k); }}} parse_key_rest(rest,n,base,keys,ap) int n; object *base; struct key *keys; va_list ap; object rest; {object *new; COERCE_VA_LIST(new,ap,n); /* copy the rest arg */ {object *p = new; int m = n; while (--m >= 0) {rest->c.c_car = *p++; rest = rest->c.c_cdr;}} new = new + n ; {int j=keys->n; object *p= (object *)(keys->defaults); while (--j >=0) base[j]=p[j]; } {if (n==0){ return;} {int allow = keys->allow_other_keys; object k; top: while (n>=2) {int i= keys->n; iobject *ke=keys->keys ; new = new -2; k = *new; while(--i >= 0) {if ((*(ke++)).o == k) {base[i]= new[1]; n=n-2; goto top; }} /* the key is a new one */ if (allow) { n=n-2; } else {int m = n -2; object *p = new; while (m >= 0) {if (*p == sKallow_other_keys) { allow = (p[1] !=Cnil) ; break;} p -= 2; m -= 2;} if (allow) n = n -2 ; else goto error;} } if (n!=0) FEerror("Odd number of keys",0); return 0; error: FEerror("Unrecognized key ~a",1,k); }}} set_key_struct(ks,data) object data; struct key *ks; {int i=ks->n; while (--i >=0) {ks->keys[i].o = data->cfd.cfd_self[ ks->keys[i].i ]; if (ks->defaults != (iobject *)Cstd_key_defaults) {int m=ks->defaults[i].i; ks->defaults[i].o= (m==-2 ? Cnil : m==-1 ? (object)0 : data->cfd.cfd_self[m]);} }} #undef AUX DEF_ORDINARY("ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS",sKallow_other_keys,KEYWORD,""); init_bind() { ANDoptional = make_ordinary("&OPTIONAL"); enter_mark_origin(&ANDoptional); ANDrest = make_ordinary("&REST"); enter_mark_origin(&ANDrest); ANDkey = make_ordinary("&KEY"); enter_mark_origin(&ANDkey); ANDallow_other_keys = make_ordinary("&ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS"); enter_mark_origin(&ANDallow_other_keys); ANDaux = make_ordinary("&AUX"); enter_mark_origin(&ANDaux); make_constant("LAMBDA-LIST-KEYWORDS", make_cons(ANDoptional, make_cons(ANDrest, make_cons(ANDkey, make_cons(ANDallow_other_keys, make_cons(ANDaux, make_cons(make_ordinary("&WHOLE"), make_cons(make_ordinary("&ENVIRONMENT"), make_cons(make_ordinary("&BODY"), Cnil))))))))); make_constant("LAMBDA-PARAMETERS-LIMIT", make_fixnum(64)); three_nils.nil3_self[0] = Cnil; three_nils.nil3_self[1] = Cnil; three_nils.nil3_self[2] = Cnil; six_nils.nil6_self[0] = Cnil; six_nils.nil6_self[1] = Cnil; six_nils.nil6_self[2] = Cnil; six_nils.nil6_self[3] = Cnil; six_nils.nil6_self[4] = Cnil; six_nils.nil6_self[5] = Cnil; }
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