
This is mp_divul3_word.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

typedef unsigned long ulong;

     ulong x,y,*hi;
#define HIBIT 0x80000000
#define HIMASK 0xffff0000
#define LOMASK 0xffff
#define HIWORD(a) (a >> 16)
/* si le compilateur est bugge, il faut mettre (a >> 16) & LOMASK) */
#define LOWORD(a) (a & LOMASK)
#define GLUE(hi, lo) ((hi << 16) + lo)
#define SPLIT(a, b, c) b = HIWORD(a); c = LOWORD(a)

    ulong v1, v2, u3, u4, q1, q2, aux, aux1, aux2,hiremainder=*hi;
    int k;
    for(k = 0; !(y & HIBIT); k++)
            hiremainder <<= 1;
            if (x & HIBIT) hiremainder++;
            x <<= 1;
            y <<= 1;
    SPLIT(y, v1, v2);
    SPLIT(x, u3, u4);
    q1 = hiremainder / v1; if (q1 & HIMASK) q1 = LOMASK;
    hiremainder -= q1 * v1;
    aux = v2 * q1;
    SPLIT(aux, aux1, aux2);
    if (aux2 > u3) aux1++;
    if (aux1 > hiremainder) {q1--; hiremainder += v1; aux -= v2; goto again;}
    u3 -= aux2;
    hiremainder -= aux1;
    hiremainder <<= 16; hiremainder += u3 & LOMASK;
    q2 = hiremainder / v1; if (q2 & HIMASK) q2 = LOMASK;
    hiremainder -= q2 * v1;
    aux = v2 * q2;
    SPLIT(aux, aux1, aux2);
    if (aux2 > u4) aux1++;
    if (aux1 > hiremainder) {q2--; hiremainder += v1; aux -= v2; goto again2;}
    u4 -= aux2;
    hiremainder -= aux1;
    hiremainder <<= 16; hiremainder += u4 & LOMASK;
    hiremainder >>= k;
    *hi = hiremainder;
    return GLUE(q1, q2);

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