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#define MAYBE_DATA_P(pp) ((char *)(pp)>= (char *) DBEGIN)

#ifndef DBEGIN
#define DBEGIN 0

#define VALID_DATA_ADDRESS_P(pp) \
  (MAYBE_DATA_P(pp) &&  ((char *)(pp) < heap_end))

#ifndef page
#define page(p)	(((int)(((char *)(p))-DBEGIN)>>PAGEWIDTH))
#define	pagetochar(x)	((char *)(((x) << PAGEWIDTH) + DBEGIN))
#ifdef UNIX
   if (interrupt_flag) sigint()

#ifdef SGC

char sgc_type_map[MAXPAGE];
int memory_protect();

#define NORMAL_PAGE 0

/* writable til next gc at least */
#define SGC_TEMP_WRITABLE  1   

/* Contains objects which will be gc'd */
#define SGC_PAGE_FLAG  2       

/* keep writable eg malloc's for system call */
#define SGC_PERM_WRITABLE 4    

#define SGC_PAGE_P(p) (sgc_type_map[p] & SGC_PAGE_FLAG)
#define WRITABLE_PAGE_P(p) (sgc_type_map[p] & SGC_WRITABLE)
#define ON_SGC_PAGE(x) (sgc_type_map[page(x)] & SGC_PAGE_FLAG)
#define ON_WRITABLE_PAGE(x) (sgc_type_map[page(x)] & SGC_WRITABLE)

#define  IF_WRITABLE(x,if_code) do {int xSG= page(x); \
			    if(((xSG & (-MAXPAGE)) ==0) && \
			       (sgc_type_map[xSG] & SGC_WRITABLE)) \
				 {if_code;}} while(0)

#define sgc_mark_object(x) IF_WRITABLE(x,if((x)->d.m==0) sgc_mark_object1(x))
#define sgc_mark_object(x) sgc_mark_object1(x)
/* When not 0, the free lists in the type manager are freelists
   on SGC_PAGE's, for those types supporting sgc.
   Marking and sweeping is done specially */
int sgc_on;

/* for the S field of the FIRSTWORD */
enum sgc_type { SGC_NORMAL,   /* not allocated since the last sgc */
                SGC_RECENT    /* allocated since last sgc */

#define TM_BASE_TYPE_P(i) (((int) (tm_table[i].tm_type)) == i)

void perm_writable() ;
void make_writable();   
#define ROUND_DOWN_PAGE_NO(x) ((x) - (x % page_multiple))
#define ROUND_UP_PAGE_NO(x) (page_multiple *(((x)+page_multiple \

/* check if a relblock address is new relblock */
#define SGC_RELBLOCK_P(x)  ((char *)(x) >= rb_start)

/* the following assumes that the char s,m fields of first word
   have same length as a short
   (x->d.m || x->d.s) would be an equivalent for our purposes */
struct sgc_firstword {short t; short sm;};
#define SGC_OR_M(x)  (((struct sgc_firstword *)(x))->sm) 

#ifndef SIGPROTV

#define INSTALL_MPROTECT_HANDLER akcl_signal(SIGPROTV, memprotect_handler)
extern void memprotect_handler ();

#else  /* END SGC */
#define sgc_quit()
#define sgc_start()
#define sgc_count_type(x) 0

extern int sgc_enabled;
#define TM_NUSED(pt) (((pt).tm_npage*(pt).tm_nppage) - (pt).tm_nfree)

#define F_LINK(x) ((struct freelist *) x)->f_link

    /* virtual memory pages are this multiple of lisp page size */
#ifndef IN_MAIN  
extern int page_multiple;

	Type map.

	enum type type_map[MAXPAGE];
char type_map[MAXPAGE];

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.