
This is bds.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

(c) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984.  All rights reserved.
Copying of this file is authorized to users who have executed the true and
proper "License Agreement for Kyoto Common LISP" with SIGLISP.


	bind stack

#define BDSSIZE		1024
#define	BDSGETA		40

struct bds_bd {
	object	bds_sym;	/*  symbol  */
	object	bds_val;	/*  previous value of the symbol  */

struct bds_bd bind_stack[BDSSIZE + BDSGETA + BDSGETA];

typedef struct bds_bd *bds_ptr;

bds_ptr bds_org;

bds_ptr bds_limit;

bds_ptr bds_top;		/*  bind stack top  */

#ifdef KCLOVM

/* for multiprocessing */
struct bds_bd save_bind_stack[BDSSIZE + BDSGETA + BDSGETA];
bds_ptr bds_save_org;
bds_ptr bds_save_limit;
bds_ptr bds_save_top;


#define	bds_check  \
	if (bds_top >= bds_limit)  \

#define	bds_bind(sym, val)  \
	(++bds_top)->bds_sym = (sym);  \
	bds_top->bds_val = (sym)->s.s_dbind;  \
	(sym)->s.s_dbind = (val)

#define	bds_unwind1  \
	((bds_top->bds_sym)->s.s_dbind = bds_top->bds_val, --bds_top)

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