This is num_sfun.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* (c) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984. All rights reserved. Copying of this file is authorized to users who have executed the true and proper "License Agreement for Kyoto Common LISP" with SIGLISP. */ #include "include.h" #include "num_include.h" object imag_unit, minus_imag_unit, imag_two; int fixnum_expt(x, y) { int z; z = 1; while (y > 0) if (y%2 == 0) { x *= x; y /= 2; } else { z *= x; --y; } return(z); } object number_exp(x) object x; { double exp(); switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)exp(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)exp((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(exp(lf(x)))); case t_complex: { object y, y1; object number_sin(), number_cos(); vs_mark; y = x->cmp.cmp_imag; x = x->cmp.cmp_real; x = number_exp(x); vs_push(x); y1 = number_cos(y); vs_push(y1); y = number_sin(y); vs_push(y); y = make_complex(y1, y); vs_push(y); x = number_times(x, y); vs_reset; return(x); } default: FEwrong_type_argument(Snumber, x); } } object number_expt(x, y) object x, y; { enum type tx, ty; object z, number_nlog(); vs_mark; tx = type_of(x); ty = type_of(y); if (ty == t_fixnum && fix(y) == 0) switch (tx) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(small_fixnum(1)); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)1.0)); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(1.0)); case t_complex: z = number_expt(x->cmp.cmp_real, y); vs_push(z); z = make_complex(z, small_fixnum(0)); vs_reset; return(z); default: FEwrong_type_argument(Snumber, x); } if (number_zerop(x)) { if (!number_plusp(ty==t_complex?y->cmp.cmp_real:y)) FEerror("Cannot raise zero to the power ~S.", 1, y); return(number_times(x, y)); } if (ty == t_fixnum || ty == t_bignum) { if (number_minusp(y)) { z = number_negate(y); vs_push(z); z = number_expt(x, z); vs_push(z); z = number_divide(small_fixnum(1), z); vs_reset; return(z); } z = small_fixnum(1); vs_push(z); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); while (number_plusp(y)) if (number_evenp(y)) { x = number_times(x, x); vs_top[-1] = x; y = integer_divide1(y, small_fixnum(2)); vs_top[-2] = y; } else { z = number_times(z, x); vs_top[-3] = z; y = number_minus(y, small_fixnum(1)); vs_top[-2] = y; } vs_reset; return(z); } z = number_nlog(x); vs_push(z); z = number_times(z, y); vs_push(z); z = number_exp(z); vs_reset; return(z); } object number_nlog(x) object x; { double log(); object r, i, a, p, number_sqrt(), number_atan2(); vs_mark; if (type_of(x) == t_complex) { r = x->cmp.cmp_real; i = x->cmp.cmp_imag; goto COMPLEX; } if (number_zerop(x)) FEerror("Zero is the logarithmic singularity.", 0); if (number_minusp(x)) { r = x; i = small_fixnum(0); goto COMPLEX; } switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)log(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)log((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(log(lf(x)))); default: FEwrong_type_argument(Snumber, x); } COMPLEX: a = number_times(r, r); vs_push(a); p = number_times(i, i); vs_push(p); a = number_plus(a, p); vs_push(a); a = number_nlog(a); vs_push(a); a = number_divide(a, small_fixnum(2)); vs_push(a); p = number_atan2(i, r); vs_push(p); x = make_complex(a, p); vs_reset; return(x); } object number_log(x, y) object x, y; { object z; vs_mark; if (number_zerop(y)) FEerror("Zero is the logarithmic singularity.", 0); if (number_zerop(x)) return(number_times(x, y)); x = number_nlog(x); vs_push(x); y = number_nlog(y); vs_push(y); z = number_divide(y, x); vs_reset; return(z); } object number_sqrt(x) object x; { object z; double sqrt(); vs_mark; if (type_of(x) == t_complex) goto COMPLEX; if (number_minusp(x)) goto COMPLEX; switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_shortfloat( (shortfloat)sqrt(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)sqrt((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(sqrt(lf(x)))); default: FEwrong_type_argument(Snumber, x); } COMPLEX: z = make_ratio(small_fixnum(1), small_fixnum(2)); vs_push(z); z = number_expt(x, z); vs_reset; return(z); } object number_atan2(y, x) object y, x; { object z; double atan(), dy, dx, dz; dy = number_to_double(y); dx = number_to_double(x); if (dx > 0.0) if (dy > 0.0) dz = atan(dy / dx); else if (dy == 0.0) dz = 0.0; else dz = -atan(-dy / dx); else if (dx == 0.0) if (dy > 0.0) dz = PI / 2.0; else if (dy == 0.0) FEerror("Logarithmic singularity.", 0); else dz = -PI / 2.0; else if (dy > 0.0) dz = PI - atan(dy / -dx); else if (dy == 0.0) dz = PI; else dz = -PI + atan(-dy / -dx); if (type_of(x) == t_longfloat || type_of(y) == t_longfloat) z = make_longfloat(dz); else z = make_shortfloat((shortfloat)dz); return(z); } object number_atan(y) object y; { object z, z1; vs_mark; if (type_of(y) == t_complex) { z = number_times(imag_unit, y); vs_push(z); z = one_plus(z); vs_push(z); z1 = number_times(y, y); vs_push(z1); z1 = one_plus(z1); vs_push(z1); z1 = number_sqrt(z1); vs_push(z1); z = number_divide(z, z1); vs_push(z); z = number_nlog(z); vs_push(z); z = number_times(minus_imag_unit, z); vs_reset; return(z); } return(number_atan2(y, small_fixnum(1))); } object number_sin(x) object x; { double sin(); switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)sin(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)sin((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(sin(lf(x)))); case t_complex: { object r; object x0, x1, x2; vs_mark; x0 = number_times(imag_unit, x); vs_push(x0); x0 = number_exp(x0); vs_push(x0); x1 = number_times(minus_imag_unit, x); vs_push(x1); x1 = number_exp(x1); vs_push(x1); x2 = number_minus(x0, x1); vs_push(x2); r = number_divide(x2, imag_two); vs_reset; return(r); } default: FEwrong_type_argument(Snumber, x); } } object number_cos(x) object x; { double cos(); switch (type_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)cos(number_to_double(x)))); case t_shortfloat: return(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)cos((double)(sf(x))))); case t_longfloat: return(make_longfloat(cos(lf(x)))); case t_complex: { object r; object x0, x1, x2; vs_mark; x0 = number_times(imag_unit, x); vs_push(x0); x0 = number_exp(x0); vs_push(x0); x1 = number_times(minus_imag_unit, x); vs_push(x1); x1 = number_exp(x1); vs_push(x1); x2 = number_plus(x0, x1); vs_push(x2); r = number_divide(x2, small_fixnum(2)); vs_reset; return(r); } default: FEwrong_type_argument(Snumber, x); } } object number_tan(x) object x; { object r, s, c; vs_mark; s = number_sin(x); vs_push(s); c = number_cos(x); vs_push(c); if (number_zerop(c) == TRUE) FEerror("Cannot compute the tangent of ~S.", 1, x); r = number_divide(s, c); vs_reset; return(r); } Lexp() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_exp(vs_base[0]); } Lexpt() { check_arg(2); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); check_type_number(&vs_base[1]); vs_base[0] = number_expt(vs_base[0], vs_base[1]); vs_pop; } Llog() { int narg; narg = vs_top - vs_base; if (narg < 1) too_few_arguments(); else if (narg == 1) { check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_nlog(vs_base[0]); } else if (narg == 2) { check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); check_type_number(&vs_base[1]); vs_base[0] = number_log(vs_base[1], vs_base[0]); vs_pop; } else too_many_arguments(); } Lsqrt() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_sqrt(vs_base[0]); } Lsin() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_sin(vs_base[0]); } Lcos() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_cos(vs_base[0]); } Ltan() { check_arg(1); check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_tan(vs_base[0]); } Latan() { int narg; narg = vs_top - vs_base; if (narg < 1) too_few_arguments(); if (narg == 1) { check_type_number(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = number_atan(vs_base[0]); } else if (narg == 2) { check_type_or_rational_float(&vs_base[0]); check_type_or_rational_float(&vs_base[1]); vs_base[0] = number_atan2(vs_base[0], vs_base[1]); vs_pop; } else too_many_arguments(); } init_num_sfun() { imag_unit = make_complex(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)0.0), make_shortfloat((shortfloat)1.0)); enter_mark_origin(&imag_unit); minus_imag_unit = make_complex(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)0.0), make_shortfloat((shortfloat)-1.0)); enter_mark_origin(&minus_imag_unit); imag_two = make_complex(make_shortfloat((shortfloat)0.0), make_shortfloat((shortfloat)2.0)); enter_mark_origin(&imag_two); make_constant("PI", make_longfloat(PI)); make_function("EXP", Lexp); make_function("EXPT", Lexpt); make_function("LOG", Llog); make_function("SQRT", Lsqrt); make_function("SIN", Lsin); make_function("COS", Lcos); make_function("TAN", Ltan); make_function("ATAN", Latan); }
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