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/* (c) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984. All rights reserved. Copying of this file is authorized to users who have executed the true and proper "License Agreement for Kyoto Common LISP" with SIGLISP. */ /* Logical operations on number */ #include "include.h" #include "num_include.h" #include "mp.h" /* x : fixnum or bignum (may be not normalized) y : integer returns fixnum or bignum ( not normalized ) */ object big_log_op(); object log_op(op) int (*op)(); { object x; int narg, i, j; narg = vs_top - vs_base; if (narg < 2) too_few_arguments(); i = narg; while(--i >= 0) if (type_of(vs_base[i]) == t_bignum) goto BIG_OP; j = fix(vs_base[0]); i = 1; while (i < narg) { j = (*op)(j, fix(vs_base[i])); i++; } return(make_fixnum(j)); BIG_OP: x = (object)copy_to_big(vs_base[0]); vs_push(x); i = 1; {save_avma; while (i < narg) { x = (object)big_log_op(x, vs_base[i], op); i++; } restore_avma;} x = normalize_big_to_object(x); vs_pop; return(x); } /* big_log_op(x, y, op) performs the logical operation op onto x and y, and return the result in x destructively. */ void minimize_lg(x) GEN x; {int j,i,lgx = lgef(x); GEN u = x+2; i = lgx; i -= 2; while (-- i >= 0) { if (*u++) break; } j = lgx -i -3; if (j) { GEN v = x+2; GEN w = v + j; GEN lim = x+lgx; while (w<lim) {*v++ = *w++;} setlgef(x,(i+3));} if (i==-1) setsigne(x,0); } /* Fix this. Should be destructive into x0. It is for the benefit of log_op; Maybe write an mp version, and then do it. */ GEN complementi(x) GEN x; {int l = lgef(x); GEN u = cgeti(l); unsigned long * v ; unsigned long *w ; MP_START_LOW(w,(unsigned long *)x,l); MP_START_LOW(v,(unsigned long *)u,l); setlgef(u,l); setsigne(u,1); l -= MP_CODE_WORDS; {unsigned int next=0; while (--l >=0) { unsigned int last = MP_NEXT_UP(w); MP_NEXT_UP(v) = next - last ; if (last > next) { next -= 1 ;}} return u;}} object big_log_op(x0,y0,op) object x0,y0; long (*op)(); { int leadx,leady; int result_length; int lgx,lgy; GEN x,y,u,up,result; save_avma; x = MP(x0); y = (type_of(y0)==t_bignum ? MP(y0) : stoi(fix(y0))); leadx = signe(x); lgx=lgef(x); if (leadx < 0) x = complementi(x); else leadx = 0; lgy = lgef(y); leady = signe(y); if (leady < 0) y=complementi(y); else leady = 0; result_length = (lgx > lgy ? lgx : lgy); u = result = cgeti(result_length); setlgef(result,result_length); MP_START_LOW(u,u,result_length); result_length -= MP_CODE_WORDS; x += lgx; y += lgy; lgx -= MP_CODE_WORDS; lgy -= MP_CODE_WORDS; while (--lgx >= 0) { if (--lgy >= 0) { MP_NEXT_UP(u) = (*op)(MP_NEXT_UP(x),MP_NEXT_UP(y));} else MP_NEXT_UP(u) = (*op)(MP_NEXT_UP(x),leady); } /* lgx is now 0 */ while (--lgy >= 0) { MP_NEXT_UP(u) = (*op)(leadx,MP_NEXT_UP(y));} {int leadresult = (*op)(leadx,leady); if (leadresult < 0) { result = complementi(result); setsigne(result,-1);} else setsigne(result,1);} minimize_lg(result); restore_avma; gcopy_to_big(result,x0); return x0; } int ior_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i | j); } int xor_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i ^ j); } int and_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i & j); } int eqv_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~(i ^ j)); } int nand_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~(i & j)); } int nor_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~(i | j)); } int andc1_op(i, j) int i, j; { return((~i) & j); } int andc2_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i & (~j)); } int orc1_op(i, j) int i, j; { return((~i) | j); } int orc2_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i | (~j)); } b_clr_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(0); } b_set_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(-1); } b_1_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(i); } b_2_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(j); } b_c1_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~i); } b_c2_op(i, j) int i, j; { return(~j); } int big_bitp(x, p) object x; int p; { GEN u = MP(x); int ans ; int i = p /32; if (signe(u) < 0) { save_avma; u = complementi(u); restore_avma; } if (i < lgef(u)) { ans = ((MP_ITH_WORD(u,i,lgef(u))) & (1 << p%32));} else if (big_sign(x) < 0) ans = 1; else ans = 0; return ans; } int fix_bitp(x, p) object x; int p; { if (p > 30) /* fix = sign + bit0-30 */ if (fix(x) < 0) return(1); else return(0); return((fix(x) >> p) & 1); } int count_int_bits(x) int x; { int i, count; count = 0; for (i=0; i <= 31; i++) count += ((x >> i) & 1); return(count); } int count_bits(x) object x; { int i, count, sign; if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) { i = fix(x); if (i < 0) i = ~i; count = count_int_bits(i); } else if (type_of(x) == t_bignum) { save_avma; GEN u = MP(x); if (signe(u) < 0) { u = subsi(-1,u);} count = 0; {int leng = lgef(u); MP_START_LOW(u,u,leng); leng -= MP_CODE_WORDS; while (--leng >= 0) { count += count_int_bits(MP_NEXT_UP(u));}} restore_avma; } else FEwrong_type_argument(Sinteger, x); return(count); } /* double_shift(h, l, w, hp, lp) shifts the int h & l ( 31 bits) w bits to left ( w > 0) or to right ( w < 0). result is returned in *hp and *lp. */ object shift_integer(x, w) object x; int w; { GEN u ; if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) { if (w <= 0) return make_fixnum (fix(x) >> (-w)); MPOP(return, shifti,stoi(fix(x)),w); } else if (type_of(x) == t_bignum) MPOP(return, shifti,MP(x),w); else FEwrong_type_argument(Sinteger, x); } int int_bit_length(i) int i; { int count, j; count = 0; for (j = 0; j <= 31 ; j++) if (((i >> j) & 1) == 1) count = j + 1; return(count); } Llogior() { object x; int narg, i; int ior_op(); narg = vs_top - vs_base; for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) check_type_integer(&vs_base[i]); if (narg == 0) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(small_fixnum(0)); return; } if (narg == 1) return; x = log_op(ior_op); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Llogxor() { object x; int narg, i; int xor_op(); narg = vs_top - vs_base; for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) check_type_integer(&vs_base[i]); if (narg == 0) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(small_fixnum(0)); return; } if (narg == 1) return; x = log_op(xor_op); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Llogand() { object x; int narg, i; int and_op(); narg = vs_top - vs_base; for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) check_type_integer(&vs_base[i]); if (narg == 0) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(small_fixnum(-1)); return; } if (narg == 1) return; x = log_op(and_op); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Llogeqv() { object x; int narg, i; int eqv_op(); narg = vs_top - vs_base; for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) check_type_integer(&vs_base[i]); if (narg == 0) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(small_fixnum(-1)); return; } if (narg == 1) return; x = log_op(eqv_op); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Lboole() { object x; object o, r; int (*op)(); check_arg(3); check_type_integer(&vs_base[0]); check_type_integer(&vs_base[1]); check_type_integer(&vs_base[2]); o = vs_base[0]; switch(fixint(o)) { case BOOLCLR: op = b_clr_op; break; case BOOLSET: op = b_set_op; break; case BOOL1: op = b_1_op; break; case BOOL2: op = b_2_op; break; case BOOLC1: op = b_c1_op; break; case BOOLC2: op = b_c2_op; break; case BOOLAND: op = and_op; break; case BOOLIOR: op = ior_op; break; case BOOLXOR: op = xor_op; break; case BOOLEQV: op = eqv_op; break; case BOOLNAND: op = nand_op; break; case BOOLNOR: op = nor_op; break; case BOOLANDC1: op = andc1_op; break; case BOOLANDC2: op = andc2_op; break; case BOOLORC1: op = orc1_op; break; case BOOLORC2: op = orc2_op; break; default: FEerror("~S is an invalid logical operator.", 1, o); } vs_base++; x = log_op(op); vs_base--; vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Llogbitp() { object x, p; int i; check_arg(2); check_type_integer(&vs_base[0]); check_type_integer(&vs_base[1]); p = vs_base[0]; x = vs_base[1]; if (type_of(p) == t_fixnum) if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) i = fix_bitp(x, fix(p)); else i = big_bitp(x, fix(p)); else if (big_sign(p) < 0) i = 0; /* bit position represented by bignum is out of our address space. So, result is returned according to sign of integer. */ else if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) if (fix(x) < 0) i = 1; else i = 0; else if (big_sign(x) < 0) i = 1; else i = 0; vs_top = vs_base; if (i) vs_push(Ct); else vs_push(Cnil); } Lash() { object r, x, y; int w, sign_x; check_arg(2); check_type_integer(&vs_base[0]); check_type_integer(&vs_base[1]); x = vs_base[0]; y = vs_base[1]; if (type_of(y) == t_fixnum) { w = fix(y); r = shift_integer(x, w); } else if (type_of(y) == t_bignum) goto LARGE_SHIFT; else ; goto BYE; /* bit position represented by bignum is probably out of our address space. So, result is returned according to sign of integer. */ LARGE_SHIFT: if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) if (fix(x) > 0) sign_x = 1; else if (fix(x) == 0) sign_x = 0; else sign_x = -1; else sign_x = big_sign(x); if (big_sign(y) < 0) if (sign_x < 0) r = small_fixnum(-1); else r = small_fixnum(0); else if (sign_x == 0) r = small_fixnum(0); else FEerror("Insufficient memory.", 0); BYE: vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(r); } Llogcount() { object x; int i; check_arg(1); check_type_integer(&vs_base[0]); x = vs_base[0]; i = count_bits(x); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(make_fixnum(i)); } Linteger_length() { object x; int count, cell, i; check_arg(1); x = vs_base[0]; if (type_of(x) == t_fixnum) { i = fix(x); if (i < 0) i = ~i; count = int_bit_length(i); } else if (type_of(x) == t_bignum) { GEN w,u = MP(x); int l = lg(u); ulong high; w = u; MP_START_HIGH(u,u,l); high = MP_NEXT_DOWN(u); count = int_bit_length(high) ; l -= MP_CODE_WORDS; if (signe(w) < 0 && high == (1 << (count -1))) /* in the case of -(1<< n) it is one less */ { int ll = l; int nzero = 0; while (--ll > 0) { if (MP_NEXT_DOWN(u)) {nzero= 1; break;}} if (nzero == 0) --count ;} count += 32* (l - 1); } else FEwrong_type_argument(Sinteger, x); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(make_fixnum(count)); } #define W_SIZE (8*sizeof(int)) object bitand(a,b,c) object a,b,c; { int d= a->bv.bv_fillp; int *ap,*bp,*cp; d=(d+W_SIZE-1)/W_SIZE; ap= (int *)(a->bv.bv_self); bp= (int *)(b->bv.bv_self); cp= (int *)(c->bv.bv_self); while (--d >= 0) { *cp++ = *bp++ & *ap++; } return c; } object bitior(a,b,c) object a,b,c; { int *ap,*cp,*bp, d= a->bv.bv_fillp; d=(d+W_SIZE-1)/W_SIZE; ap= (int *)((a->bv.bv_self)); bp= (int *)(b->bv.bv_self); cp= (int *)(c->bv.bv_self); while (--d >= 0) { *cp++ = *bp++ | *ap++; } return c; } /* Note in order to be equal we assume that the part above the fill pointer is 0 up to the next word */ bvequal(a,b) object a,b; { int *ap,*bp, d= a->bv.bv_fillp; d=(d+W_SIZE-1)/W_SIZE; ap= (int *)(a->bv.bv_self); bp= (int *)(b->bv.bv_self); while (--d >= 0) { if (*ap++ != *bp++) return 1; } return 0; } init_num_log() { int siLbit_array_op(); make_constant("BOOLE-CLR", make_fixnum(BOOLCLR)); make_constant("BOOLE-SET", make_fixnum(BOOLSET)); make_constant("BOOLE-1", make_fixnum(BOOL1)); make_constant("BOOLE-2", make_fixnum(BOOL2)); make_constant("BOOLE-C1", make_fixnum(BOOLC1)); make_constant("BOOLE-C2", make_fixnum(BOOLC2)); make_constant("BOOLE-AND", make_fixnum(BOOLAND)); make_constant("BOOLE-IOR", make_fixnum(BOOLIOR)); make_constant("BOOLE-XOR", make_fixnum(BOOLXOR)); make_constant("BOOLE-EQV", make_fixnum(BOOLEQV)); make_constant("BOOLE-NAND", make_fixnum(BOOLNAND)); make_constant("BOOLE-NOR", make_fixnum(BOOLNOR)); make_constant("BOOLE-ANDC1", make_fixnum(BOOLANDC1)); make_constant("BOOLE-ANDC2", make_fixnum(BOOLANDC2)); make_constant("BOOLE-ORC1", make_fixnum(BOOLORC1)); make_constant("BOOLE-ORC2", make_fixnum(BOOLORC2)); make_function("LOGIOR", Llogior); make_function("LOGXOR", Llogxor); make_function("LOGAND", Llogand); make_function("LOGEQV", Llogeqv); make_function("BOOLE", Lboole); make_function("LOGBITP", Llogbitp); make_function("ASH", Lash); make_function("LOGCOUNT", Llogcount); make_function("INTEGER-LENGTH", Linteger_length); Sbit = make_ordinary("BIT"); make_si_function("BIT-ARRAY-OP", siLbit_array_op); } siLbit_array_op() { int i, j, n, d; object o, x, y, r, r0; int (*op)(); bool replace = FALSE; int xi, yi, ri; char *xp, *yp, *rp; int xo, yo, ro; object *base = vs_base; check_arg(4); o = vs_base[0]; x = vs_base[1]; y = vs_base[2]; r = vs_base[3]; if (type_of(x) == t_bitvector) { d = x->bv.bv_dim; xp = x->bv.bv_self; xo = x->bv.bv_offset; if (type_of(y) != t_bitvector) goto ERROR; if (d != y->bv.bv_dim) goto ERROR; yp = y->bv.bv_self; yo = y->bv.bv_offset; if (r == Ct) r = x; if (r != Cnil) { if (type_of(r) != t_bitvector) goto ERROR; if (r->bv.bv_dim != d) goto ERROR; i = (r->bv.bv_self - xp)*8 + (r->bv.bv_offset - xo); if (i > 0 && i < d || i < 0 && -i < d) { r0 = r; r = Cnil; replace = TRUE; goto L1; } i = (r->bv.bv_self - yp)*8 + (r->bv.bv_offset - yo); if (i > 0 && i < d || i < 0 && -i < d) { r0 = r; r = Cnil; replace = TRUE; } } L1: if (r == Cnil) { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Sbit); vs_push(make_fixnum(d)); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); siLmake_vector(); r = vs_base[0]; } } else { if (type_of(x) != t_array) goto ERROR; if ((enum aelttype)x->a.a_elttype != aet_bit) goto ERROR; d = x->a.a_dim; xp = x->bv.bv_self; xo = x->bv.bv_offset; if (type_of(y) != t_array) goto ERROR; if ((enum aelttype)y->a.a_elttype != aet_bit) goto ERROR; if (x->a.a_rank != y->a.a_rank) goto ERROR; yp = y->bv.bv_self; yo = y->bv.bv_offset; for (i = 0; i < x->a.a_rank; i++) if (x->a.a_dims[i] != y->a.a_dims[i]) goto ERROR; if (r == Ct) r = x; if (r != Cnil) { if (type_of(r) != t_array) goto ERROR; if ((enum aelttype)r->a.a_elttype != aet_bit) goto ERROR; if (r->a.a_rank != x->a.a_rank) goto ERROR; for (i = 0; i < x->a.a_rank; i++) if (r->a.a_dims[i] != x->a.a_dims[i]) goto ERROR; i = (r->bv.bv_self - xp)*8 + (r->bv.bv_offset - xo); if (i > 0 && i < d || i < 0 && -i < d) { r0 = r; r = Cnil; replace = TRUE; goto L2; } i = (r->bv.bv_self - yp)*8 + (r->bv.bv_offset - yo); if (i > 0 && i < d || i < 0 && -i < d) { r0 = r; r = Cnil; replace = TRUE; } } L2: if (r == Cnil) { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Sbit); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); for (i = 0; i < x->a.a_rank; i++) vs_push(make_fixnum(x->a.a_dims[i])); siLmake_pure_array(); r = vs_base[0]; } } rp = r->bv.bv_self; ro = r->bv.bv_offset; switch(fixint(o)) { case BOOLCLR: op = b_clr_op; break; case BOOLSET: op = b_set_op; break; case BOOL1: op = b_1_op; break; case BOOL2: op = b_2_op; break; case BOOLC1: op = b_c1_op; break; case BOOLC2: op = b_c2_op; break; case BOOLAND: op = and_op; break; case BOOLIOR: op = ior_op; break; case BOOLXOR: op = xor_op; break; case BOOLEQV: op = eqv_op; break; case BOOLNAND: op = nand_op; break; case BOOLNOR: op = nor_op; break; case BOOLANDC1: op = andc1_op; break; case BOOLANDC2: op = andc2_op; break; case BOOLORC1: op = orc1_op; break; case BOOLORC2: op = orc2_op; break; default: FEerror("~S is an invalid logical operator.", 1, o); } #define set_high(place, nbits, value) \ ((place)=((place)&~(-0400>>(nbits))|(value)&(-0400>>(nbits)))) #define set_low(place, nbits, value) \ ((place)=((place)&(-0400>>(8-(nbits)))|(value)&~(-0400>>(8-(nbits))))) #define extract_byte(integer, pointer, index, offset) \ (integer) = (pointer)[(index)+1] & 0377; \ (integer) = ((pointer)[index]<<(offset))|((integer)>>(8-(offset))) #define store_byte(pointer, index, offset, value) \ set_low((pointer)[index], 8-(offset), (value)>>(offset)); \ set_high((pointer)[(index)+1], offset, (value)<<(8-(offset))) if (xo == 0 && yo == 0 && ro == 0) { for (n = d/8, i = 0; i < n; i++) rp[i] = (*op)(xp[i], yp[i]); if ((j = d%8) > 0) set_high(rp[n], j, (*op)(xp[n], yp[n])); if (!replace) { vs_top = vs_base = base; vs_push(r); return; } } else { for (n = d/8, i = 0; i <= n; i++) { extract_byte(xi, xp, i, xo); extract_byte(yi, yp, i, yo); if (i == n) { if ((j = d%8) == 0) break; extract_byte(ri, rp, n, ro); set_high(ri, j, (*op)(xi, yi)); } else ri = (*op)(xi, yi); store_byte(rp, i, ro, ri); } if (!replace) { vs_top = vs_base = base; vs_push(r); return; } } rp = r0->bv.bv_self; ro = r0->bv.bv_offset; for (n = d/8, i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if (i == n) { if ((j = d%8) == 0) break; extract_byte(ri, rp, n, ro); set_high(ri, j, r->bv.bv_self[n]); } else ri = r->bv.bv_self[i]; store_byte(rp, i, ro, ri); } vs_top = vs_base = base; vs_push(r0); return; ERROR: FEerror("Illegal arguments for bit-array operation.", 0); }
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