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/* (C) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984. All rights reserved. */ /* filesystem.c DG-SPECIFIC */ #include "packets:filestatus.h" #include "include.h" #define $FLNK 00 /* LINK */ #define $FIPC 036 /* IPC PORT ENTRY */ #define $FDIR 012 /* DISK DIRECTORY */ #define $FLDU 013 /* LD ROOT DIRECTORY */ #define $FCPD 014 /* CONTROL POINT DIRECTORY */ #define $FDKU 024 /* DISK UNIT */ #define $FMCU 025 /* MULTIPROCESSOR COMMUNICATIONS UNIT */ #define $FMTU 026 /* MAG TAPE UNIT */ #define $FLPU 027 /* DATA CHANNEL LINE PRINTER */ #define $FLPD 030 /* DATA CHANNEL LP2 UNIT */ #define EREOF 030 /* END OF FILE */ #define ERFDE 025 /* FILE DOES NOT EXIST */ #define $MXPL 0400 /* MAX PATHNAME LENGTH (BYTES) */ #define $DELETE 01 /* DELETE FILE */ #define $RENAME 02 /* RENAME A FILE */ #define $GUNM 072 /* GET A PROCESS'S USER NAME */ #define $DIR 075 /* CHANGE WORKING DIRECTORY */ #define $FSTAT 077 /* GET FILE STATUS */ #define $GNAME 0111 /* GET FULL PATHNAME */ #define $GACL 0115 /* GET A FILE'S ACL */ #define $GNFN 0131 /* GET NEXT FILE NAME FROM DIR */ #define MAXNAME 256 union fstat { P_FSTAT other; P_FSTAT_DIR dir; P_FSTAT_IPC ipc; P_FSTAT_UNIT unit; }; int debug; rename_file(filen, newname) char *filen, *newname; { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; ac0 = filen; ac1 = newname; if (ier = sys($RENAME, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); } delete_file(filen) char *filen; { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; ac0 = filen; if (ier = sys($DELETE, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); } probe_file(filen, truename, bufflen) char *filen, *truename; int bufflen; { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; ac0 = filen; ac1 = truename; ac2 = bufflen; if (ier = sys($GNAME, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) if (ier == ERFDE) return(FALSE); else sys_emes(ier); return(TRUE); } int dir_where_file(filen, dirn) char *filen, *dirn; { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; int i, j, d, d1; char slist[$MXPL+2]; char pathn[MAXNAME]; char dummy[MAXNAME]; slist[0] = '='; slist[1] = '\0'; ac1 = &slist[2]; ac2 = $MXPL + 2; if (ier = sys($GLIST, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); d = d1 = 0; for (d = d1 = 0; ; d1 = d) { for (i = 0; (pathn[i] = slist[d]) != '\0'; i++, d++) ; if (i == 0) return(FALSE); d++; for (j = 0; (pathn[i] = filen[j]) != '\0'; i++, j++) ; if (probe_file(pathn, dummy, MAXNAME)) break; } probe_file(&slist[d1], dirn, MAXNAME); return(TRUE); } FILE * backup_fopen(filen, open_opt) char *filen, *open_opt; { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; int i, j; object p, d, f; FILE *fd; char *c; char filename[MAXNAME], dirn[MAXNAME]; char buname[MAXNAME]; vs_mark; p = make_simple_string(filen); vs_push(p); p = coerce_to_pathname(p); vs_pop; vs_push(p); f = make_pathname(Cnil, Cnil, Cnil, p->pn.pn_name, p->pn.pn_type, p->pn.pn_version); vs_push(f); f = coerce_to_namestring(f); vs_pop; vs_push(f); if (f == Cnil) FEerror("Zero length filename was specified.", 0); c = f->st.st_self; j = f->st.st_fillp; filename[0] = '='; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) filename[i+1] = c[i]; filename[i+1] = '\0'; if (p->pn.pn_directory == Cnil) if (!dir_where_file(filen, dirn)) sys_emes(ERFDE); else ; else { d = make_pathname(Cnil, Cnil, p->pn.pn_directory, Cnil, Cnil, Cnil); vs_push(d); d = coerce_to_namestring(d); c = d->st.st_self; j = d->st.st_fillp; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) dirn[i] = c[i]; if (i > 0 && dirn[i-1] == ':') i--; dirn[i] = '\0'; } ac0 = dirn; if (ier = sys($DIR, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); for (i = 0; (buname[i] = filename[i+1]) != '\0'; i++) ; buname[i++] = '.'; buname[i++] = 'B'; buname[i++] = 'U'; buname[i] = '\0'; ac0 = buname; if ((ier = sys($DELETE, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) != NULL && ier != ERFDE) sys_emes(ier); rename_file(filename, buname); fd = fopen(filename, open_opt); ac0 = 0; if (ier = sys($DIR, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); vs_reset; return(fd); } get_file_status(filen, filep) char *filen; P_FSTAT *filep; { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; ac0 = filen; ac1 = 0; ac2 = filep; if (ier = sys($FSTAT, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); } get_file_status_chan(fd, filep) FILE *fd; P_FSTAT *filep; { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; ac0 = fchannel(fd); ac1 = 020000000000; /* channel in ac0 */ ac2 = filep; if (ier = sys($FSTAT, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); } object file_write_date(filen) char *filen; { union fstat filep; unsigned char ftype; short dd, tt; object time, time_zone, time_gap; get_file_status(filen, &filep); ftype = filep.other.styp_type; switch(ftype) { case $FIPC: dd = filep.ipc.stch.short_time[_DATE]; tt = filep.ipc.stch.short_time[_TIME]; break; case $FLDU: case $FDIR: case $FCPD: dd = filep.dir.stmh.short_time[_DATE]; tt = filep.dir.stmh.short_time[_TIME]; break; case $FDKU: case $FMCU: case $FMTU: case $FLPU: case $FLPD: dd = filep.unit.stch.short_time[_DATE]; tt = filep.unit.stch.short_time[_TIME]; break; default: dd = filep.other.stmh.short_time[_DATE]; tt = filep.other.stmh.short_time[_TIME]; break; } time = make_fixnum((dd - 1) * 24 * 3600 + tt * 2); /* tt is bi-seconds */ vs_push(time); time_gap = make_fixnum(2145830400); vs_push(time_gap); time = number_plus(time, time_gap); vs_pop; vs_pop; vs_push(time); time_zone = make_fixnum(TIME_ZONE * 3600); vs_push(time_zone); time = number_plus(time, time_zone); vs_pop; vs_pop; return(time); } int file_len(fd) FILE *fd; { union fstat filep; unsigned char ftype; get_file_status_chan(fd, &filep); ftype = filep.other.styp_type; switch(ftype) { case $FIPC: case $FDKU: case $FMCU: case $FMTU: case $FLPU: case $FLPD: return(-1); case $FLDU: case $FDIR: case $FCPD: return(filep.dir.sefm); default: return(filep.other.sefm); } } file_author(filen, author) char *filen, *author; { char aclbuf[256]; char *up, *ap, *bp; int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) aclbuf[i] = '\0'; ac0 = filen; ac1 = aclbuf; if (ier = sys($GACL, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); bp = author; for (up = aclbuf; ;up = ap + 1) { for (ap = up; *ap != '\0'; ap++) ; if (up == ap) break; ap++; if (*ap & $FACO) { if (bp != author) *bp++ = ','; for (i = 0; up[i] != '\0'; i++) *bp++ = up[i]; } } if (bp == author) return(FALSE); else { *bp = '\0'; return(TRUE); } } username(uname) char *uname; { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; ac0 = -1; ac1 = 1; ac2 = uname; if (ier = sys($GUNM, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) sys_emes(ier); } object truename(file) object file; { object x; char filen[MAXNAME], pathn[MAXNAME]; int i, j; char *c; x = coerce_to_namestring(file); vs_push(x); for (i = 0, j = x->st.st_fillp, c = x->st.st_self; i < j; i++) filen[i] = c[i]; if (i > 1 && filen[i - 1] == ':') i--; filen[i] = '\0'; if (!probe_file(filen, pathn, MAXNAME)) sys_emes(ERFDE); x = make_simple_string(pathn); vs_pop; vs_push(x); x = coerce_to_pathname(x); vs_pop; return(x); } int file_exists(file) object file; { char filen[MAXNAME], pathn[MAXNAME]; int i, j; char *c; if (type_of(file) != t_string) FEwrong_type_argument(Sstring, file); for (i = 0, j = file->st.st_fillp, c = file->st.st_self; i < j; i++) filen[i] = c[i]; if (i > 1 && filen[i-1] == ':') i--; filen[i] = '\0'; return(probe_file(filen, pathn, MAXNAME)); } Ltruename() { check_arg(1); check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = truename(vs_base[0]); } Luser_homedir_pathname() { int i, args; object x; char usern[MAXNAME], dirn[MAXNAME]; args = vs_top - vs_base; if (args > 1) too_many_arguments(); if (args == 1) { check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]); if (vs_base[0] != Cnil) { vs_base[0] = Cnil; return; } } username(usern); dirn[0] = dirn[4] = ':'; dirn[1] = 'U'; dirn[2] = dirn[3] = 'D'; for (i = 0; (dirn[i+5] = usern[i]) != '\0';i++) ; i += 5; dirn[i++] = ':'; dirn[i] = '\0'; x = make_simple_string(dirn); vs_push(x); x = coerce_to_pathname(x); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(x); } Lrename_file() { object old, new, new1, truename_old, truename_new; int i, j; char *c; char oldn[MAXNAME], newn[MAXNAME]; check_arg(2); check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]); check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[1]); new1 = vs_base[1]; if (type_of(new1) == t_stream) FEerror("A filename is expected.", 0); new1 = coerce_to_pathname(new1); if (new1->pn.pn_host != Cnil || new1->pn.pn_device != Cnil || new1->pn.pn_directory != Cnil) FEerror("A filename is expected.", 0); vs_push(new1); new = namestring(new1); j = new->st.st_fillp; c = new->st.st_self; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) newn[i] = c[i]; newn[i] = '\0'; truename_old = truename(vs_base[0]); vs_push(truename_old); truename_old = coerce_to_pathname(truename_old); vs_pop; vs_push(truename_old); old = coerce_to_namestring(vs_base[0]); j = old->st.st_fillp; c = old->st.st_self; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) oldn[i] = c[i]; oldn[i] = '\0'; rename_file(oldn, newn); old = coerce_to_pathname(vs_base[0]); vs_push(old); new = make_pathname( old->pn.pn_host, old->pn.pn_device, old->pn.pn_directory, new1->pn.pn_name, new1->pn.pn_type, old->pn.pn_version); vs_push(new); truename_new = truename(new); vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(new); vs_push(truename_old); vs_push(truename_new); } Ldelete_file() { int i, j; char *c; char pathn[MAXNAME]; char truen[MAXNAME]; check_arg(1); check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = coerce_to_namestring(vs_base[0]); j = vs_base[0]->st.st_fillp; c = vs_base[0]->st.st_self; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) pathn[i] = c[i]; if (i > 1 && pathn[i-1] == ':') i--; pathn[i] = '\0'; probe_file(pathn, truen, MAXNAME); delete_file(truen); vs_base[0] = Ct; } Lprobe_file() { int i, j, dirflg; char *c; char filen[MAXNAME], pathname[MAXNAME]; check_arg(1); check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = coerce_to_namestring(vs_base[0]); c = vs_base[0]->st.st_self; j = vs_base[0]->st.st_fillp; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) filen[i] = c[i]; if (i > 1 && filen[i-1] == ':') { i--; dirflg = TRUE; } else dirflg = FALSE; filen[i] = '\0'; if (!probe_file(filen, pathname, MAXNAME)) { vs_base[0] = Cnil; return; } if (dirflg) { for (i = 0; pathname[i] != '\0'; i++) ; pathname[i++] = ':'; pathname[i] = '\0'; } vs_base[0] = make_simple_string(pathname); vs_base[0] = coerce_to_pathname(vs_base[0]); } Lfile_write_date() { int i, j; char *c; char filen[MAXNAME]; check_arg(1); check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = coerce_to_namestring(vs_base[0]); c = vs_base[0]->st.st_self; j = vs_base[0]->st.st_fillp; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) filen[i] = c[i]; if (i > 1 && filen[i-1] == ':') i--; filen[i] = '\0'; vs_base[0] = file_write_date(filen); } Lfile_author() { int i, j; char *c; char filen[MAXNAME]; char author[MAXNAME]; check_arg(1); check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0] = coerce_to_namestring(vs_base[0]); c = vs_base[0]->st.st_self; j = vs_base[0]->st.st_fillp; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) filen[i] = c[i]; if (i > 1 && filen[i-1] == ':') i--; filen[i] = '\0'; if (file_author(filen, author)) vs_base[0] = make_simple_string(author); else vs_base[0] = Cnil; } Ldirectory() { int ac0, ac1, ac2, ier; int i, j; char dirn[MAXNAME], template[MAXNAME]; char filen[MAXNAME], temp[MAXNAME]; char *c; FILE *fd; P_GNFN gnfnp; object d, s; check_arg(1); check_type_or_pathname_string_symbol_stream(&vs_base[0]); gnfnp.nfky = 0; gnfnp.nfrs = 0; gnfnp.nfnm = filen; gnfnp.nftp = -1; vs_base[0] = coerce_to_pathname(vs_base[0]); if (vs_base[0]->pn.pn_directory == Cnil) { temp[0] = '='; temp[1] = '\0'; probe_file(temp, dirn, MAXNAME); } else { d = make_pathname(Cnil, Cnil, vs_base[0]->pn.pn_directory, Cnil, Cnil, Cnil); vs_push(d); s = coerce_to_namestring(d); vs_pop; j = s->st.st_fillp; c = s->st.st_self; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) temp[i] = c[i]; if (i > 1 && temp[i-1] == ':') i--; temp[i] = '\0'; if (!probe_file(temp, dirn, MAXNAME)) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(Cnil); return; } } if (vs_base[0]->pn.pn_name == Cnil && vs_base[0]->pn.pn_type == Cnil) gnfnp.nftp = -1; else { s = make_pathname(Cnil, Cnil, Cnil, vs_base[0]->pn.pn_name, vs_base[0]->pn.pn_type, vs_base[0]->pn.pn_version); vs_push(s); s = namestring(s); vs_pop; gnfnp.nftp = template; j = s->st.st_fillp; c = s->st.st_self; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) template[i] = c[i]; template[i] = '\0'; } if ((fd = fopen(dirn, "r")) == NULL) { if ((ier = lasterror()) == ERFDE) { vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(Cnil); return; } sys_emes(ier); } for (i = 0; (temp[i] = dirn[i]) != '\0'; i++) ; if (i > 1) temp[i++] = ':'; /* not root directory ? */ j = i; ac0 = 0; ac1 = fchannel(fd); ac2 = &gnfnp; vs_top = vs_base; vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(Cnil); while ((ier = sys($GNFN, &ac0, &ac1, &ac2)) == NULL) { for (i = 0; (temp[j+i] = filen[i]) != '\0'; i++) ; probe_file(temp, filen, MAXNAME); vs_base[1] = make_simple_string(filen); vs_base[1] = coerce_to_pathname(vs_base[1]); vs_base[0] = make_cons(vs_base[1], vs_base[0]); } fclose(fd); if (ier == EREOF) { vs_top = vs_base + 1; return; } else sys_emes(ier); } init_filesystem() { make_function("TRUENAME", Ltruename); make_function("USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME", Luser_homedir_pathname); make_function("RENAME-FILE", Lrename_file); make_function("DELETE-FILE", Ldelete_file); make_function("PROBE-FILE", Lprobe_file); make_function("FILE-WRITE-DATE", Lfile_write_date); make_function("FILE-AUTHOR", Lfile_author); make_function("DIRECTORY", Ldirectory); }
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