This is fat_string.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* (c) Copyright W. Schelter 1988, All rights reserved. */ /* 16 bit strings with leader, and raw slots in the leader t_fat_string */ #include "include.h" #include "page.h" #define FAT_STRING object Sfat_string; enum type what_to_collect; #define inheap(pp) ((char *)(pp) < heap_end) /* start fasdump stuff */ #include "fasdump.c" /* this will be used for lines, and for structures that require some raw storage */ #define check_fs_args(ar,ind) \ if (type_of(ar) != t_fat_string) FEerror("Not a vector with leader",0); \ if ((ind >= (ar->fs.fs_dim)) \ ||(ind < 0)) FEerror("subscript out of bounds",0) check_type_fat_string(p) object *p; { BEGIN: if (type_of(*p)==t_fat_string) return; *p = wrong_type_argument(Sfat_string, *p); goto BEGIN; } void siLfsref() { check_arg(2); {register int ind = fix(vs_base[1]); register object ar = vs_base[0]; check_fs_args(ar,ind); vs_base[0]=make_fixnum((int) (ar->fs.fs_self[ind])); vs_top=vs_base+1;}} void siLfsset() {register object *base,ar; register int ind; check_arg(3); base=vs_base; ar=base[0]; check_type_integer(&base[1]); ind =fix(base[1]); check_fs_args(ar,ind); base[0]=base[2]; ar->fs.fs_self[ind]=fix(base[0]); vs_top=base+1; } #define check_fs_leader(ar,ind) \ if (type_of(ar) != t_fat_string) FEerror("Not a vector with leader",0); \ if ((ind >= ar->fs.fs_leader_length)||(ind < 0)) FEerror("subscript out of bounds",0) fs_leader_ref(ar,ind) register object ar; register int ind; { check_arg(2); check_fs_leader(ar,ind); return (int) fs_leader(ar,ind); } void check_raw(raw,i) unsigned int raw; int i; {if (!(raw & (1 << i))) FEerror("Slot not raw",0);} void siLfs_leader_ref() { register object *base; base=vs_base; base[0]=(object) fs_leader_ref(base[0],fix(base[1])); vs_top=base+1; } void siLfixnum_fs_leader_ref() { register object *base; base=vs_base; check_raw((base[0]->fs.fs_raw),fix(base[1])); base[0]=make_fixnum(fs_leader_ref(base[0],fix(base[1]))); vs_top=base+1; } void fs_leader_set(ar,ind,val) register object ar; register int ind; object val; { check_arg(3); check_fs_leader(ar,ind); fs_leader(ar,ind)= val; } void siLfs_leader_set() { register object *base; base=vs_base; fs_leader_set(base[0],fix(base[1]), base[2]); base[0]=base[2]; vs_top=base+1;} void siLfixnum_fs_leader_set() { register object *base; base=vs_base; check_type_integer(&base[2]); check_raw((base[0])->fs.fs_raw,fix(base[1])); fs_leader_set(base[0],fix(base[1]),(object) fix(base[2])); base[0]=base[2]; vs_top=base+1;} void mark_fat_string(x) object x; {register char *cp; { int i=0,raw=x->fs.fs_raw; cp = (char *) x->fs.fs_self; while (i < x->fs.fs_leader_length) {if (raw & 1) ; else mark_object(fs_leader(x,i)); raw=( raw >> 1); i++; }} {int leader_size = (x->fs.fs_leader_length) * sizeof(object *); int body_size = leader_size + (x->fs.fs_dim)*sizeof(fatchar); cp=cp-leader_size; if ((int)what_to_collect >= (int)t_contiguous) { if (inheap(cp)) { if (what_to_collect == t_contiguous) mark_contblock(cp,body_size); } else x->fs.fs_self = (fatchar *) ((char *)copy_relblock(cp,body_size) + leader_size); }}} void siLfs_array_total_size() {vs_top=vs_base+1; check_type_fat_string(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0]=make_fixnum(vs_base[0]->fs.fs_dim); } void siLfs_fill_pointer() {vs_top=vs_base+1; check_type_fat_string(&vs_base[0]); vs_base[0]=make_fixnum(vs_base[0]->fs.fs_fillp); } void siLset_fs_fill_pointer() {check_arg(2); check_type_fat_string(&vs_base[0]); vs_top=vs_base+1; vs_base[0]->fs.fs_fillp = fix(vs_base[1]); } object make_fat_string(dim,raw,lleng,staticp) int dim,raw,lleng; {object x; x=alloc_object(t_fat_string); vs_push(x); x->fs.fs_dim=dim; x->fs.fs_raw=raw; x->fs.fs_leader_length=lleng; x->fs.fs_fillp=0; alloc_fs(x,staticp); return x; } void siLmake_fat_string() { register object *base; check_arg(4); base=vs_base; base[0]=make_fat_string (fix(base[0]),fix(base[1]),fix(base[2]), (base[3]!=Cnil)); vs_top=base+1; } alloc_fs(x,staticp) object x; int staticp; {char *cp, *actual_cp ; register object *obp; char *(*f)(); int leader_size=sizeof(object *)*(x->fs.fs_leader_length); if (staticp) f = alloc_contblock; else f = alloc_relblock; obp=(object *)(cp= (*f)(sizeof(fatchar) * (x->fs.fs_dim) +leader_size)); actual_cp=cp+leader_size; while(obp < (object *) actual_cp) {*obp=Cnil; obp++;} x->fs.fs_self=(fatchar *)actual_cp; } object siLprofile_array; void siLprofile() /*(start-address scale) where scale is 0 <= n <= 256 */ { object ar=siLprofile_array->s.s_dbind; if (type_of(ar)!=t_string) FEerror("si:*Profile-array* not a string",0); if((vs_top-vs_base != 2) || type_of(vs_base[0])!=t_fixnum || type_of(vs_base[1])!=t_fixnum) FEerror("Needs start address and scale as args",0); profil((char *) (ar->ust.ust_self), (ar->ust.ust_dim), fix(vs_base[0]),fix(vs_base[1]) << 8); } void siLfunction_start() {check_arg(1); if(type_of(vs_base[0])!=t_cfun) FEerror("not compiled function",0); vs_base[0]=make_fixnum((int) (vs_base[0]->cf.cf_self)); } /* begin fasl stuff*/ #include "ext_sym.h" #ifdef AIX3 #include <sys/ldr.h> char *data_load_addr =0; #endif read_special_symbols(symfile) char *symfile; {FILE *symin; char *symbols; int i,jj; struct lsymbol_table tab; #ifdef AIX3 {char buf[500]; struct ld_info * ld; loadquery(L_GETINFO,buf,sizeof(buf)); ld = (struct ld_info *)buf; data_load_addr = ld->ldinfo_dataorg ;} #endif if (!(symin=fopen(symfile,"r"))) {perror(symfile);exit(1);}; if(!fread((char *)&tab,sizeof(tab),1,symin)) FEerror("No header",0); symbols=malloc(tab.tot_leng); c_table.alloc_length=( (PTABLE_EXTRA+ tab.n_symbols)); (c_table.ptable) = (TABL *) malloc(sizeof(struct node) * c_table.alloc_length); if (!(c_table.ptable)) {perror("could not allocate"); exit(1);}; i=0; c_table.length=tab.n_symbols; while(i < tab.n_symbols) { fread((char *)&jj,sizeof(int),1,symin); #ifdef FIX_ADDRESS FIX_ADDRESS(jj); #endif (SYM_ADDRESS(c_table,i))=jj; SYM_STRING(c_table,i)=symbols; while( *(symbols++) = getc(symin)) {;} /* dprintf( name %s , SYM_STRING(c_table,i)); dprintf( addr %d , jj); */ i++; } /* for(i=0;i< 5;i++) {printf("Symbol: %d %s %d \n",i,SYM_STRINGN(c_table,i), SYM_ADDRESS(*ptable,i));} */ if (symin) fclose(symin); } node_compare(node1,node2) char *node1, *node2; { return(strcmp( ((struct node *)node1)->string, ((struct node *)node2)->string));} void siLread_externals() {check_arg(1); {object x=vs_base[0]; unsigned int n; char *str; n=x->st.st_fillp; check_type_string(&x); str=malloc(n+1); str[n]=NULL; (void) strncpy(str,x->st.st_self,n); read_special_symbols(str); /* we sort them since these are used by the sfasl loader too */ qsort((char*)(c_table.ptable),(int)(c_table.length),sizeof(struct node),node_compare); free(str);}} #define CFUN_LIM 10000 int maxpage; object siLcdefn; #define CF_FLAG (1 << 31) cfuns_to_combined_table(n) /* non zero n will ensure new table length */ unsigned int n; {int ii=0; STATIC int i, j; STATIC object x; STATIC char *p,*cf_addr; STATIC struct typemanager *tm; if (! (n || combined_table.ptable)) n=CFUN_LIM; if (n && combined_table.alloc_length < n) { (combined_table.ptable)=NULL; (combined_table.ptable)= (TABL *)malloc(n* sizeof(struct node)); if(!combined_table.ptable) FEerror("unable to allocate",0); combined_table.alloc_length=n;} for (i = 0; i < maxpage; i++) { if ((enum type)type_map[i]!=tm_table[(short)t_cfun].tm_type && (enum type)type_map[i]!=tm_table[(short)t_gfun].tm_type && (enum type)type_map[i]!=tm_table[(short)t_sfun].tm_type && (enum type)type_map[i]!=tm_table[(short)t_vfun].tm_type ) continue; tm = tm_of((enum type)type_map[i]); p = pagetochar(i); for (j = tm->tm_nppage; j > 0; --j, p += tm->tm_size) { x = (object)p; if (type_of(x)!=t_cfun && type_of(x)!=t_sfun && type_of(x)!=t_vfun && type_of(x)!=t_gfun ) continue; if ((x->d.m == FREE) || x->cf.cf_self == NULL) continue; /* the cdefn things are the proclaimed call types. */ cf_addr=(char * ) ((unsigned int)(x->cf.cf_self)); SYM_ADDRESS(combined_table,ii)=(unsigned int)cf_addr; SYM_STRING(combined_table,ii)= (char *)(CF_FLAG | (unsigned int)x) ; /* (x->cf.cf_name ? x->cf.cf_name->s.st_self : NULL) ; */ combined_table.length = ++ii; if (ii >= combined_table.alloc_length) FEerror("Need a larger combined_table",0); } } } address_node_compare(node1,node2) char *node1, *node2; {unsigned int a1,a2; a1=((struct node *)node1)->address; a2=((struct node *)node2)->address; if (a1> a2) return 1; if (a1< a2) return -1; return 0; } void siLset_up_combined() {unsigned int n=0; if (((vs_top - vs_base) == 1)&&type_of(vs_base[0])==t_fixnum) n = (unsigned int) fix(vs_base[0]); cfuns_to_combined_table(n); if (c_table.ptable) {int j,k; if((k=combined_table.length)+c_table.length >= combined_table.alloc_length) cfuns_to_combined_table(combined_table.length+c_table.length +20); for(j = 0; j < c_table.length;) { SYM_ADDRESS(combined_table,k) =SYM_ADDRESS(c_table,j); SYM_STRING(combined_table,k) =SYM_STRING(c_table,j); k++;j++; }; combined_table.length += c_table.length ;} qsort((char*)combined_table.ptable,(int)combined_table.length, sizeof(struct node),address_node_compare); } static int prof_start; prof_ind(address,scale) unsigned int address; {address = address - prof_start ; if (address > 0) return ((address * scale) >> 8) ; return 0; } /* sum entries AAR up to DIM entries */ string_sum(aar,dim) register unsigned char *aar; unsigned int dim; {register unsigned char *endar; register unsigned int count = 0; endar=aar+dim; for ( ; aar< endar; aar++) count += *aar; return count; } void siLdisplay_profile() {if (!combined_table.ptable) FEerror("must symbols first",0); check_arg(2); {unsigned int prev,next,upto,dim,total; int j,scale,count; unsigned char *ar; object obj_ar; obj_ar=siLprofile_array->s.s_dbind; if (type_of(obj_ar)!=t_string) FEerror("si:*Profile-array* not a string",0); ar=obj_ar->ust.ust_self; scale=fix(vs_base[1]); prof_start=fix(vs_base[0]); vs_top=vs_base; dim= (obj_ar->ust.ust_dim); total=string_sum(ar,dim); j=0; {int i, finish = combined_table.length-1; for(i =0,prev=SYM_ADDRESS(combined_table,i); i< finish; prev=next) { ++i; next=SYM_ADDRESS(combined_table,i); if ( prev < prof_start) continue; upto=prof_ind(next,scale); if (upto >= dim) upto=dim; {char *name; unsigned int uname; count=0; for( ; j<upto;j++) count += ar[j]; if (count > 0) { name=SYM_STRING(combined_table,i-1); uname = (unsigned int) name; printf("\n%6.2f%% (%5d): ",(100.0*count)/total, count); fflush(stdout); if (CF_FLAG & uname) {if (~CF_FLAG & uname) prin1( ((object) (~CF_FLAG & uname))->cf.cf_name,Cnil);} else if (name ) printf("%s",name);}; if (upto==dim) goto TOTALS ; }}} TOTALS: printf("\nTotal ticks %d",total);fflush(stdout); }} #ifdef SFASL int build_symbol_table(); #endif /* end fasl stuff*/ /* These are some low level hacks to allow determining the address of an array body, and to allow jumping to inside the body of the array */ siLarray_adress() {check_arg(1); vs_base[0]=make_fixnum((int) (&(vs_base[0]->st.st_self[0]))); } /* This is some very low level code for hacking invokation of m68k instructions in a lisp array. The index used should be a byte index. So invoke(ar,3) jmps to byte ar+3. */ #ifdef CLI invoke(ar) char *ar; {asm("movel a6@(8),a0"); asm("jmp a0@"); } /* save regs (2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14) and invoke restoring them */ save_regs_invoke(ar) char *ar; {asm("moveml #0x3f3e,sp@-"); invoke(ar); asm("moveml a6@(-44),#0x7cfc"); } siLsave_regs_invoke() {int x; check_arg(2); check_type_integer(&vs_base[1]); x=save_regs_invoke((vs_base[0]->st.st_self)+fix(vs_base[1])); vs_top=vs_base+1; vs_base[0]=make_fixnum(x); } #endif init_fat_string() {make_si_function("ARRAY-ADDRESS",siLarray_adress); #ifdef CLI make_si_function("SAVE-REGS-INVOKE",siLsave_regs_invoke); #endif make_si_function("FSREF",siLfsref); make_si_function("FSSET",siLfsset); make_si_function("FS-LEADER-REF",siLfs_leader_ref); make_si_function("FS-LEADER-SET",siLfs_leader_set); make_si_function("FIXNUM-FS-LEADER-SET",siLfixnum_fs_leader_set); make_si_function("FIXNUM-FS-LEADER-REF",siLfixnum_fs_leader_ref); make_si_function("SET-FS-FILL-POINTER",siLset_fs_fill_pointer); make_si_function("FS-ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE",siLfs_array_total_size); make_si_function("FS-FILL-POINTER",siLfs_fill_pointer); make_si_function("MAKE-FAT-STRING",siLmake_fat_string); make_si_function("FUNCTION-START",siLfunction_start); make_si_function("PROFILE",siLprofile); make_si_function("READ-EXTERNALS",siLread_externals); make_si_function("SET-UP-COMBINED",siLset_up_combined); make_si_function("DISPLAY-PROFILE",siLdisplay_profile); make_si_constant("*ASH->>*",(-1==(((int)-1) >> 50))? Ct :Cnil); #ifdef SFASL make_si_function("BUILD-SYMBOL-TABLE",build_symbol_table); #endif siLprofile_array=make_si_special("*PROFILE-ARRAY*",Cnil); Sfat_string = make_ordinary("FAT-STRING"); enter_mark_origin(&Sfat_string); init_fasdump(); }
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