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/* (c) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984. All rights reserved. Copying of this file is authorized to users who have executed the true and proper "License Agreement for Kyoto Common LISP" with SIGLISP. */ /* error.c Errors */ #include "include.h" #include <varargs.h> object siSuniversal_error_handler; static object null_string; object siSterminal_interrupt; terminal_interrupt(correctable) { ifuncall1(siSterminal_interrupt, correctable?Ct:Cnil); } object ihs_function_name(x) object x; { object y; switch (type_of(x)) { case t_symbol: return(x); case t_cons: y = x->c.c_car; if (y == Slambda) return(Slambda); if (y == Slambda_closure) return(Slambda_closure); if (y == Slambda_block || y == siSlambda_block_expanded) { x = x->c.c_cdr; if (type_of(x) != t_cons) return(Slambda_block); return(x->c.c_car); } if (y == Slambda_block_closure) { x = x->c.c_cdr; if (type_of(x) != t_cons) return(Slambda_block_closure); x = x->c.c_cdr; if (type_of(x) != t_cons) return(Slambda_block_closure); x = x->c.c_cdr; if (type_of(x) != t_cons) return(Slambda_block_closure); x = x->c.c_cdr; if (type_of(x) != t_cons) return(Slambda_block_closure); return(x->c.c_car); } /* a general special form */ if (y->s.s_sfdef != NOT_SPECIAL) return y; return(Cnil); case t_cfun: case t_sfun: case t_vfun: case t_cclosure: case t_gfun: return(x->cf.cf_name); default: return(Cnil); } } object ihs_top_function_name() { object x; ihs_ptr h = ihs_top; while (h >= ihs_org) { x = ihs_function_name(h->ihs_function); if (x != Cnil) return(x); h--; } return(Cnil); } call_error_handler() { super_funcall(siSuniversal_error_handler); } FEerror(s, num, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) char *s; int num; object arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kerror); /* :ERROR */ vs_push(Cnil); /* not correctable */ vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); /* function */ vs_push(null_string); /* continue-format-string */ vs_push(Cnil); if(num >= 1) vs_push(arg1); /* arguments */ if(num >= 2) vs_push(arg2); if(num >= 3) vs_push(arg3); if(num >= 4) vs_push(arg4); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string(s); /* error-format-string */ call_error_handler(); } FEwrong_type_argument(type, value) object type, value; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kwrong_type_argument); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(value); vs_push(type); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string("~S is not of type ~S."); call_error_handler(); } FEtoo_few_arguments(base, top) object *base, *top; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Ktoo_few_arguments); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(make_simple_string("~S [or a callee] requires more than ~R argument~:p.")); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(make_fixnum(top - base)); call_error_handler(); } FEtoo_few_argumentsF(args) object args; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Ktoo_few_arguments); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(args); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string("Too few arguments."); call_error_handler(); } FEtoo_many_arguments(base, top) object *base, *top; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Ktoo_many_arguments); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(make_simple_string("~S [or a callee] requires less than ~R argument~:p.")); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(make_fixnum(top - base)); call_error_handler(); } FEtoo_many_argumentsF(args) object args; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Ktoo_many_arguments); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(args); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string("Too many arguments."); call_error_handler(); } FEinvalid_macro_call() { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kinvalid_form); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(make_simple_string("Invalid macro call to ~S.")); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); call_error_handler(); } FEunexpected_keyword(key) object key; { if (!keywordp(key)) not_a_keyword(key); vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kunexpected_keyword); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(key); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string("~S does not allow the keyword ~S."); call_error_handler(); } FEinvalid_form(s, form) char *s; object form; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kinvalid_form); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(form); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string(s); call_error_handler(); } FEunbound_variable(sym) object sym; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kunbound_variable); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(sym); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string("The variable ~S is unbound."); call_error_handler(); } FEinvalid_variable(s, obj) char *s; object obj; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kinvalid_variable); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(obj); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string(s); call_error_handler(); } FEundefined_function(fname) object fname; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kundefined_function); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(fname); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string("The function ~S is undefined."); call_error_handler(); } FEinvalid_function(obj) object obj; { vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kinvalid_function); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(obj); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string("~S is invalid as a function."); call_error_handler(); } CEerror(err_str, cont_str, num, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) char *err_str, *cont_str; int num; object arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4; { object *old_base = vs_base; object *old_top = vs_top; vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kerror); /* :ERROR */ vs_push(Ct); /* correctable */ vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); /* function */ vs_push(make_simple_string(cont_str)); /* continue-format-string */ vs_push(Cnil); if(num >= 1) vs_push(arg1); /* arguments */ if(num >= 2) vs_push(arg2); if(num >= 3) vs_push(arg3); if(num >= 4) vs_push(arg4); vs_base[4] = make_simple_string(err_str); /* error-format-string */ call_error_handler(); vs_top = old_top; vs_base = old_base; } /* Lisp interface to IHS */ ihs_ptr get_ihs_ptr(x) object x; { ihs_ptr p; if (type_of(x) != t_fixnum) goto ILLEGAL; p = ihs_org + fix(x); if (ihs_org <= p && p <= ihs_top) return(p); ILLEGAL: FEerror("~S is an illegal ihs index.", 1, x); } siLihs_top() { check_arg(0); vs_push(make_fixnum(ihs_top - ihs_org)); } siLihs_fun() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = get_ihs_ptr(vs_base[0])->ihs_function; } siLihs_vs() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(get_ihs_ptr(vs_base[0])->ihs_base - vs_org); } frame_ptr get_frame_ptr(x) object(x); { frame_ptr p; if (type_of(x) != t_fixnum) goto ILLEGAL; p = frs_org + fix(x); if (frs_org <= p && p <= frs_top) return(p); ILLEGAL: FEerror("~S is an illegal frs index.", 1, x); } siLfrs_top() { check_arg(0); vs_push(make_fixnum(frs_top - frs_org)); } siLfrs_vs() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(get_frame_ptr(vs_base[0])->frs_lex - vs_org); } siLfrs_bds() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(get_frame_ptr(vs_base[0])->frs_bds_top - bds_org); } siLfrs_class() { enum fr_class c; check_arg(1); c = get_frame_ptr(vs_base[0])->frs_class; if (c == FRS_CATCH) vs_base[0] = Kcatch; else if (c == FRS_PROTECT) vs_base[0] = Kprotect; else if (c == FRS_CATCHALL) vs_base[0] = Kcatchall; else FEerror("Unknown frs class was detected.", 0); } siLfrs_tag() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = get_frame_ptr(vs_base[0])->frs_val; } siLfrs_ihs() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(get_frame_ptr(vs_base[0])->frs_ihs - ihs_org); } bds_ptr get_bds_ptr(x) object(x); { bds_ptr p; if (type_of(x) != t_fixnum) goto ILLEGAL; p = bds_org + fix(x); if (bds_org <= p && p <= bds_top) return(p); ILLEGAL: FEerror("~S is an illegal bds index.", 1, x); } siLbds_top() { check_arg(0); vs_push(make_fixnum(bds_top - bds_org)); } siLbds_var() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = get_bds_ptr(vs_base[0])->bds_sym; } siLbds_val() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = get_bds_ptr(vs_base[0])->bds_val; } object *get_vs_ptr(x) object(x); { object *p; if (type_of(x) != t_fixnum) goto ILLEGAL; p = vs_org + fix(x); if (vs_org <= p && p < vs_top) return(p); ILLEGAL: FEerror("~S is an illegal vs index.", 1, x); } siLvs_top() { object x; check_arg(0); /* shouldn't ref vs_top in a vs_push */ x = (make_fixnum(vs_top - vs_org)); vs_push(x); } siLvs() { check_arg(1); vs_base[0] = *get_vs_ptr(vs_base[0]); } siLsch_frs_base () { frame_ptr x; ihs_ptr y; check_arg(2); y = get_ihs_ptr(vs_base[1]); for (x = get_frame_ptr(vs_base[0]); x <= frs_top && x->frs_ihs < y; x++); if (x > frs_top) vs_base[0] = Cnil; else vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(x - frs_org); vs_top--; } siLinternal_super_go() { frame_ptr fr; check_arg(3); fr = frs_sch(vs_base[0]); if (fr == NULL) FEerror("The tag ~S is missing.", 1, vs_base[0]); if (vs_base[2] == Cnil) vs_base[0] = vs_base[1]; else vs_base[0] = MMcons(vs_base[0], vs_base[1]); vs_base++; vs_top = vs_base; unwind(fr,vs_base[-1]); } siLuniversal_error_handler() { int i; for (i = 0; i < vs_base[4]->st.st_fillp; i++) putchar(vs_base[4]->st.st_self[i]); printf("\nLisp initialization failed.\n"); exit(0); } check_arg_failed(n) int n; { object *base = vs_base, *top = vs_top; vs_base = vs_top; if (top - base < n) vs_push(Ktoo_few_arguments); else vs_push(Ktoo_many_arguments); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(null_string); if (top - base < n) vs_push(make_simple_string("~S [or a callee] requires ~R argument~:p,~%but only ~R ~:*~[were~;was~:;were~] supplied.")); else vs_push(make_simple_string("~S [or a callee] requires only ~R argument~:p,~%but ~R ~:*~[were~;was~:;were~] supplied.")); vs_push(ihs_top_function_name()); vs_push(make_fixnum(n)); vs_push(make_fixnum(top - base)); call_error_handler(); } too_few_arguments() { FEtoo_few_arguments(vs_base, vs_top); } too_many_arguments() { FEtoo_many_arguments(vs_base, vs_top); } ck_larg_at_least(n, x) int n; object x; { for(; n > 0; n--, x = x->c.c_cdr) if(endp(x)) FEerror("APPLY sended too few arguments to LAMBDA.", 0); } ck_larg_exactly(n, x) int n; object x; { for(; n > 0; n--, x = x->c.c_cdr) if(endp(x)) FEerror("APPLY sended too few arguments to LAMBDA.", 0); if(!endp(x)) FEerror("APPLY sended too many arguments to LAMBDA.", 0); } invalid_macro_call() { FEinvalid_macro_call(); } keyword_value_mismatch() { FEerror("Keywords and values do not match.", 0); } not_a_keyword(x) object x; { FEerror("~S is not a keyword.", 1, x); } unexpected_keyword(key) object key; { FEunexpected_keyword(key); } object wrong_type_argument(typ, obj) object typ, obj; { FEwrong_type_argument(typ, obj); /* no return */ } illegal_declare(form) { FEinvalid_form("~S is an illegal declaration form.", form); } not_a_symbol(obj) { FEinvalid_variable("~S is not a symbol.", obj); } not_a_variable(obj) { FEinvalid_variable("~S is not a variable.", obj); } illegal_index(x, i) object x, i; { FEerror("~S is an illegal index to ~S.", 2, i, x); } Lerror() { object *base = vs_base, *top = vs_top; if (top - base == 0) too_few_arguments(); vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kerror); vs_push(Cnil); vs_push( (ihs_top > ihs_org) ? ihs_function_name((ihs_top - 1)->ihs_function) : Cnil); vs_push(null_string); while (base < top) vs_push(*base++); call_error_handler(); } object LVerror(va_alist) va_dcl {va_list ap; va_start(ap); make_cfun(Lerror,Cnil,Cnil,0,0); fcalln_general(ap); va_end(ap); return Cnil; } Lcerror() { object *base = vs_base, *top = vs_top; if (top - base < 2) too_few_arguments(); vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Kerror); vs_push(Ct); vs_push(ihs_function_name((ihs_top - 1)->ihs_function)); while (base < top) vs_push(*base++); super_funcall(siSuniversal_error_handler); vs_base = vs_top; vs_push(Cnil); } int vfun_wrong_number_of_args(x) object x; {FEerror("Expected ~S args but received ~S args",2, x,make_fixnum(VFUN_NARGS)); } init_error() { make_function("ERROR", Lerror); make_function("CERROR", Lcerror); Kerror = make_keyword("ERROR"); Kwrong_type_argument = make_keyword("WRONG-TYPE-ARGUMENT"); Ktoo_few_arguments = make_keyword("TOO-FEW-ARGUMENTS"); Ktoo_many_arguments = make_keyword("TOO-MANY-ARGUMENTS"); Kunexpected_keyword = make_keyword("UNEXPECTED-KEYWORD"); Kinvalid_form = make_keyword("INVALID-FORM"); Kunbound_variable = make_keyword("UNBOUND-VARIABLE"); Kinvalid_variable = make_keyword("INVALID-VARIABLE"); Kundefined_function = make_keyword("UNDEFINED-FUNCTION"); Kinvalid_function = make_keyword("INVALID-FUNCTION"); make_si_function("IHS-TOP", siLihs_top); make_si_function("IHS-FUN", siLihs_fun); make_si_function("IHS-VS", siLihs_vs); Kcatch = make_keyword("CATCH"); Kprotect = make_keyword("PROTECT"); Kcatchall = make_keyword("CATCHALL"); make_si_function("FRS-TOP", siLfrs_top); make_si_function("FRS-VS", siLfrs_vs); make_si_function("FRS-BDS", siLfrs_bds); make_si_function("FRS-CLASS", siLfrs_class); make_si_function("FRS-TAG", siLfrs_tag); make_si_function("FRS-IHS", siLfrs_ihs); make_si_function("BDS-TOP", siLbds_top); make_si_function("BDS-VAR", siLbds_var); make_si_function("BDS-VAL", siLbds_val); make_si_function("VS-TOP", siLvs_top); make_si_function("VS", siLvs); make_si_function("SCH-FRS-BASE", siLsch_frs_base); make_si_function("INTERNAL-SUPER-GO", siLinternal_super_go); siSuniversal_error_handler = make_si_function("UNIVERSAL-ERROR-HANDLER", siLuniversal_error_handler); null_string = make_simple_string(""); enter_mark_origin(&null_string); siSterminal_interrupt = make_si_ordinary("TERMINAL-INTERRUPT"); enter_mark_origin(&siSterminal_interrupt); }
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