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/* ANSI C code generated by SmallEiffel. */ /* -- SmallEiffel -- Release (- 0.91) -- FRANCE -- Copyright (C), 1994 - Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN -- University Henri Poincare' - Nancy 1 - email -- CRIN (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy) -- FRANCE */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <limits.h> #include <float.h> typedef struct sT0 T0; struct sT0{int id;}; typedef struct sTstring Tstring; struct sTstring{int id;int _count;int _capacity;char *_storage;}; typedef struct sTarray Tarray; struct sTarray{int id;int _capacity;int _lower;int _upper;T0**_storage;}; T0 *se_new(int id); #define Tgeneral T1 #define generalId 1 #define integerId 2 #define characterId 3 #define booleanId 6 #define realId 4 #define doubleId 5 #define pointerId 8 #define expandedId 10 #define referenceId 11 #define linkId 12 #define featureTagId 13 #define nameId 14 #define columnId 15 #define lineId 16 #define pathId 17 #define doingWhatId 18 #define doingInvariantId 19 #define bitId 20 #define AF_REQ_1 #define AF_REQ_0 #define AF_ENS_1 #define AF_ENS_0 #define AF_INV_1 #define AF_INV_0 #define AF_LIV_1 #define AF_LIV_0 #define AF_CIV_1 #define AF_CIV_0 #define AF_1 AF_CIV_1 AF_LIV_1 AF_INV_1 AF_ENS_1 AF_REQ_1 #define AF_0 AF_CIV_0 AF_LIV_0 AF_INV_0 AF_ENS_0 AF_REQ_0 /*MEMORY*/typedef struct sT37 T37; /*FINDER*/typedef struct sT26 T26; /*POINTER_REF*/typedef struct sT35 T35; /*POINTER*/typedef void * T8; /*DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING]*/typedef struct sT48 T48; /*STD_ERROR*/typedef struct sT38 T38; /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/typedef struct sT49 T49; /*STD_FILE_READ*/typedef struct sT43 T43; /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/typedef struct sT34 T34; /*STRING*/typedef struct sTstring T7; /*BOOLEAN_REF*/typedef struct sT36 T36; /*BOOLEAN*/typedef int T6; /*INTEGER*/typedef int T2; /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/typedef struct sT44 T44; /*STD_OUTPUT*/typedef struct sT42 T42; /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/typedef struct sT50 T50; /*ARRAY[STRING]*/typedef struct sTarray T46; /*CHARACTER*/typedef char T3; /*MEMORY*/struct sT37{int dummy;}; /*POINTER*/ /*BOOLEAN*/ /*INTEGER*/ /*CHARACTER*/ /*FINDER*/struct sT26{int id;int dummy;}; /*POINTER_REF*/struct sT35{int id;void * _item;}; /*DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING]*/struct sT48{int id;T0* _keys;T0* _store;T0* _buckets;T0* _chain;int _free;int _modulus;int _has_mem;int _item_mem;int _count;}; /*STD_ERROR*/struct sT38{int id;void * _output_stream;}; /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/struct sT49{int id;int _upper;int* _storage;}; /*STD_FILE_READ*/struct sT43{int id;T0* _path;T0* _mode;void * _input_stream;char _last_character_memory;}; /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/struct sT34{int id;int _upper;T0** _storage;}; /*STRING*//*BOOLEAN_REF*/struct sT36{int id;int _item;}; /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/struct sT44{int id;int dummy;}; /*STD_OUTPUT*/struct sT42{int id;void * _output_stream;}; /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/struct sT50{int id;int _capacity;int _lower;int _upper;T2 *_storage;}; /*ARRAY[STRING]*/ /*FINDER*/T0* rT26get_environment_variable(/*C*/T0* a1); extern int ofBC27directory_separator; extern T3 oRBC27directory_separator; /*FINDER*/char rT26directory_separator(/*C*/void); /*FINDER*/void rT26die_with_code(/*C*/int a1); extern T0*oRBC27hlp_file_name; /*FINDER*/void rT26add_directory(/*C*/T0* a1,T0* a2); /*FINDER*/void rT26print_hlp(/*C*/T0* a1); extern T0*oRBC1command_arguments; extern T0*oRBC1std_error; extern T0*oRBC27small_eiffel; extern T0*oRBC1std_output; extern int ofBC27small_eiffel_directory; extern T0*oRBC27small_eiffel_directory; /*FINDER*/T0* rT26small_eiffel_directory(/*C*/void); /*FINDER*/T0* rT26argument(/*C*/int a1); /*FINDER*/int rT26file_exists(/*C*/T0* a1); /*DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING]*/void rT48resize(T48 *C,int a1); /*DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING]*/T0* rT48at(T48 *C,T0* a1); /*DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING]*/void rT48put(T48 *C,T0* a1,T0* a2); /*DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING]*/void rT48expand(T48 *C); /*DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING]*/int rT48has(T48 *C,T0* a1); /*DICTIONARY[STRING,STRING]*/void rT48make(T48 *C); /*STD_ERROR*/void rT38die_with_code(/*C*/int a1); /*STD_ERROR*/void rT38put_string(T38 *C,T0* a1); /*STD_ERROR*/void rT38put_character(T38 *C,char a1); /*STD_ERROR*/void rT38make(T38 *C); /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT49clear_all(T49 *C); /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT49set_all_with(T49 *C,int a1); /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/int rT49item(T49 *C,int a1); /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/int* rT49realloc(/*C*/int* a1,int a2); /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/int* rT49malloc(/*C*/int a1); /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT49put(T49 *C,int a1,int a2); /*FIXED_ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT49make(T49 *C,int a1); /*STD_FILE_READ*/int rT43feof(T43 *C,void * a1); /*STD_FILE_READ*/int rT43end_of_input(T43 *C); /*STD_FILE_READ*/int rT43is_connected(T43 *C); /*STD_FILE_READ*/void rT43disconnect(T43 *C); extern T0*oRBC43last_string; /*STD_FILE_READ*/char rT43last_character(T43 *C); /*STD_FILE_READ*/void rT43connect_to(T43 *C,T0* a1); /*STD_FILE_READ*/void rT43skip_separators(T43 *C); /*STD_FILE_READ*/void * rT43fopen(/*C*/T0* a1,T0* a2); /*STD_FILE_READ*/void rT43read_word(T43 *C); /*STD_FILE_READ*/void rT43read_line_in(T43 *C,T0* a1); /*STD_FILE_READ*/void rT43read_line(T43 *C); /*STD_FILE_READ*/void rT43read_character(T43 *C); /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT34clear_all(T34 *C); /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT34set_all_with(T34 *C,T0* a1); /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/T0* rT34item(T34 *C,int a1); /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/T0** rT34realloc(/*C*/T0** a1,int a2); /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/T0** rT34malloc(/*C*/int a1); /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT34put(T34 *C,T0* a1,int a2); /*FIXED_ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT34make(T34 *C,int a1); /*STRING*/T0* rT7twin(T7 *C); /*STRING*/int rT7hash_code(T7 *C); /*STRING*/void rT7extend(T7 *C,char a1); /*STRING*/void rT7to_upper(T7 *C); /*STRING*/int rT7has_suffix(T7 *C,T0* a1); /*STRING*/int rT7empty(T7 *C); /*STRING*/char rT7item(T7 *C,int a1); /*STRING*/int rT7is_equal(T7 *C,T0* a1); /*STRING*/void rT7append(T7 *C,T0* a1); /*STRING*/char rT7last(T7 *C); /*STRING*/void rT7put(T7 *C,char a1,int a2); /*STRING*/void rT7copy(T7 *C,T0* a1); /*STRING*/void rT7prepend(T7 *C,T0* a1); /*STRING*/void rT7to_lower(T7 *C); /*STRING*/void rT7make(T7 *C,int a1); /*STRING*/char * rT7to_external(T7 *C); /*BOOLEAN*/int rT6_ix111114(T6 C,int a1); /*BOOLEAN*/int rT6_px110111116(T6 C); /*INTEGER*/int rT2min(T2 C,int a1); /*INTEGER*/int rT2max(T2 C,int a1); /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/T0* rT44find_path_for(/*C*/T0* a1); /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/T0* rT44get_environment_variable(/*C*/T0* a1); /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/char rT44directory_separator(/*C*/void); /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/void rT44die_with_code(/*C*/int a1); extern int ofBC44loading_path; extern T0*oRBC44loading_path; /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/T0* rT44loading_path(/*C*/void); /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/void rT44open_read(/*C*/T0* a1,T0* a2); extern int ofBC44rename_dictionary; extern T0*oRBC44rename_dictionary; /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/T0* rT44rename_dictionary(/*C*/void); /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/void rT44append_loading_path_in(/*C*/T0* a1); extern T0*oRBC27tmp_file_read; /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/T0* rT44small_eiffel_directory(/*C*/void); /*SMALL_EIFFEL*/int rT44file_exists(/*C*/T0* a1); /*STD_OUTPUT*/void rT42die_with_code(/*C*/int a1); /*STD_OUTPUT*/void rT42put_string(T42 *C,T0* a1); /*STD_OUTPUT*/void rT42append_file(T42 *C,T0* a1); extern T0*oRBC39tmp_file_read; /*STD_OUTPUT*/void rT42put_character(T42 *C,char a1); /*STD_OUTPUT*/void rT42make(T42 *C); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT50clear_all(T50 *C); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/int rT50count(T50 *C); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT50set_all_with(T50 *C,int a1); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT50resize(T50 *C,int a1,int a2); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/int rT50item(T50 *C,int a1); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/int* rT50malloc(/*C*/int a1); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT50put(T50 *C,int a1,int a2); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT50standard_copy(T50 *C,T0* a1); /*ARRAY[INTEGER]*/void rT50make(T50 *C,int a1,int a2); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT46clear(T46 *C); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT46clear_all(T46 *C); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/int rT46count(T46 *C); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT46set_all_with(T46 *C,T0* a1); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT46resize(T46 *C,int a1,int a2); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/T0* rT46item(T46 *C,int a1); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/T0** rT46realloc(/*C*/T0** a1,int a2); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT46add_last(T46 *C,T0* a1); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/T0** rT46malloc(/*C*/int a1); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT46put(T46 *C,T0* a1,int a2); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT46standard_copy(T46 *C,T0* a1); /*ARRAY[STRING]*/void rT46make(T46 *C,int a1,int a2); /*CHARACTER*/char rT3to_upper(T3 C); /*CHARACTER*/int rT3is_digit(T3 C); /*CHARACTER*/int rT3is_letter(T3 C); /*CHARACTER*/int rT3is_separator(T3 C); /*CHARACTER*/char rT3to_lower(T3 C); extern int se_argc; extern char **se_argv; extern Tstring *ms3_26; extern Tstring *ms12_44; extern Tstring *ms11_44; extern Tstring *ms10_44; extern Tstring *ms9_44; extern Tstring *ms8_44; extern Tstring *ms7_44; extern Tstring *ms25_44; extern Tstring *ms24_44; extern Tstring *ms23_44; extern Tstring *ms22_44; extern Tstring *ms30_44; extern Tstring *ms29_44; extern Tstring *ms28_44; extern Tstring *ms27_44; extern Tstring *ms26_44; extern Tstring *ms20_44; extern Tstring *ms3_44; extern Tstring *ms4_44; extern Tstring *ms5_44; extern Tstring *ms8_27; extern Tstring *ms7_27; extern Tstring *ms2_44; extern Tstring *ms24_27; extern Tstring *ms21_44; extern Tstring *ms2_26; extern Tstring *ms1_43; extern Tstring *ms4_27; extern Tstring *ms3_27; extern Tstring *ms35_27; extern Tstring *ms2_27; extern Tstring *ms1_27; extern Tstring *ms124_27; extern Tstring *ms1_26; extern Tstring *ms2_39; void se_manifest_strings(void); char *s2e(Tstring *s); Tstring *e2s(char *e); T0 *ma(int aid,int eid,int argc,...); void rsp(void); void sigrsp(int sig); extern size_t s[]; extern Tstring * gt[]; extern Tstring * g[]; extern char * p[]; void se_sz_initialize(void);
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