
[View format.c] 


This SmallEiffel example shows how to use external C calls in SmallEiffel!

Compile it this way with SmallEiffel:

           > compile testformat make -o testformat format.c
			  or use the supplied Makefile.
You will get some warning messages during the C compilation:

---- warnings -------
testformat1.c: In function `rT28d2s':
testformat1.c:1771: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
testformat1.c: In function `rT28i2s':
testformat1.c:1886: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
testformat1.c: In function `rT28r2s':
testformat1.c:1926: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
testformat1.c: In function `rT28s2s':
testformat1.c:1951: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast  

These can be ignored!

- Needed files

       testformat.e - this is the main test file
		 format.e     - offers a new FORMAT class with C printf like formattings
		 format.c     - external C supplementary file for format.e
		 string.e     - an extended STRING class needed by format.e
		 Makefile     - just type 'make' to build the example

NOTE:  SmallEiffel v0.95 (remember releases count backwards, so v0.95 is
       newer than v0.97) has now also features "from_external" and some
		 advanced external pointer access routines. So the FORMAT class 
		 can be written absolutely different, than shown in this approach.
		 However, this example has been written under v0.97 and there
		 wheren't any of the newer advanced features available. So this
		 was for me the only way to show to pass C strings back to Eiffel.

Valentino Kyriakides

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