ftp.nice.ch/pub/next/developer/languages/cows/COWS.1.4.s.tar.gz#/COWS/COWS Table of Contents.rtf

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Copyright © 1994 by Sean Luke

Table of Contents
COWS Version 1.4
May 29, 1994


¨	COWS.  An example application to show off the COWS interpreter.  COWS contains a variety of libraries, including the entire standard suite.
¨	COWS2.  The identical application (though compiled under the name COWS2) to be used with COWS to show off Inter-Process Communication.
¨	Fred.  A special COWS-compliant version of Fred, an app currently available on archives.  Fred contains the Standard and Fred libraries (for a description of the Fred library, see Fred.rtf).
¨	Mac.  A COWS-compliant event macro recorder, which allows you to control non-COWS applications through COWS and NXEvents.  Pretty nifty.


¨	COWS.  Load this palette first.  COWS object libraries, the COWS interpreter, and supporting objects.
¨	COWS IB Connectors.  Only load this palette after loading the COWS palette.  An experimental palette which allows you to connect the COWS interpreter directly to multiple nib files and controls (buttons, sliders, etc.), to build simple applications with no Objective C code at all.  This palette just demonstrates what COWS can do, and could use a lot of improving.
¨	COWS Misc.  Only load this palette after loading the COWS palette.  An experimental palette of other interesting COWS libraries.


¨	COWS.  This subproject is the standard subproject to include in COWS-compliant applications, or any application that uses the COWS palette.
¨	COWS IB Connectors.  This subproject should be included in applications that use the COWS IB Connectors palette.
¨	COWS Misc.  This subproject should be included in applications that use the COWS Misc palette.

Nib Files

¨	Example.  A nib file containing a COWS version of the proverbial NeXT 
	temperature-conversion calculator.  To open this nib, you must have compiled and loaded the COWS and COWS IB Connectors palettes.

Main Directory
¨	COWS Introduction.  An introduction to the COWS system.  For developers and users.
¨	COWS Table of Contents.  This file.
¨	Setup.  What to do before you can start playing.

Docs/COWS Language Directory
 ¨	COWS Language Concepts.  An introduction to the COWS language.  Includes a description of basic data types, special forms, and the COWS Standard Function Library.  For users.
¨	COWS Library Description Files.  Descriptions of each standard COWS library.

Docs/Language Advanced Directory
¨	COWS Language Formal Specification.  Formal description of the language.  For those computer scientists amongst us.

Docs/COWS Interpreter Directory
¨	COWS Interpreter Tour.  An introduction to using and integrating the COWS interpreter into your application.
¨	COWS Protocols.  Description of the COWS Protocol suite, the set of rules that COWS objects must obey.
¨	COWS Interpreter Object Hierarchy Files.  Graphical layout of the current COWS system in Diagram! and PostScript.
¨	COWS Bugs.  Take a guess.

Docs/Interpreter Advanced Directory
¨	COWS Interpreter Driving System.  How the COWS Interpreter interprets and runs COWS programs (kinda).
¨	COWS Interpreter Parsing Grammar.  The parser the COWS Interpreter uses to load COWS programs prior to running them.

Apps Directory
¨	Fred.  A short description the new improved (and slower) Fred.  For developers and users.
¨	COWS and COWS2.  A short description of the COWS and COWS2 applications, demonstration applications for using COWS.
¨	Mac.  A short description of Mac, a utility program for controlling NeXT programs through the COWS IPC library.
¨	Sample Code Files.  Some COWS code to try out for each application.

Example Nibs Directory
¨	Example.  Explanation of the Example nib file.

Palettes Directory
¨	COWS Palette.  Explanation of the COWS Palette for Interface Builder.
¨	COWS IB Connectors Palette.  Explanation of the COWS IB Connectors Palette for Interface Builder.
¨	COWS Misc Palette.  Explanation of the COWS Misc Palette for Interface Builder.
¨	COWS Object Library.  Description of Guus Bloemsma's Object Library, which resides on the COWS Misc Palette.

Subprojects Directory
¨	Subprojects.  Description of the usage and placement of the COWS subprojects.

Old Source Directory
¨	Old Source.  Explanation of old COWS source that might work better than current source.

Other Files Directory
¨	Other Files.  Associated files used to create COWS or work with it.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.