
This is COWSStack.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	Copyright (C) 1994 Sean Luke

	Version 1.0
	Sean Luke

#import "COWSStack.h"
#import "COWSNode.h"
#import "COWSStateNode.h"
#import "COWSSymbolNode.h"
#import <stdio.h>

@implementation COWSStack

- init
	id returnval= [super init];
	return returnval;
- push:this
	[this setNext:current];
	[this setPrev:NULL];
	if (current!=NULL) [current setPrev:this];
	return current;
- pop
	id temp=current;
	if (temp!=NULL) 
		if ([temp next]!=NULL) [[temp next] setPrev:NULL];
		current=[current next];
		[temp setNext:NULL];
	return temp;
- top
	return current;
- _symbolHelper:pos		// private helper function for topSymbol
	if (pos==NULL)	return NULL;
	if (![pos isKindOf:[COWSNode class]]) 
		printf ("ERROR!  Something wrong with Stack!\n");
		return NULL;
	if ([pos isMemberOf:[COWSStateNode class]]) return NULL;
	if ([pos isMemberOf:[COWSSymbolNode class]]) return pos;
	return [self _symbolHelper:[pos next]];

- topSymbol
	return [self _symbolHelper:current];
- _stateHelper:pos		// private helper function for topState
	if (pos==NULL)	return NULL;
	if (![pos isKindOf:[COWSNode class]]) 
		printf ("ERROR!  Something wrong with Stack!\n");
		return NULL;
	if ([pos isMemberOf:[COWSStateNode class]]) return pos;
	return [self _stateHelper:[pos next]];

- topState
	return [self _stateHelper:current];
- clear
	while (current!=NULL)
		[[self pop] free];
	return self;
- (int) number
	int x=0;
	id temp=current;
	while (temp!=NULL)
		temp=[temp next];
	return x;

- free
	[self clear];
	return [super free];

- printContents
	id temp=current;
	while (temp!=NULL)
		[temp printContents];
		temp=[temp next];
	return self;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.