ftp.nice.ch/pub/next/developer/languages/cows/COWS.1.4.s.tar.gz#/COWS/Docs/The COWS Language/COWS System Library.rtf

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Copyright © 1994 by Sean Luke

System Library
COWS Version 1.4
May 29, 1994

The COWS System library provides some common NeXTSTEP system access functions.  This library is subject to change and is far from complete.  Right now,
it's meant just to provide some basic needs.

Library Functions

Items in [brackets] are optional.

beep			Performs a system beep.

user-name		Returns the user's login name.

ping				Pings the window server to force it to catch up on any
				graphics updates it's been slow on.

alert			Calls forth a standard NeXTSTEP alert panel, with title
				title, message message, and up to three buttons, in order
				from right to left.  Button 1, of course, has a return-arrow
				on it.  Returns "t" if  the user pressed button 1, "" if the
				user pressed button 2, "other" if the user pressed button 3,
				and "error" if some NeXTSTEP error occured which 
				prevented this function from completing.
	(alert  title message [button-1 [button-2 [button-3]]])

set-default		Sets a default value value in NeXT's default database,
				keyed by the key key.  This is not the same as the application's 
				default value collection.
	(set-default key value)

default			Returns the default value NeXT's default database
				keyed by the key key.  This is not the same as the application's 
				default value collection.
	(default key)

remove-default	Removes the default value NeXT's default database
				keyed by the key key.  This is not the same as the application's 
				default value collection.
	(remove-default key)

app-name		Returns the application's name.

language			Returns the users' preferred language.

time				Returns the current time in the format
				Sun May 29 16:21:33 MDT 1994.

sleep			Sleeps roughly value microseconds.  Note that this function
				uses UNIX signals and so should not be used within a multi-
				threaded application.
	(sleep value)

execute			Executes the UNIX program given by the full path filename.
	(execute filename)

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.